
Image of Ouida
Fame has only the span of the day, they say. But to live in the hearts of people-that is worth something.
- Ouida
Collection: Heart
Image of Ouida
A little scandal is an excellent thing; nobody is ever brighter or happier of tongue than when he is making mischief of his neighbors.
- Ouida
Collection: Littles
Image of Ouida
Scandals are like dandelion seeds--they are arrow-headed, and stick where they fall, and bring forth and multiply fourfold.
- Ouida
Collection: Fall
Image of Ouida
The loss of our illusions is the only loss from which we never recover.
- Ouida
Collection: Loss
Image of Ouida
If all feeling for grace and beauty were not extinguished in the mass of mankind at the actual moment, such a method of locomotion as cycling could never have found acceptance; no man or woman with the slightest aesthetic sense could assume the ludicrous position necessary for it.
- Ouida
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Ouida
Great men always have dogs.
- Ouida
Collection: Dog
Image of Ouida
Friendship is usually treated...as a tough...thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment. But this is an exceedingly great and foolish error; it may die in an hour of a single unwise word.
- Ouida
Collection: Friendship
Image of Ouida
The song that we hear with our ears is only the song that is sung in our hearts.
- Ouida
Collection: Love
Image of Ouida
In a few generations more, there will probably be no room at all allowed for animals on the earth: no need of them, no toleration of them. An immense agony will have then ceased, but with it there will also have passed away the last smile of the world's youth.
- Ouida
Collection: Death
Image of Ouida
Woman's fatal weakness is to desire sympathy and comprehension. --"Wanda
- Ouida
Collection: Desire
Image of Ouida
The fire of true enthusiasm is like the fires of Baku, which no water can ever quench, and which burn steadily on from night to day, and year to year, because their well-spring is eternal.
- Ouida
Collection: Spring
Image of Ouida
Excess always carries its own retribution.
- Ouida
Collection: Excess
Image of Ouida
Fame! it is the flower of a day, that dies when the next sun rises.
- Ouida
Collection: Flower
Image of Ouida
The heart of silver falls ever into the hands of brass. The sensitive herb is eaten as grass by the swine.
- Ouida
Collection: Fall
Image of Ouida
Charity is a flower not naturally of earthly growth, and it needs manuring with a promise of profit.
- Ouida
Collection: Flower
Image of Ouida
I have known men who have been sold and bought a hundred times, who have only got very fat and very comfortable in the process of exchange.
- Ouida
Collection: Men
Image of Ouida
Woman already controls by not seeming to do so. Talk no more of her rights.
- Ouida
Collection: Rights
Image of Ouida
It is a kind of blindness--poverty. We can only grope through life when we are poor, hitting and maiming ourselves against every angle.
- Ouida
Collection: Poverty
Image of Ouida
The joy of a strong nature is as cloudless as its suffering is desolate.
- Ouida
Collection: Strong
Image of Ouida
Youth without faith is a day without sun.
- Ouida
Collection: Faith
Image of Ouida
Genius cannot escape the taint of its time more than a child the influence of its begetting.
- Ouida
Collection: Children
Image of Ouida
Christianity has ever been the enemy of human love.
- Ouida
Collection: Enemy
Image of Ouida
A man may be a great statesman, and yet dislike his wife, and like somebody else's. A man may be a great hero, and yet he may have an unseemly passion, or an unpaid tailor. But the British public does not understand this. ... It thinks, unhappily or happily as you may choose to consider, that genius should keep the whole ten commandments. Now, genius is conspicuous for breaking them.
- Ouida
Collection: Hero
Image of Ouida
Opposition to a man in love is like oil to fire.
- Ouida
Collection: Love
Image of Ouida
The art of pleasing is more based on the art of seeming pleased than people think of, and she disarmed the prejudices of her enemies by the unaffected delight she appeared to take in themselves.
- Ouida
Collection: Art
Image of Ouida
Power is sweet, and when you are a little clerk you love its sweetness quite as much as if you were an emperor, and maybe you love it a good deal more.
- Ouida
Collection: Sweet
Image of Ouida
Most crimes are sanctioned in some form or other when they take grand names.
