Mervyn Levy

Image of Mervyn Levy
Sketching is the breath of art: it is the most refreshing of all the more impulsive forms of creative self-expression and, as such, it should be as free, and happy, as a song in the bath.
- Mervyn Levy
Collection: Song
Image of Mervyn Levy
The activity of painting: A thrilling tussle between the artist's materials and his inspiration.
- Mervyn Levy
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Mervyn Levy
The true work of art continues to unfold and create within the personality of the spectator. It is a continuous coming into being.
- Mervyn Levy
Collection: Art
Image of Mervyn Levy
It is now an accepted fact that the expression of emotion through painting... is a source of deep psychological satisfaction... It is a system which can also in some measure, even compensate for the lack of emotional fulfilment in human relationships.
- Mervyn Levy
Collection: Emotional
Image of Mervyn Levy
A drawing of the nude is a most revealing expression because it is at once the most private and the most personal. Often such drawings are made with no thought of public exhibition. They possess the intimacy of diaries.
- Mervyn Levy
Collection: Expression
Image of Mervyn Levy
An intrinsic part of the whole delicious, exuberant fun, and joy of painting consists in simply not having to bother about making a mess, either of one's person, or of the surroundings in which one is at work.
- Mervyn Levy
Collection: Fun