Michelle Obama

Image of Michelle Obama
Walk away from 'friendships' that make you feel small and insecure, and seek out people who inspire you and support you
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Insecure
Image of Michelle Obama
We have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michelle Obama
As women, we must stand up for ourselves. We must stand up for each other. We must stand up for justice for all.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Justice For All
Image of Michelle Obama
The arts and humanities define who we are as a people. That is their power -- to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common. To help us understand our history and imagine our future. To give us hope in the moments of struggle and to bring us together when nothing else will.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Art
Image of Michelle Obama
My goal has always been to add value, not to be redundant, not to get in the way, but to do things that lift and move things forward in a very strategic and objective way so that there are real outcomes.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Real
Image of Michelle Obama
There is nothing more important to this nation's future than investing in our young people.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: People
Image of Michelle Obama
Let me tell you something: for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Michelle Obama
All we can do as women is make the best decisions for us. And that includes everything from how you look to how you dress to whether you choose to stay at home or work when you have kids. All those decisions are so personal, and we have to start with finding what brings us joy and what brings us our own individual confidence. And if we're feeling good with those choices, then it makes what everybody else has to say less important.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Kids
Image of Michelle Obama
Cute's good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it's, 'Who are you as a person?' Don't look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. When you're dating a man, you should always feel good. ... You shouldn't be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't make you completely happy and make you feel whole.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Cute
Image of Michelle Obama
Policies that support families aren't political issues. They're personal. They're the causes I carry with me every single day.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Family
Image of Michelle Obama
You've got to keep your body active, even if that means just turning on some music and dancing for an hour. ...That's how you;ll prepare your bodies and your minds for greatness.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Mean
Image of Michelle Obama
Childhood obesity isn't about looks. And it's not about weight. It's about how our kids feel. And those are really the implications of the problem and the words that tell a fuller picture of the challenges that we face; you know, kids struggling in ways that they didn't a generation ago.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Struggle
Image of Michelle Obama
I'm not a big fan of young kids having Facebook. It's not something they need. It's not necessary.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Kids
Image of Michelle Obama
My dad was a pump operator at the city water plant, and he didn't earn much money. But he was determined to pay whatever tiny part he owed for my tuition on time every month. So even though he had multiple sclerosis and often struggled just to get dressed in the morning, he hardly ever missed a day of work. His determination and love are an inspiration to me every day.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Morning
Image of Michelle Obama
For me, being a mother made me a better professional, because coming home every night to my girls reminded me what I was working for. And being a professional made me a better mother, because by pursuing my dreams, I was modeling for my girls how to pursue their dreams.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Girl
Image of Michelle Obama
The work-life balance is a harsh reality for so many women, who are forced every day to make impossible choices. Do they take their kids to the doctor...and risk getting fired? Do they work weekends so they can afford to send their kids to better childcare...even though it means even less time with their families? Do they take another shift at work, so they can pay for piano lessons for their kids...even though it means they have to stop volunteering for the PTA? It just shouldn't be this difficult to raise healthy families.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Mean
Image of Michelle Obama
Every elected official on this planet should understand - don't play with our children, don't do it.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Michelle Obama
Being healthy isn't about inches, pounds, or how kids look - it's about how they feel and making sure they feel good about themselves. So rather than focusing on appearance, it's important to emphasize to kids that when we eat healthy food and stay active, we feel better, and we can perform better in everything we do, from athletics to academics.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Kids
Image of Michelle Obama
Learning through the arts reinforces critical academic skills in reading, language arts and math, and provides students with the skills to creatively solve problems.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Art
Image of Michelle Obama
An educational foundation is only part of the equation. In order for creativity to flourish and imagination to take hold, we also need to expose our children to the arts from a very young age.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Art
Image of Michelle Obama
I can make choices that make me happy, and it will ripple and benefit my kids, my husband, and my physical health. That's hard for women to own; we're not taught to do that.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Husband
Image of Michelle Obama
Our job is, first and foremost, to make sure our family is whole.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Obama
We can all agree that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, all children should have the basic nutrition they need to learn and grow and to pursue their dreams, because in the end, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our children... These are the basic values that we all share, regardless of race, party, religion. This is what we share. These are the values that this bill embodies.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Dream
Image of Michelle Obama
You look at all the sporting companies out there. I won't name names, but we know who they are. Good brands and logos and things like that, and they have to start catering to real women. Even in how their sports apparel is designed, and the commercials - you want to look at a commercial and see yourself.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Sports
