Marshall Sylver

Image of Marshall Sylver
Unless you love yourself, it's difficult to respect anyone else who holds that high an opinion of you.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Love You
Image of Marshall Sylver
The stress of an action diminishes rapidly after that action is performed.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Stress
Image of Marshall Sylver
Finding love requires perseverance.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Marshall Sylver
Sarcasm is always perceived as an attack.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Sarcasm
Image of Marshall Sylver
Turn your 'problems' into 'challenges' and you will suddenly see results in a more positive light.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Light
Image of Marshall Sylver
People will always respect you when you're in the process of being better.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: People
Image of Marshall Sylver
The mind, like any muscle, must be exercised.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Mind
Image of Marshall Sylver
Wealthy people always know the exact value of their time.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: People
Image of Marshall Sylver
With constant repetition and reinforcement, new habits are easily formed.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Reinforcement
Image of Marshall Sylver
You don't need to do anything to be loved. Just be who you know you are. It's the only way to experience real love.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Real
Image of Marshall Sylver
If you knew that you were the owner of a million-dollar mind, would you treat your mind with more respect and appreciation? Would you put less poison in a million-dollar mind? Pay attention to what poisons you may be feeding your mind with & how now keeping your mind clear and healthy could make you more effective.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Marshall Sylver
The power of faith is suspending judgment long enough to gain the rewards available.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Long
Image of Marshall Sylver
It's not enough to learn, one must become.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Enough
Image of Marshall Sylver
Laughter is a release of tension. When influencing, make the other person laugh; you'll gain rapport instantly.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Laughter
Image of Marshall Sylver
You will never see what you are capable of, although you must seek to.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Capable
Image of Marshall Sylver
You can only get more in life by saying YES.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Saying Yes
Image of Marshall Sylver
If you want to get attacked, have an opinion.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Want
Image of Marshall Sylver
Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle; it was meant to be an adventure. Start living the adventure now!
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Struggle
Image of Marshall Sylver
See your misfortunes as blessings.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Blessing
Image of Marshall Sylver
When you know how to make money, you're obligated to.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Making Money
Image of Marshall Sylver
What if living your life, naturally created what you wanted?
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Live Your Life
Image of Marshall Sylver
The more you laugh, the healthier you are. You must laugh more!
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Laughing
Image of Marshall Sylver
Everything you want and you don't have, you get from other people.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: People
Image of Marshall Sylver
Those that are afraid to buy are always afraid to sell.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Sells
Image of Marshall Sylver
The only way faith can be relevant is by preparing the mind to receive it.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Mind
Image of Marshall Sylver
Ask 'What' and 'When.' The 'How' will naturally be revealed.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Asks
Image of Marshall Sylver
You must become what you want to attract.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Want
Image of Marshall Sylver
Thoughts are things...treat them accordingly.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Treats
Image of Marshall Sylver
Either you will do now what it takes or ten years from now you wish that you had.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Years
Image of Marshall Sylver
It's not difficult to make money - it's different.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Different
Image of Marshall Sylver
Finding your life less than perfect is a waste of your time.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Perfect
Image of Marshall Sylver
Those who think govern those who labor.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marshall Sylver
The greater the responsibility, the greater the reward.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Marshall Sylver
Turn your habit into a conscious decision.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Decision
Image of Marshall Sylver
Be interested rather than interesting
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Interesting
Image of Marshall Sylver
Relationships are like a book, in that they are for learning.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Book
Image of Marshall Sylver
The higher the levels, the higher the devils.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Devil
Image of Marshall Sylver
Nothing has any power except the power that you give it.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Giving
Image of Marshall Sylver
You make the choice for change more easily and readily each time as your conscious mind begins to reprogram your subconscious mind with a new habit, and the decision is reinforced by that positive change.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Choices
Image of Marshall Sylver
You choose how to feel and act every moment of every day. The moment you accept this responsibility completely, you gain total control over your life.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Marshall Sylver
Let your yes be yes and your no be no--you can always change your mind.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Mind
Image of Marshall Sylver
Elegant persuasion is when the other person thought it was their idea.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Ideas
Image of Marshall Sylver
Not believing in something doesn't make it not exist.
- Marshall Sylver
Collection: Believe