Omar Khayyam

Image of Omar Khayyam
The moving finger writes, and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit, can cancel half a line of it.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Moving
Image of Omar Khayyam
You know, my friends, with what a brave carouse I made a Second Marriage in my house; favored old barren reason from my bed, and took the daughter of the vine to spouse.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Marriage
Image of Omar Khayyam
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Happiness
Image of Omar Khayyam
The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes - or it prospers; and anon, Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face, Lighting a little hour or two - is gone.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Hope
Image of Omar Khayyam
Myself when young did eagerly frequent doctor and saint, and heard great argument about it and about: but evermore came out by the same door as in I went.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Great
Image of Omar Khayyam
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
The thoughtful soul to solitude retires.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
Drink! for you know not whence you came nor why: drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
The Flower that once has blown forever dies.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
There was a door to which I found no key: There was the veil through which I might not see.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
When I want to understand what is happening today or try to decide what will happen tomorrow, I look back.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
A hair divides what is false and true.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
Living Life Tomorrow's fate, though thou be wise, Thou canst not tell nor yet surmise; Pass, therefore, not today in vain, For it will never come again.
- Omar Khayyam
Image of Omar Khayyam
Dead yesterdays and unborn tomorrows, why fret about it, if today be sweet.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Sweet
Image of Omar Khayyam
As far as you can avoid it, do not give grief to anyone. Never inflict your rage on another. If you hope for eternal rest, feel the pain yourself; but don’t hurt others.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Hurt
Image of Omar Khayyam
To be free of belief and unbelief is my religion.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Belief
Image of Omar Khayyam
Drink wine. This is life eternal. This is all that youth will give you. It is the season for wine, roses and drunken friends. Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Wine
Image of Omar Khayyam
Give me a flagon of red wine, a book of verses, a loaf of bread, and a little idleness. If with such store I might sit by thy dear side in some lonely place, I should deem myself happier than a king in his kingdom.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Lonely
Image of Omar Khayyam
My friend, let's not think of tomorrow, but let's enjoy this fleeting moment of life.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Love
Image of Omar Khayyam
The value of three things is justly appreciated by all classes of men: youth, by the old; health, by the diseased; and wealth, by the needy.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Omar Khayyam
Justice is the soul of the universe.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Justice
Image of Omar Khayyam
The secret must be kept from all non-people. The mystery must be hidden from all idiots.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: People
Image of Omar Khayyam
If I don't enjoy myself now, when shall I?
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Enjoy
Image of Omar Khayyam
We are in truth but pieces on this chess board of life, which in the end we leave, only to drop one by one into the grave of nothingness.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Chess
Image of Omar Khayyam
Hearts are like tapers, which at beauteous eyes Kindle a flame of love that never dies; And beauty is a flame, where hearts, like moths, Offer themselves a burning sacrifice.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Love
Image of Omar Khayyam
In monasteries, seminaries, retreats and synagogues, they fear hell and seek paradise. Those who know the mysteries of God never let that seed be planted in their souls.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Soul
Image of Omar Khayyam
He who has one enemy shall meet him everywhere.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Friendship
Image of Omar Khayyam
Oh! My beloved! fill the cup, that clears to-day of past regrets and future fears.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Regret
Image of Omar Khayyam
Heaven but the vision of fulfilled desire, and Hell the shadow from a soul on fire.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Fire
Image of Omar Khayyam
Fools, your reward is neither here nor there.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Atheism
Image of Omar Khayyam
The rose that once has bloomed forever dies.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Rose
Image of Omar Khayyam
I hide my grief, just like the blessed birds hide themselves when they are preparing to die, my love.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Grief
Image of Omar Khayyam
We are thinking about bad only those who are worse than we are, and those who are better than us ... I'm just not up to us ... One does not follow it than smell roses. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. Give bread to one - will remember forever. Another life donation - do not understand.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Thinking
Image of Omar Khayyam
You've seen the world, and all you've seen is nothing; and everything, as well, that you have said and heard is nothing. You've sprinted everywhere between here and the horizon; it is nothing. And all the possessions you've treasured up at home are nothing.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Home
Image of Omar Khayyam
So I be written in the Book of Love. I do not care about that Book Above. Erase my name, or write it as you will. So I be written in the Book of Love.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Book
Image of Omar Khayyam
Drink! for you know not when you came, nor why; Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Drinking
Image of Omar Khayyam
Why ponder thus the future to foresee, and jade thy brain to vain perplexity? Cast off thy care, leave Allah’s plans to him – He formed them all without consulting thee.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Brain
Image of Omar Khayyam
The unbeliever knows his Koran best.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Knows