Paula Radcliffe

Image of Paula Radcliffe
I don't like going away from my children.
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
Running gives me a lot of pleasure. It's something I'll always do, as long as I can.
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I never plan to run at a certain pace. All my career my motto has been 'no limits.' I don't try to run with a set time in mind, sticking to set splits, because what happens if you're ahead of your splits - are you going to slow down?
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I've no desire to do one of those 50-mile races like the Comrades or anything like that.
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I prefer to be in tune with my surroundings and to be aware of things. I like listening to my foot strike and my breathing. It can be quite soothing.
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
When you get close to race day, there's that anticipation and excitement - it's the same whatever level you're running at because the marathon is like a festival.
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
People are lying when they say that their record being broken is good for the development of the event. I would like mine to remain as long as possible, please.
- Paula Radcliffe
Image of Paula Radcliffe
Today was not about times, it was about getting in there, enjoying the race, and enjoying the atmosphere
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Running
Image of Paula Radcliffe
Go in any direction..seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Running
Image of Paula Radcliffe
You can't become a winner overnight, or even in a couple of years-it takes time... You will lose races and you will have to accept that, learn from it and believe that you'll win the next one, knowing that you'll probably lose that as well. All the time you have to keep believing that one day you will win.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Running
Image of Paula Radcliffe
As an athlete, there are advantages being with a team and getting regular physio...
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Team
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I start planning then that's dangerous because then I have a target that I'm blinkered towards and I won't listen to the warning signs quite so much. I'd rather be in shape and then look around and say there's a race next week and jump into that than have it planned.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Race
Image of Paula Radcliffe
Doing the long endurance stuff seems to have given me the strength to sustain the speed. I think my body is just a lot stronger (thanks to the marathon)... By increasing the long runs, I found that does not take anything away from the speed but increases the strength on the track.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Running
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I've always been good at putting things behind me–I fall apart, do my crying bit, and then put it away and move on.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Moving
Image of Paula Radcliffe
The cheats always have a way of justifying their behaviour - everyone else is getting away with it, so why shouldn't I? But because they're so reliant on the drugs - and the drugs are not always perfect, you're not guaranteed to peak at a big event - they don't have the confidence to look in the mirror and know that they can go out and give their best. If you're clean and you've prepared well for a race, that's where you have an edge.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Giving
Image of Paula Radcliffe
It's good to be back, feeling like myself and enjoying it.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Feelings
Image of Paula Radcliffe
A half marathon is a good way to have a bit of fun and race against those girls and learn a bit more about them.The world half marathon is a world championship at the end of the day and it's important. I've win it twice and it's a quality event.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Girl
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I was glad I did a year abroad, because it helped me as an athlete and as a person. That took me out of my comfort zone. Watching the French athletes train in the Pyrenees made me realise what I had to do to become a top athlete.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Athlete
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I felt totally myself, nothing like the emptiness and horrible feeling I had then [pulling out the Olympics] - no dizziness.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Feelings
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I don't really have an explanation. I'm struggling myself to comprehend what has happened and find a reason for it.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Struggle
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I was thinking back to all the time in the gym, working hard, and that spurred me on [winning New York marathon just ten months after giving birth
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: New York
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I think your body is just a little bit stronger after pregnancy.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I deliberately returned slowly to training after Raphael was born and everything, apart from being bitten by a dog while out training in Monaco at the beginning of the year, has gone pretty well.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Dog
Image of Paula Radcliffe
The Olympics is not a race I want to watch on television and think 'I wonder what I could have done if I was there?
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paula Radcliffe
I used to say that the newspapers were tomorrow's fish and chip paper, but I didn't really mean it; I could still be hurt by what they said. After Athens, I just didn't care.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Hurt
Image of Paula Radcliffe
We, as athletes, have our suspicions about who's cheating, but I'm not convinced that the testing has yet caught up with what people are using or what they are using to disguise it.
- Paula Radcliffe
Collection: Cheating