Patricia Wentworth

Image of Patricia Wentworth
One cannot withdraw from the life of the community. Injury to one member of it cannot fail to be the concern of all.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Community
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Anyone who pretends not to be interested in money is either a fool or a knave.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Money
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Things you can't understand are always the hardest to bear. To know why is the first step to consolation.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Firsts
Image of Patricia Wentworth
there are virtues which are very well in the abstract, but which, encountered in the flesh, can be a source of extreme irritation.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Irritation
Image of Patricia Wentworth
It is the man who is sure of himself who disregards the opinion of the world. To be sure is to have power.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Confidence
Image of Patricia Wentworth
The fact is, people who don't have any misfortunes are very irritating to their neighbours. No opportunities for popping in with condolences and new-laid eggs. No visits to the afflicted. No opportunities for the milk of human kindness to flow. Naturally it doesn't.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Kindness
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Take things as they come. Take things as they are. What does it matter? There's one end to everything.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Doe
Image of Patricia Wentworth
I used to do miserably in English literature, which I thought was a sign of moral turpitude. As I look back on it, I think it was rather to my credit. The notion of actually putting writers' words into other words is quite ridiculous because why bother if writers mean what they mean, and if they don't, why read them? There is, I suppose, a case for studying literary works in depth, but I don't quite know what 'in depth' means unless you read a paragraph over and over again.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Education
Image of Patricia Wentworth
it isn't good tactics to ask for something that you know will be refused.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Tactics
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Most of the things one worries about never happen.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Worry
Image of Patricia Wentworth
It is always better to say too little than too much.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Talking
Image of Patricia Wentworth
When you've just made the most complete fool of yourself, you feel the need of a specially high horse to ride.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Horse
Image of Patricia Wentworth
There is a country proverb which says, 'If you don't trouble trouble - trouble won't trouble you.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Country
Image of Patricia Wentworth
if you cannot get what you want, common sense suggests that you should put your mind to wanting what you can get.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Ambition
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Husbands and wives quarrel a lot more than anyone thinks, and it's oftener about little things than big ones.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Husband
Image of Patricia Wentworth
When there is too much to say it is easier to say nothing at all.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Talking
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Once a suggestion has entered the general atmosphere of human thought, it is very difficult to neutralise it.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Ideas
Image of Patricia Wentworth
happy people have got something to give to the world.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Happiness
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Any road is bound to arrive somewhere if you follow it far enough
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Enough
Image of Patricia Wentworth
A lie that is half a truth is ever the hardest to fight.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Lying
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Nobody likes to be accused of a virtue.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Likes
Image of Patricia Wentworth
The fact is, for most of us, what happens to ourselves is so much more important than what happens to other people that the smallest mote in our own eye will prevent us from being unduly harrowed by someone else's beam.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Eye
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Emotion which you do not share can become intolerable.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Emotion
Image of Patricia Wentworth
You cannot divide minds into sexes. Each human being presents an individual problem.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Sex
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Money's a very serious thing - especially when you haven't got any.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Money
Image of Patricia Wentworth
It's surprising how soon you can get used to having money. It's much easier than getting used to not having it.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Money
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Too much information can be as disconcerting as too little.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Littles
Image of Patricia Wentworth
... the things that happened in your body were never as bad as the things that happened in your mind.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Mind
Image of Patricia Wentworth
There's a general consensus of opinion that people in love are apt to look silly -- except to each other.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Silly
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Love and a cold cannot be hid. It is, I believe, a Spanish proverb.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Believe
Image of Patricia Wentworth
A good many established writers seem to have the feeling that some day they are going to be found out, revealed as frauds.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Feelings
Image of Patricia Wentworth
when married people begin to talk about their rights, it means something has gone pretty far wrong between them.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Mean
Image of Patricia Wentworth
I do not approve of children being beaten. It is always a confession of failure.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Children
Image of Patricia Wentworth
The most trying moments in human experience were those in which there was nothing to be done except to wait.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Waiting
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Anger was both a disfiguring and a revealing passion.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Anger
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Mary Stuart wrote, 'My end is in my beginning.' It is easier to agree with her than to decide what is the beginning, and what is the end.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Easier
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Children want one thing at a time, and want that one thing passionately.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Children
Image of Patricia Wentworth
My dear father always said that when everybody had a telephone nobody would have any manners, because there wouldn't be time for them. And of course he was perfectly right.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Father
Image of Patricia Wentworth
Being in a rage was rather like being out in a thunderstorm - you couldn't hear yourself think.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Anger
Image of Patricia Wentworth
You can't do such a lot and do it all so well and have much time left for the ordinary human feelings.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Perfection
Image of Patricia Wentworth
There is and always has been for me a peculiar need to write. This is very different from wanting to be a writer. To be a writer always seemed something so far removed from my talents and abilities and imaginings that it didn't afflict me at all as a notion when I was young. But I was always conscious that I wanted to write.
- Patricia Wentworth
Collection: Writing