Nawal El Saadawi

Image of Nawal El Saadawi
War criminals in the U.S. and Israel are not punished: no international court has the courage to put them on trial.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Courage
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Education should be totally secular. I am not telling people not to believe in God, but it should be a personal matter which should be done at home.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Home
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
To be creative means to connect. It's to abolish the gap between the body, the mind and the soul, between science and art, between fiction and nonfiction.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Art
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Women in most countries have not achieved much, because they can't be liberated under the patriarchal, capitalist, imperialist and military system that determines the way we live now, and which is governed by power, not justice, by false democracy, not real freedom.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Freedom
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
You know, I look to myself mainly as a creative writer all my life and a medical doctor.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Medical
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
I've participated in many demonstrations since I was a child. When I was at medical college, I was fighting King Farouk, then British colonization, against Nasser, against Sadat who pushed me into prison, Mubarak who pushed me into exile. I never stopped.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Medical
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Whenever I go to New York or any European country, they say: 'Nawal, why don't you get a facelift?' I tell them, 'I am proud of my wrinkles. Every wrinkle on my face tells the story of my life. Why should I hide my age?'
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Age
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
The feminists who are aware of the effects of patriarchy realize that we are all in the same boat from the dangers of patriarchy, and that the oppression of women is universal.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
The family code in Egypt is one of the worst family codes in the Arab world. Polygamy. The husband is having absolute power over the family.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
When you are intelligent and beautiful you face a lot of problems. If you are beautiful and stupid then it's easy.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
When we live in a world that is very unjust, you have to be a dissident.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Home is where you are appreciated, safe and protected, creative, and where you are loved - not where you are put in prison.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
What makes revolutionary thought unique is its clarity and dignity, and its clear grasp of freedom and justice: simple, clear words that are understood without the need for any help from elite writers or thinkers.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
When you have increasing power of religious groups, oppression of women increases. Women are oppressed in all religions.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Unity is power; without unity women cannot fight for their rights anywhere.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
If you do not love yourself, well, you cannot do anything well, that's my philosophy.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
We here in Egypt are fed up with U.S. colonialism.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Plastic surgery is a postmodern veil.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
I don't think that people in power can be convinced by words or articles. They will never give it up by choice.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
A lot of women are afraid of loneliness, so when they see a woman who can live alone, then they think, 'Hmm, I can do that.' But you need an example, and that is why I am proud to say I have divorced three husbands.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
I am very much against makeup and high heels and all that we inherit as 'beauty.'
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
To me, 'beauty' means to be natural, creative, honest - to say the truth.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
My three husbands were afraid of me. I am a very powerful woman.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
In history, the millions win; that is democracy.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
I am becoming more radical with age. I have noticed that writers, when they are old, become milder. But for me it is the opposite. Age makes me more angry.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Home to me is the world because my books have been translated into more than 30 languages.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Women are half the society. You cannot have a revolution without women. You cannot have democracy without women. You cannot have equality without women. You can't have anything without women.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Democracy
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Danger has been a part of my life ever since I picked up a pen and wrote. Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world that lies.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Lying
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Solidarity between women can be a powerful force of change, and can influence future development in ways favourable not only to women but also to men.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Powerful
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world that lies.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Motivational
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Prostitution means sexual intercourse between a man and a woman aimed at satisfying the man's sexual and the woman's economic needs. It is obvious that sexual needs, even in a male dominated system, are not as urgent and important as economic needs which, if not satisfied, lead to disease and death. Yet society considers the woman's economic need as less vital than the man's sexual one.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Mean
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Yet not for a single moment did I have any doubts about my own integrity and honour as a woman. I knew that my profession had been invented by men, and that men were in control of both our worlds, the one on earth, and the one in heaven. That men force women to sell their bodies at a price, and that the lowest paid body is that of a wife. All women are prostitutes of one kind or another.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Integrity
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Doubt is the first step towards knowledge, not faith.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Doubt
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
We cannot be liberated as women in a society built on class oppression or gender oppression or religious oppression.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Religious
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
All the men I did get to know, every single man of them, has filled me with but one desire: to lift my hand and bring it smashing down on his face.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Men
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
She is free to do what she wants, and free not to do it.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Want
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
They said, “You are a savage and dangerous woman.” I am speaking the truth. And the truth is savage and dangerous.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Independent
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
To have arrived at the truth means that one no longer fears death. For death and truth are similar in that they both require a great courage if one wishes to face them.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Truth
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
We never know the reality of things: we see only what we are aware of. It is our consciousness that determines the shape of the world around us -- its size, motion and meaning.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Reality
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
My skin is soft, but my heart is cruel, and my bite is deadly.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Heart
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
moral codes and standards in our societies very rarely apply to all people equally. This is the most damning proof of how immoral such codes and standards really are.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: People
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
If you are creative, you must be dissident.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Creative
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
The trilogy composed of politics, religion and sex is the most sensitive of all issues in any society.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Sex
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Men impose deception on women and punish them for being deceived, force them down to the lowest level and punish them for falling so low, bind them in marriage and then chastise them with menial service for life, or insults, or blows.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Fall
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
What we require is not a formal return to tradition and religion, but a rereading, a reinterpretation, of our history that can illuminate the present and pave the way to a better future. For example, if we delve more deeply into ancient Egyptian and African civilisations we will discover the humanistic elements that were prevalent in many areas of life. Women enjoyed a high status and rights, which they later lost when class patriarchal society became the prevalent social system.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Class
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
I have triumphed over both life and death because I no longer desire to live, nor do I any longer fear to die.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Life And Death
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Who said to kill does not require gentleness?
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Doe
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
I had to educate myself about female circumcision, about the clitoris, about sexology. We studied gynecology only. Pregnancy, maternal care, etc.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Something I tried to hold onto, to touch if only for a moment, but it slipped away from me like the air, like an illusion, or a dream that floats away and is lost. I wept in my sleep as though it was something I was losing now; a loss I was experiencing for the first time, and not something I had lost a long time ago.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Dream
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
Memory is never complete. There are always parts of it that time has amputated. Writing is a way of retrieving them, of bringing the missing parts back to it, of making it more holistic.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Memories