Mos Def

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There are a lot of people who call themselves teachers or leaders, but they're really just propagandists.
- Mos Def
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I'm growing as an individual, but your always growing. All of my albums are snapshots of where I am artistically.
- Mos Def
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What I take from writers I like is their economy - the ability to use language to very effective ends. The ability to have somebody read something and see it, or for somebody to paint an entire landscape of visual imagery with just sheets of words - that's magical.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
I feel like being into the beat of your own drum has become too prominent in the culture.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
I have no confidence issues with the impact or the quality of the music. No one in hip-hop, before this point and to this point, with all due respect, has done this.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
I feel like I was the only person who was capable of making this type of music in this type of way. I don't rap like nobody, I don't try to sound like nobody.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
I believe the projects were a social experiment; we were laboratory rats stacked on top of each other, and people just knew, inherently, that there was something wrong. There's not a lot of regard for the property by the residents.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
But even creeps deserve to live someplace halfway decent.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
I know what it feels like to have the door slammed firmly in my face, so I'm cool with that.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
I don't rap like nobody, I don't try to sound like nobody.
- Mos Def
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With guys I revere, like Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X, their look is less about style than purpose and the expression of beauty. It wasn't just about being noticed, you know?
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
Record companies are not necessarily interested in you realizing your artistic dream. The bottom line is that they got to sell records.
- Mos Def
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To me, playing an instrument and singing, all of these different things are just as natural to me as rhyming.
- Mos Def
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Bob Marley performed the 'One Love Peace' concert in Jamaica with the two different warring political sides. There's always been that in black music and culture in general. It's no surprise because black music is such a reflection of what's going on in black life. It's not unusual for hip-hop.
- Mos Def
Image of Mos Def
What I take from writers I like is their economy - the ability to use language to very effective ends.
- Mos Def
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I got my first exposure to Islam when I was 13.
- Mos Def
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If Islam's sole interest is the welfare of mankind, then Islam is the strongest advocate of human rights anywhere on Earth.
- Mos Def
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Make today's solid ground out of yesterday's quicksand.
- Mos Def
Collection: Life
Image of Mos Def
I don't care about what brand you are, I'm concerned what type of man you are, what your principles and standards are.
- Mos Def
Collection: Men
Image of Mos Def
Fear not of men because men must die. Mind over matter and soul before flesh.
- Mos Def
Collection: Fear
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It’s one thing to be the greatest; it’s another thing to be necessary. The best are the most necessary: those who take less than they give and love more than they hate.
- Mos Def
Collection: Hate
Image of Mos Def
I dreamt that I could paint you with words, but there were no colors bright enough, black or white enough, blue or green enough...they didn't mean enough
- Mos Def
Collection: Mean
Image of Mos Def
Don't look down, it's an impossible view; Fly like an eagle whatever you do.
- Mos Def
Collection: Eagles
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The moment you start thinking it's hopeless, then it is. [But], if you think it's gonna get better, it really does. Life is a test.
- Mos Def
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mos Def
They say that when a man faces his destiny, the destiny ends and he becomes the man that he really is.
- Mos Def
Collection: Destiny
Image of Mos Def
Hip-hop is a beautiful culture. It's inspirational, because it's a culture of survivors. You can create beauty out of nothingness.
- Mos Def
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mos Def
Restlessness is my nemesis. It's hard to just chill and sit still.
- Mos Def
Collection: Chill
Image of Mos Def
We blasted holes in the night until she bled sunshine
- Mos Def
Collection: Sunshine
Image of Mos Def
We can be beautiful and feel beautiful about who we are everyday.
- Mos Def
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mos Def
I ain't no perfect man I'm tryna do the best that I can with what it is I have.
- Mos Def
Collection: Men
Image of Mos Def
Live now for the promise of the Infinite
- Mos Def
Collection: Promise
Image of Mos Def
You can positively affect and change a social circumstance with art, and it’s vital that a change happens now.
- Mos Def
Collection: Art
Image of Mos Def
Fame is like getting across the street. It's like, if there's nothing to be across the street for, it's a pointless destination. It's like, "I gotta get across the street, man! I gotta be there! I gotta be there!" Then you get across the street and you're like, "Yeah I'm here!" And then, that's it. Fame doesn't make you particularly happy.
- Mos Def
Collection: Men
Image of Mos Def
I'm doing exactly what I was supposed to do. Yeah. I didn't exactly choose this. My own life, if it were up to me, would be very, very quiet. I'd be like a shopkeeper, a book collector, or something like that. I'm not like this. Myself as a performer and an artist is totally different from who I am.
- Mos Def
Collection: Book
Image of Mos Def
Young bloods can't spell but they could rock you in PlayStation...
- Mos Def
Collection: Rocks
Image of Mos Def
History has proven that it's impossible to crush the artist. There's always gonna be a need for somebody to write a poem or sing a song about something, about life - that makes it real. There's the word that goes beyond the word.
- Mos Def
Collection: Crush
Image of Mos Def
I think hip-hop is actually one of the most challenging things that's happened in music in a long time. The people who are in charge of what people see or hear are afraid. What you hear on top 40 or what you see on BET or MTV is not a fair representation of what is really going on...
- Mos Def
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mos Def
Hip-Hop went from selling crack to smoking it
- Mos Def
Collection: Hip Hop
Image of Mos Def
There was a time when hip-hop was its own musical principle, aside from sampling. Like the entire Wild Style break is instrumental. Kurtis Blow's earliest stuff was studio musicians playing. Whodini had a real clear sound, things like "five minutes of funk," stuff that you could write really beautiful, lush string and horn arrangements around, stuff that was just music.
- Mos Def
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mos Def
People don't like the music that's out now, that's on their radio stations, and they want to hear something different, but they're just the audience. You know, people will keep the TV on even if a show is on that they hate - because, unfortunately, they've been programmed to do that. [But] they are really looking for something that's gonna speak to the world that they're living in. That's what people are looking for, but they're not finding it.
- Mos Def
Collection: Hate
Image of Mos Def
Man, I smashed her like an Idaho Potato
- Mos Def
Collection: Sex
Image of Mos Def
If it's just fame for the sake of being famous, no one even cares about you - and you don't even care about yourself because you're like, "This is so ridiculous."
- Mos Def
Collection: Care
Image of Mos Def
I thought everybody got into rock 'n' roll because they didn't want to follow instructions.
- Mos Def
Collection: Rocks
Image of Mos Def
Speech is my hammer bang the world into shape now let it fall - HUNGH
- Mos Def
Collection: Fall
Image of Mos Def
At its heart, music is all higher mathematics.
- Mos Def
Collection: Beauty
Image of Mos Def
There's just some dysfunctionalism with artists.
- Mos Def
Collection: Artist
Image of Mos Def
Mos Def is a name that I built and cultivated over the years, it's a name that the streets taught me, a figure of speech that was given to me by the culture and by my environment, and I feel I've done quite a bit with that name. [But] it's time to expand and move on.
- Mos Def
Collection: Moving