Maxine Waters

Image of Maxine Waters
All of these people who are organized with these oil-and-gas interests, that's in the administration and friends of the President of the United States [Donald Trump], these back channeling that you see. These are a bunch of scumbags. That's what they are.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Oil
Image of Maxine Waters
President Trump basically has interfered with an investigation where he may be implicated. That's outrageous. And that's why we're having so much of a conversation about it today. Everybody is talking about it because this is highly unusual.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: President
Image of Maxine Waters
Let's take a look at NAFTA. Trump said that NAFTA was a bad deal and he was going to get rid of it in the first 100 days. Now, that's also off the table. He's made a lot of promises that he can't keep. He has distorted information. I do not think he should not be president of the United States. And I think our allies and people in other countries are looking at America and saying, "This can't be. How did this happen?"
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Country
Image of Maxine Waters
I think that the Republicans who have been cautious, recognizing that they have to be concerned about their re-elections, etc., they won't be able to stand with Donald Trump when we unfold his connection to the Kremlin and what they were involved in, which I consider to be collusion. I don't think that any Republican, even moderates or conservatives, who love America and who consider themselves patriots, they cannot stand with this president when it appears he has participated in undermining this democracy. They're going to have to fall. That's what I believe.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Believe
Image of Maxine Waters
Don't forget during the primary debates when Trump pointed at Carly Fiorina and said, "Look at that face, who would vote for her?" That tells you everything about him and what he cares about women.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Care
Image of Maxine Waters
My take is this. The Republicans control the Senate. They have the majority of the House, and they have the White House. They can do whatever they want to do, really.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: White
Image of Maxine Waters
The president of the United States who has a history of firing people who get close to, you know, him and his allies like Flynn, and like Miss Yates, he will fire them if he believes somehow they're getting too close to him in the investigations. I believe that the president of the United States should not have fired Comey in the middle of an investigation.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Believe
Image of Maxine Waters
I do not necessarily support the president's decision.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Support
Image of Maxine Waters
Take a look at the way that Trump has described some of the foreign countries that we deal with - some that are allies and some that are not. China is one example. He said they were currency manipulators, but after he sat down with President Xi and had a piece of chocolate cake, he then said they were no longer currency manipulators.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Country
Image of Maxine Waters
[Maxine Waters] was kind enough to join us here at our studios in Washington, D.C., in advance of women's march in Washington in which she will be participating.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Water
Image of Maxine Waters
We know who you are [ Donald Trump] and what you said you will do. And we don't want the public policy that you are proposing.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Want
Image of Maxine Waters
[Carly Fiorina] can argue it all she wants, but I don't believe that.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Believe
Image of Maxine Waters
I can't stop [Donald Trump] from doing what he wants to do.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Want
Image of Maxine Waters
Many other cities could go the way that Los Angeles went last night unless the president is willing to step in and take some strong action in terms of letting people know that he cares about this issue.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Strong
Image of Maxine Waters
[Rex Tillerson] is gonna continue to work on [sanctions lifting]. This is important for him. He was there [in White House] because he negotiated the deal for Exxon with [Vladimir] Putin.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: White
Image of Maxine Waters
I think it's more than bank records. I think that you can see that visits, you know, to Moscow were made during the campaign by Paul Manafort and others. I think that there was a cooperation in developing strategy about how Russians could ensure that Hillary Clinton was not elected. They need Donald Trump. Trump will be there to support lifting those sanctions. That's what they really want to happen.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maxine Waters
Trump is probably disrespected women all of his life. His alignment with women has been with his beauty pageants. And those women said he walked into the rooms where they were changing clothes and he thought that was fine and he had a right to do it. I think that's reflected in his leadership and public policy.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maxine Waters
There's a debate among Democrats about how they should approach this new [Donald's Trump] administration.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Administration
Image of Maxine Waters
I'm not against anybody having gone [to Donald Trump's inauguration], but, for me, it was not the right place to be.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Gone
Image of Maxine Waters
I have a resolution that I introduced in February. I think there's enough there that we know about the Kremlin and about Putin to be concerned about whether or not there was collusion.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maxine Waters
I think that if the president Trump would have fired Comey when he first came in, he would not have to be in a position now where he is trying to make up a story about why. It does not meet the smell test.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maxine Waters
[Rex] Tillerson is there to get these sanctions [against Russia] lifted. I believe it. Just watch him!
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Believe
Image of Maxine Waters
I was very impressed with that that women have come here to say that we're going to fight you, Donald Trump.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Fighting
Image of Maxine Waters
I think that there's a great disrespect for women under this administration, led by the president Trump. Not only did the world discover what he said about grabbing women by their private parts, but just recently the president stepped forward to defend Bill O'Reilly after it was unveiled that O'Reilly had paid out millions of dollars for sexual harassment.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maxine Waters
Russians want to drill in the Arctic. Rex Tillerson has negotiated a multibillion-dollar deal with Exxon to do that drilling. They can't get the equipment, the supplies and all that they need until the sanctions are lifted. They want Donald Trump; not only will he support lifting those sanctions, he also will turn a blind eye to the expansion that Putin is trying to do. He does not care about them having invade Crimea and does not care whether or not this egotistical maniac, Vladimir Putin, is attempting to reunite the whole Soviet Union.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Eye
Image of Maxine Waters
Donald Trump has defined himself very well, not only in the primary election where he was absolutely disrespectful to his colleagues on the Republican side of the aisle and for [Carly] Fiorina who he basically said who would vote for you? Look at her face. She evidently wants to be a Republican leadership, a part of the Republican Party so bad that she would allow them and him to get away with that.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Party
Image of Maxine Waters
So let's see what they [Republicans] are going to do. If they're going to put together great programs, and everybody understands that they're good.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Together