Mike Krzyzewski

Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Only the mediocre are always at their best. If your standards are low, it is easy to meet those standards every single day, every single year. But if your standard is to be the best, there will be days when you fall short of that goal. It is okay to not win every game. The only problem would be if you allow a loss or a failure to change your standards. Keep your standards intact, keep the bar set high, and continue to try your very best every day to meet those standards. If you do that, you can always be proud of the work that you do.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Fall
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
You develop a team to achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. All of us alone are weaker, by far, than if all of us are together.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Team
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Effective teamwork begins and ends with communication
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
A leader is someone who puts their people in position to be successful all the time
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Successful
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
The only way you're going to grow is to be in difficult situations.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Difficult Situations
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
When you are passionate, you always have your destination in sight and you are not distracted by obstacles. Because you love what you are pursuing, things like rejection and setbacks will not hinder you in your pursuit. You believe that nothing can stop you!
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Leadership is simple: Add value to people everyday.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Simple
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
You don't just be a team. You become a team. Through tough games you find that you need each other
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Never delegate. Always empower.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Empowering
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Never let a person's weakness get in the way of their strength.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Weakness
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
In developing teams, I don't believe in rules. I believe in standards. Rules don't promote teamwork, standards do
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Effort is fully replenishable. There is no need to save any of it. Leave every bit you have on the playing field
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Our goal is not to win. It's to play together and play hard. Then, winning takes care of itself.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Confrontation simply means meeting the truth head-on.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Don't worry about losing. Think about winning.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
There are always those times when you're going to be down. It's how you step through it that makes you the person you are.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Character
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Growth creates complexity, which requires simplicity.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Simplicity
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
In leadership, there are no words more important than trust. In any organization, trust must be developed among every member of the team if success is going to be achieved
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I'm looking for players who make their teammates better. You do that with enthusiasm and passion.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
It takes courage not only to make decisions, but to live with those decisions afterward
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I think coaching is confused at times as being an arrow that only goes to a player. Those players send arrows back to you, and that’s where a relationship is developed. I don’t make a player, and a player doesn’t make me a coach. We make each other.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Confused
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
If you set up an atmosphere of community and trust, it becomes a tradition. Older team members will establish your credibility with newer ones. Even if they don't like everything about you, they'll say, 'He's trustworthy, committed to us as a team.'
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Team
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
It's not like we have not had close games. We've just been able to win them, and as a result, the reality sometimes doesn't set in that you're weak in certain areas or you're not doing certain things well. ... When you win, sometimes it overshadows a poor performance.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Winning
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
In leadership, there are no words more important than trust.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Important
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
A leader may be the most knowledgeable person in the world, but if the players on his team cannot translate that knowledge into action, it means nothing.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Team
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I think leadership is never singular. In a good organization, it's plural.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Don't do anything as an individual that will make you stand out from your teammates.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
When a leader takes responsibility for his own actions and mistakes, he not only sets a good example, he shows a healthy respect for people on his team
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I try to see each new season as a new challenge because I have a new team to work with, new opponents to encounter, and often new ideas and theories to try
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Footwork is one of the primary prerequisites to becoming a great player
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Two are better than one if two act as one.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Two
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Whatever a leader does now sets up what he does later. And there's always a later.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Pete Newell told me 'get as much information and learn as much about the game as you can, but use your own personality to teach it.'
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Games
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
The team that trusts-their leader and each other-is more likely to be successful.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Trust
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
The truth is that many people set rules to keep from making decisions. Not me. I don't want to be a manager or a dictator. I want to be a leader-and leadership is ongoing, adjustable, flexible, and dynamic. As such, leaders have to maintain a certain amount of discretion
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Making shots counts, but not as much as the people who make them.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: People
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Good sound habits are more important than rules - use concepts.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Embrace the hell out of personal responsibility.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
It's funny what happens when you become a grandparent. You start to act all goofy and do things you never thought you'd do. It's terrific.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Grandpa
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I don't think we surprise people. We try to out-execute them.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I love practice. It is when a coach exercises the most control over the improvement of his or her team.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Confidence shared is better than confidence only in yourself.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I never want to lead a team that is not allowed the freedom to pursue what's in their hearts. If you want your team to be fully committed, then you'd better be fully committed
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
When you first assemble a group, it's not a team right off the bat. It's only a collection of individuals
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Volleyball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
A leader's responsibility to his team is paramount. It overshadows even his own personal feelings at any given time.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I didn't miss any games, but Coach Knight came out and spent three days with my family in Chicago when my dad passed away. I came back and played and it was good therapy for me. Having a basketball family and a coach who understood and actually became like a father figure for that time was comforting to me, and I'm sure that will be comforting to Coleman.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
I believe a big part of leadership is about winning the moment.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
Great rivalries don't have to be built on hatred. They're built on respect, on a respect for excellence.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Hatred
Image of Mike Krzyzewski
A team is a fist-not five fingers.
- Mike Krzyzewski
Collection: Basketball