Image of Michelle Obama
Childhood obesity issue is critically important to me because it's critically important to the health and success of our kids, and of this nation, ultimately.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Kids
Image of Michelle Obama
We're going to have to change our traditions, our history.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Tradition
Image of Michelle Obama
Since we started the Let's Move! initiative, I've been looking for as many ways as possible to help families and kids lead healthier lives. And I've come to realize that if we were going to take just one step to make ourselves and our families healthier, probably the single best thing we could do is to simply drink more water. It's as simple as that. Drink more water.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Michelle Obama
Just keep focusing on the work that you're doing. Focus on what's in front of you today. And don't read the papers, just go campaign. Just do your thing. Talk to people directly
- Michelle Obama
Collection: People
Image of Michelle Obama
Not everybody is going to run a marathon or do a triathlon. It's not necessary to do that to be in good health.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Michelle Obama
My most important title is Mom in Chief
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Mom
Image of Michelle Obama
I've always been a closet jock. With exercising, the more you do it, the more you get into it. And the more you see results, the more you're pushing for the next level.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Exercise
Image of Michelle Obama
When I was younger, I could eat whatever I wanted, as long as I exercised; or if I didn't exercise and just watched what I ate, I'd maintain. Now I have to do both.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Exercise
Image of Michelle Obama
To get kids involved in meal planning and preparation, create games out of trying new foods, and provide ample opportunities for physical activity, recognizing it may take some time to find an activity they truly enjoy.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Kids
Image of Michelle Obama
I think I'm probably more typical of the average American who doesn't have a connection to a military community.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Military
Image of Michelle Obama
Good health is multifaceted - it's physical, it's internal, it's my diet, and my emotional state. It's all tied in together.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Emotional
Image of Michelle Obama
Our kids didn't do this to themselves. They don't decide the sugar content in soda or the advertising content of a television show. Kids don't choose what's served to them for lunch at school, and shouldn't be deciding what's served to them for dinner at home. And they don't decide whether there's time in the day or room in the budget to learn about healthy eating or to spend time playing outside.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Home
Image of Michelle Obama
These are things that we hear from military families everywhere we go. But it - on PTSD, the thing that I want to make sure people understand is that the vast majority of veterans and military families aren't dealing with any kind of mental health. But there are - these are what are called the invisible wounds of this war. And many times they don't present.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Military
Image of Michelle Obama
Millions of Americans who know that Barack understands their dreams; that Barack will fight for people like them; and that Barack will finally bring the change we need.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Dream
Image of Michelle Obama
You know, you have to start with hope...you don't get anywhere in this country without hope. So it's a necessity. What Barack says is that people have to understand hope isn't just blind optimism. It isn't passive. It isn't just sitting there waiting for things to get better. Hope is the vision that you have to have. It's the inspiration that moves people into action...There are more people engaged in this political process in this year than we've seen in my lifetime. And it is all because of hope because people believe in the possibility of something unseen.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Michelle Obama
And that's my message to voters, this isn't about Barack, it's not about person on that ballot -- its about you. And for most of the people we are talking to [blacks], a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this -- that shouldn't even come into the equation.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Talking
Image of Michelle Obama
I am only as good as my children are.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Michelle Obama
The biggest obstacle facing girls is education, education, education. There are too many kids who think high school is a pit stop to fame and fortune. I want girls in this country to think education is the coolest, most important thing they could ever do in their lives.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Girl
Image of Michelle Obama
I don't, as my mom would say, sweat the small stuff in our relationship. Because when I think of day-to-day irritations that you might have with the one you love, they're nothing compared to the bigger task at hand.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Mom
Image of Michelle Obama
I tell my kids, 'I am thinking about you every other minute of my day.'
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Mom
Image of Michelle Obama
Politics is a waste of time.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Wasting Time
Image of Michelle Obama
It's all about patience and persistence - you often have to expose a child to a new food numerous times before he or she will begin to like it. So keep trying!
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Michelle Obama
My husband and I make physical activity a priority in our lives, and our daughters love being active as well. And while we each have sports and activities we enjoy, we try to go for hikes or bike rides together whenever we get the chance. We've found that the best way to help our girls be active is to find activities they truly enjoy.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Girl
Image of Michelle Obama
Believe it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Badass
Image of Michelle Obama
When I was a young lawyer, there were other women and men in the firm who took me under their wing. Sometimes mentors don't find you - sometimes you seek them out. You shouldn't hesitate to plop herself in someone's office and ask them to be that support.... Oftentimes, they're flattered and glad to lend a hand. So I would encourage any reader to seek out a mentor, then follow through and be very focused and persistent.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Men