Nelson Mandela

Image of Nelson Mandela
There is nothing to popularize a person. Only humility, which is the ability to remain in the background and to put others in the front light.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Humility
Image of Nelson Mandela
I found solitary confinement the most forbidding aspect of prison life. There is no end and no beginning; there is only one's mind, which can begin to play tricks. Was that a dream or did it really happen? One begins to question everything.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Dream
Image of Nelson Mandela
Leaders will have to give clear and decisive leadership towards a world of tolerance and respect for difference, and an uncompromising commitment to peaceful solutions of conflicts and disputes.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Commitment
Image of Nelson Mandela
Who could doubt that sport is a crucial window for the propagation of fair play and justice? After all, fair play is a value that is essential to sport.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Sports
Image of Nelson Mandela
Although Verwoerd thought Africans were lower than animals, his death did not yield us any pleasure. Political assassination is not something I or the ANC ever supported. It is a primitive way of contending with an opponent
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Animal
Image of Nelson Mandela
The time will come when our nation will honour the memory of all the sons, the daughters, the mothers, the fathers, the youth and the children who, by their thoughts and deeds, gave us the right to assert with pride that we are South Africans, that we are Africans, and that we are citizens of the world.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nelson Mandela
The virtue and the strength of UWC is that it provides small, but powerful cells of innovation, catalysts for change, breaking barriers of habit and opening broader vistas of experience for both pupils and educationalists.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Powerful
Image of Nelson Mandela
We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity — a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Heart
Image of Nelson Mandela
The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two choices - submit or fight. That time has now come to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defence of our people, our future, and our freedom
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Mean
Image of Nelson Mandela
Freedom would be meaningless without security in the home and in the streets.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Nelson Mandela
I dust [your photo] carefully every morning, for to do so gives me the pleasant feeling that I'm caressing you as in the old days. I even touch your nose with mine to recapture the electric current that used to flush through my blood whenever I did so.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Morning
Image of Nelson Mandela
Politics can be strengthened by music, but music has a potency that defies politics.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Potency
Image of Nelson Mandela
We understand and promote the notion that while children need to be guided they also have an entrenched right to be whatever they want to be and that they can achieve this only if they are given the space to dream and live out their dreams.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Dream
Image of Nelson Mandela
How can I be expected to believe that this same racial discrimination which has been the cause of so much injustice and suffering right through the years, should now operate here to give me a fair and open trial?....consider myself neither morally nor legally obliged to obey laws made by a Parliament in which I am not represented. That the will of the people is the basis of the authority of government, is a principle universally acknowledged as sacred throughout the civilized world.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Believe
Image of Nelson Mandela
I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses. We must never forget that it is our duty to protect this environment.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Dream
Image of Nelson Mandela
History will surely judge us harshly if we do not respond with all the energy and resources that we can bring to bear in the fight against HIV/AIDS
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nelson Mandela
We need a fundamental change of mindset with regards to the way we speak and behave about sex and sexuality. Boys and men have a particularly critical role in this regard, changing the chauvinist and demeaning ways sexuality and women were traditionally dealt with in both our actions and speaking.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Sex
Image of Nelson Mandela
Quitting is leading too.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Nelson Mandela
We should never forget those on whose shoulders we stand and those who paid the supreme price for freedom.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Never Forget
Image of Nelson Mandela
The death sentence is a barbaric act . . . It is a reflection of the animal instinct still in human beings.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Animal
Image of Nelson Mandela
Hating clouds the mind. It gets in the way of strategy. Leaders cannot afford to hate
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Nelson Mandela
Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression... Our endeavors must be about the liberation of the woman, the emancipation of the man and the liberty of the child.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Children
Image of Nelson Mandela
I never think of the time I have lost. I just carry out a programme because it's there. It's mapped out for me.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nelson Mandela
I was able to change my life by knowing that if somebody does something good for you, you have to respond.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Knowing
Image of Nelson Mandela
Israel should withdraw from all the areas which it won from the Arabs in 1967, and in particular Israel should withdraw completely from the Golan Heights, from south Lebanon and from the West Bank.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Israel
Image of Nelson Mandela
The question of crime is one of concern to everybody. But the position is that the security forces in our country for the last four decades did not concentrate on suppressing crime. Their main objective was to suppress, to crush political activity. And in the process, crime grew to unacceptable proportions. And criminals were able to form powerful syndicates, and they virtually took over the control of the life of the community in certain areas.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Crush
Image of Nelson Mandela
A free press is one of the pillars of democracy.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Democracy
Image of Nelson Mandela
We have introduced a rule of law. That never existed for centuries in this country [South Africa], especially under the apartheid regime, when the law was reduced into disrepute.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Country
Image of Nelson Mandela
We have laid the foundation for a better life. Things that were unimaginable a few years ago have become everyday reality. I belong to the generation of leaders for whom the achievement of democracy was the defining challenge.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Reality
Image of Nelson Mandela
I knew we could improve our lives even in jail. We could come out as different men, and we could even come out with two degrees. Educating ourselves was a way to give ourselves the most powerful weapon for freedom.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Powerful
Image of Nelson Mandela
South Africans have no concept of time and this is also why we can't solve poverty and social problems… It's now 10 years since the fall of the Apartheid government and we cannot blame Apartheid for being tardy.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Fall
Image of Nelson Mandela
Together as a nation, we have the obligation to put sunshine into the hearts of our little ones. They are our precious possessions. They deserve what happiness life can offer.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Nelson Mandela
South Africa is the most beautiful place on earth. Admittedly, I am biased but when you combine the natural beauty... and the fact that the region is a haven for Africa's most splendid wildlife... Then I think that we have been blessed with a truly wonderful land.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Nelson Mandela
The question of education has nothing to do with the question of the vote. On numerous occasions it has been proved in history that people can enjoy the vote even if they have no education.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: People
Image of Nelson Mandela
To deny people of their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. To impose on them a wretched life of huger and deprivation is to dehumanize them. But such has been the terrible fate of all black persons in our country under the system of apartheid.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Nelson Mandela
As long as many of our people still live in utter poverty, as long as children still live under plastic covers, as long as many of our people are still without jobs, no South African should rest and wallow in the joy of freedom.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nelson Mandela
It is the dictate of history to bring to the fore the kind of leaders who seize the moment, who cohere the wishes and aspirations of the oppressed. Such was Steve Biko, a fitting product of his time; a proud representative of the re-awakening of a people.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: People
Image of Nelson Mandela
Jinnah is a constant source of inspiration for all those who are fighting against racial and group discrimination.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Nelson Mandela
The Commonwealth makes the world safe for diversity
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Diversity
Image of Nelson Mandela
Where people of goodwill get together and transcend their differences for the common good, peaceful and just solutions can be found even for those problems which seem most intractable.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Differences
Image of Nelson Mandela
There is nothing more dangerous than a humiliated man.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Men
Image of Nelson Mandela
Blaming things on the past does not make them better.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Past
Image of Nelson Mandela
Thinking is one of the most important weapons in dealing with problems
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nelson Mandela
When we dehumanise and demonise our opponents, we abandon the possibility of peacefully resolving our differences, and seek to justify violence against them.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Differences
Image of Nelson Mandela
Tread softly, Brathe peacefully, Laugh hysterically.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Nelson Mandela
Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Men
Image of Nelson Mandela
The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Children