Neil Patrick Harris

Image of Neil Patrick Harris
We're in such a volatile climate right now politically. I think they didn't want Assassins to not succeed due to popular opinion and politics, versus on its own merits. I can respect that.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
When I auditioned for the show, I didn't realize it was an MTV production, which is going to make for really good tunes during the episodes, if nothing else.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I love Buster Keaton. I was a big fan of the stunt shows at Universal Studios. I'm a huge Cirque du Soleil nut.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
Whether it's a double take or a spit take or an extra-long pause before a reaction or a line, I try to be as cognizant as possible about the technical end of it. So I think the physical stuff works easier for me than maybe for others who are more just going on instinct.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I don't know, on a sitcom, and in theatre especially, you have to really be listening to an audience. And if you're losing them, you can hear the sniffs, and the playbills shuffling and whatnot.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I'm a very lucky man in this chapter of my professional life, 'cause I get to do jobs with wildly different skill sets.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I always thought filet mignon was the steak to beat, but the fat content in a rib eye is fantastic.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
In my 20s, I mostly ate burritos and nachos, with the occasional burger.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I feel like I know where I'm going. And I like where I'm going.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
The Tonys are the once-a-year shot for all of these shows and artists who work so diligently every single performance but only for a thousand or so people at a time. This gives them the opportunity to perform to millions of people.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
When you call someone and ask them to do something they've never done before, in different mediums I think they would be inclined to pass because they're afraid of the risk. But the creative people who populate the theater world love the challenge of new things.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
The theater is reaching as many different demographics as it can now.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I enjoy darker sardonic wit more than knock-knock jokes. I spent the first healthy chunk of my career playing all-American, pleasant, average, nice people, so it's fun to have some complications there.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I'm probably my biggest critic. I worry that if you spend any quality time reveling in good things then karma will slap you upside the head, so I try to stay as even keel as I'm able.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
As an actor, you most often play relatively average parts, so to get to play extreme versions of anything, those are the most exciting parts.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I get to choose things that interest me as opposed to trying to get any job that will have me, which for a vast majority of actors is the case.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
Jim Henson was the only piece of fan mail I ever wrote when I was a little kid.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I collect puppet stuff. I have a puppet workshop in my garage. I was looking for any opportunity to be able to get very creatively involved in that world.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I'm a nerdy, geeky fan of' Labyrinth' and 'Dark Crystal'.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I've gotten to hang out with Elmo, I'm the Fairy Shoeperson on 'Sesame Street'. So hopefully our kids will get to see and hear me as much as they're able.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I do a lot of books on tape for Beverly Cleary, and another 'Smurfs' shout-out for that demographic.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I remember thinking that the rest of my life would be solo. I wasn't weepy when I thought that - it was just a realization that I had gone this long being self-sufficient.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
What defines a relationship is the work that's involved to maintain it, and it's constantly changing.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I enjoy being a hyphenate. I've always thought of my career as a plate spinner in the circus.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
A cardio-funk class - I should have at least taken one of those. But it's always terrified me. I'm never one to be a dancer on the dance floor, even at a bar or a club.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
There is just a lot of creativity and theatricality in performers who happen to be gay. Maybe there's a success in numbers, so by the law of averages we are going to get these jobs.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
The TV schedule is fantastic. It allows you to have a life. Theater actors are so disciplined - especially if you're doing musicals, you have to be in shape physically, mentally, and have to be on your game all the time. That's exhausting. On TV, especially a sitcom, you have a lot of free time to play.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I've done plenty of daredeviling - from white-water rafting to bungee jumping. But I think the most fearless was hosting the Emmy Awards. It was overwhelming, and I definitely had to leave fear at the door.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I don't know, but I think kids just want to be listened to, so I want to make sure I do that.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
We're blessed on 'How I Met Your Mother' to feel like we're doing a bit of a funny playlet everyday.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I think it has been a weird mistake to have people with their own music careers going on and judging people because when they're too critical, it affects them. They don't want to be that honest, because they need to keep their appearance up.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I love the 'So You Think You Can Dance' show. I love it. I think it's some of the best hours on TV.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I think when dance is mediocre, it's painful. But when dance is really impressive, it destroys.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
Whenever I wasn't in school with a tutor three hours a day, I'd get a knock and be rushed to set and they'd be waiting and I'd film my thing and then I'd go back to school again.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I need to stop carving out four-hour chunks to do random things and go home and watch my children grow up.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
Parents need to be more accepting of who their kids are and less concerned about what society thinks they need to be.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Kids
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
Love is awesome and endless, but it is constantly changing its form. You love something for what it is, then it changes. But that change can make you love it even more.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Love Is
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
Tonight we celebrate Hollywood's best and whitest, sorry... brightest.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Sorry
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
But magic is like pizza: even when it's bad, it's pretty good.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Magic
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I often feel like books find us for reasons, and we read them when we need them the most.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Book
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
As I learned from chapters past, it's important to try and stay in the chapter that you're in, and enjoy it while it's lasting. Not be constantly worrying about where this step will take you - living in the potential future. Like a good meal. Like a good chef's tasting meal. You don't want to wonder what's next while you're eating the foie gras.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Past
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I regret not dancing more, just cutting loose on the dance floor. I still admire those who don't care much about what others think of them.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Regret
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
You can't just put gay in a little gay box anymore.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Gay
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
May I suggest a drinking game where everytime I do a ridiculously long awkward blink, someone does a shot of some kind of alcohol?
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Drinking
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
The subject of Citizenfour, Edward Snowden, could not be here for some treason.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Oscars
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I remember thinking that the rest of my life would be solo. I wasn’t weepy when I thought that - it was just a realization that I had gone this long being self-sufficient.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Thinking
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I would not dream of taking on Tobey Maguire. Plus, he's a talented and nice guy, and I have nothing but nice things to say about him.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Dream
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I think flirting is great fun. It doesn't mean that anything's going to come of it but it's fun to be told that you're hot and that your tits look great. You all get your pens out.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Fun
Image of Neil Patrick Harris
I often teach a graduate theater seminar on Greek tragedy in performance. I usually begin by saying that no matter what technological advances occur, the wisdom of these plays will never be obsolete.
- Neil Patrick Harris
Collection: Play