- Ouida
Collection: Names
Image of Ouida
Friendship needs to be rooted in respect, but love can live upon itself alone
- Ouida
Collection: Friendship
Image of Ouida
A great love is an absolute isolation and an absolute absorption.
- Ouida
Collection: Love
Image of Ouida
nothing is so pleasant ... as to display your worldly wisdom in epigram and dissertation, but it is a trifle tedious to hear another person display theirs.
- Ouida
Collection: Wit
Image of Ouida
Dishonor is like the Aaron's Beard in the hedgerows; it can only poison if it be plucked.
- Ouida
Collection: Poison
Image of Ouida
[On Christianity:] Its lip-service and its empty rites have made it the easiest of all tasks for the usurer to cloak his cruelties, the miser to hide his avarice, the lawyer to condone his lies, the sinner of all social sins to purchase the social immunity from them by outward deference to churches.
- Ouida
Collection: Lying
Image of Ouida
The scorn of genius is the most arrogant and the most boundless of all scorn.
- Ouida
Collection: Genius
Image of Ouida
Music is not a science any more than poetry is. It is a sublime instinct, like genius of all kinds.
- Ouida
Collection: Music
Image of Ouida
Sport inevitably creates deadness of feeling. No one could take pleasure in it who was sensitive to suffering; and therefore its pursuit by women is much more to be regretted than its pursuit by men, because women pursue much more violently and recklessly what they pursue at all.
- Ouida
Collection: Sports
Image of Ouida
Count art by gold, and it fetters the feet it once winged.
- Ouida
Collection: Art
Image of Ouida
It is only to those who have never lived that death ever can seems beautiful.
- Ouida
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Ouida
What is failure except feebleness? And what is it to miss one's mark except to aim widely and weakly?
- Ouida
Collection: Failure
Image of Ouida
I have met a thousand scamps; but I never met one who considered himself so. Self-knowledge isn't so common.
- Ouida
Collection: Self
Image of Ouida
Humiliation is a guest that only comes to those who have made ready his resting-place, and will give him a fair welcome. ... no one can disgrace you save yourself.
- Ouida
Collection: Giving
Image of Ouida
When passion and habit long lie in company it is only slowly and with incredulity that habit awakens to finds its companion fled, itself alone.
- Ouida
Collection: Lying
Image of Ouida
Talent wears well, genius wears itself out; talent drives a snug brougham in fact; genius, a sun-chariot in fancy.
- Ouida
Collection: Science
Image of Ouida
There is nothing that you may not get people to believe in if you will only tell it them loud enough and often enough, till the welkin rings with it.
- Ouida
Collection: Believe
Image of Ouida
Christianity is a formula: it is nothing more.
- Ouida
Collection: Christianity
Image of Ouida
Christianity ... has produced the iniquities of the Inquisition, the egotism and celibacy of the monasteries, the fury of religious wars, the ferocity of the Hussite, of the Catholic, of the Puritan, of the Spaniard, of the Irish Orangeman and of the Irish Papist; it has divided families, alienated friends, lighted the torch of civil war, and borne the virgin and the greybeard to the burning pile, broken delicate limbs upon the wheel and wrung the souls and bodies of innocent creatures on the rack; all this it has done, and done in the name of God.
- Ouida
Collection: Religious
Image of Ouida
Fancy tortures more people than does reality
- Ouida
Collection: Reality
Image of Ouida
In its permission to man to render subject to him all other living creatures of the earth, it continued the cruelty of the barbarian and the pagan, and endowed these with what appeared a divine authority.
- Ouida
Collection: Men
Image of Ouida
Christianity has ever been the enemy of human love; it has forever cursed and expelled and crucified the one passion which sweetens and smiles on human life, which makes the desert blossom as the rose, and which glorifies the common things and common ways of earth. It made of this, the angel of life, a shape of sin and darkness ... Even in the unions which it reluctantly permitted, it degraded and dwarfed the passion which it could not entirely exclude, and permitted it coarsely to exist for the mere necessity of procreation.
- Ouida
Collection: Angel