Top anxiety Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of anxiety quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Frederick Salomon Perls
Anxiety is the gap between now and later.
- Frederick Salomon Perls
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Henryk Sienkiewicz
Anxiety prepares the organism badly for an ordeal which even under more favorable circumstances would not be an easy thing to bear.
- Henryk Sienkiewicz
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Robert Wright
Religion is a feature of cultural evolution that, among other things, addresses anxieties created by cultural evolution; it helps keep social change safe from itself.
- Robert Wright
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Simone de Beauvoir
Society cares about the individual only in so far as he is profitable. The young know this. Their anxiety as they enter in upon social life matches the anguish of the old as they are excluded from it.
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Lars von Trier
Unfortunately, on one or both of my shoulders sits lots of anxiety and that is a controlling factor in my life.
- Lars von Trier
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Johanna Spyri
We must never forget to pray, and to ask God to remember us when He is arranging things, so that we too may feel safe and have no anxiety about what is going to happen.
- Johanna Spyri
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Robert M. Sapolsky
Brains distinguish between an Us and a Them in a fraction of a second. Subliminal processing of a Them activates the amygdala and insular cortex, brain regions that are all about fear, anxiety, aggression, and disgust.
- Robert M. Sapolsky
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Wilhelm Reich
The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life.
- Wilhelm Reich
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Monica Drake
When you meet your 'soul mate' you'll feel calm. No anxiety, No agitation.
- Monica Drake
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Menachem Mendel Schneerson
When the soul is starved for nourishment, it lets us know with feelings of emptiness, anxiety, or yearning
- Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Geoff Dyer
To be interested in something is to be involved in what is essentially a stressful relationship with that thing, to suffer anxiety on its behalf.
- Geoff Dyer
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Irvin D. Yalom
The more unlived your life, the greater your death anxiety.
- Irvin D. Yalom
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Irvin D. Yalom
...the more unlived your life, the greater your death anxiety. The more you fail to experience your life fully, the more you will fear death.
- Irvin D. Yalom
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Thomas More
Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich - for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety?
- Thomas More
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Merrill Markoe
I have learned that the stuff that causes me anxiety, the stuff I instinctively veer away from, is usually a road map to where my own creative growth can be found. So I consciously head toward the places that make me uncomfortable.
- Merrill Markoe
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Kim Basinger
It can hit at any time [anxiety/panic attack]. You feel like you're in an open field, and there's a tornado coming at you. And you're just consumed by it.
- Kim Basinger
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Hans Arp
Tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his [mankind's] ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads monstrously like a gray vegetation.
- Hans Arp
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Michael Schudson
Buy me and you will overcome the anxieties I have just reminded you of
- Michael Schudson
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Walter Inglis Anderson
Anxiety and fear produce energy. Where we focus that energy noticeably affects the quality of our lives: focus on the solution, not the problem.
- Walter Inglis Anderson
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Walter Inglis Anderson
The quickest way to relieve anxiety is ACTION!
- Walter Inglis Anderson
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Walter Inglis Anderson
Nothing quells anxiety like action!
- Walter Inglis Anderson
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Emil Brunner
Hope . . . is one of the ways in which what is merely future and potential is made vividly present and actual to us. Hope is the positive, as anxiety is the negative, mode of awaiting the future.
- Emil Brunner
Collection: Anxiety
Image of William Barrett
Anxiety is not fear, being afraid of this or that definite object, but the uncanny feeling of being afraid of nothing at all. It is precisely Nothingness that makes itself present and felt as the object of our dread.
- William Barrett
Collection: Anxiety
Image of George Vaillant
Anxiety and depression are the price you pay for a well-lived life.
- George Vaillant
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Steven C. Hayes
If you aren't willing to have it, you will.
- Steven C. Hayes
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Philip Kapleau
Zen Master Dogen has pointed out that anxiety, when accepted, is the driving force to enlightenment in that it lays bare the human dilemma at the same time that it ignites our desire to break out of it.
- Philip Kapleau
Collection: Anxiety
Image of William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Anxiety and Ennui are the Scylla and Charybdis on which the bark of human happiness is most often wrecked.
- William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Helen Nielsen
All Americans suffer from anxiety; it's a national disease.
- Helen Nielsen
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Conrad Burns
Therapy is not to 'talk about' things, but to change the person's life, and to relieve suffering, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems.
- Conrad Burns
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Richard Saul Wurman
One of the most anxiety-inducing side effects of the information era is the feeling that you have to know it all.
- Richard Saul Wurman
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Joe Hyams
A dojo [pracice hall] is a miniature cosmos where we make contact with ourselves - our fears, anxieties, reactions, and habits. It is an arena of confined conflict where we confront an opponent who is not an opponent but rather a partner engaged in helping us understand ourselves more fully.
- Joe Hyams
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Gary Null
Most fears are just illusions.
- Gary Null
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Rob Corddry
For most of my life, I was a worrier and an over-thinker. I had pretty bad social anxiety.
- Rob Corddry
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Sonia Choquette
A connection to Spirit restores your confidence, relieves your anxiety, and frees you from the desire to control everything in your life.
- Sonia Choquette
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Marshall Fishwick
As a student of American culture, I am willing to argue that the Twist is a valid manifestation of the Age of Anxiety.
- Marshall Fishwick
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Anna Brackett
We go on multiplying our conveniences only to multiply our cares. We increase our possessions only to the enlargement of our anxieties.
- Anna Brackett
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Nelson DeMille
Panic---a deep abiding, free-floating anxiety, often without any reason or logical basis.
- Nelson DeMille
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Stephanie Seymour
I always had difficulty as a model just being myself. I can be very shy, and I used to have a lot of anxiety about working on set.
- Stephanie Seymour
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Ruth Behar
The anxiety around such work [vulnerably written ethnographies] is that it will prove to be beyond criticism, that it will be undiscussable.
- Ruth Behar
Collection: Anxiety
Image of David Addington
Fear and anxiety were exploited by zealots and fools.
- David Addington
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Antony Starr
Shooting of a sex scene is never going to something where you're having a wonderful time. It's a very intimate thing and a very intimate space to be put into - that's usually a space reserved for one. To have someone else in that proximity is pretty jarring, but we're all in the same boat and we're all experiencing the same anxieties.
- Antony Starr
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Al Jaffee
When I had independence, it was a constant battle within me to figure out when am I on my own. And also the insecurity that my life engendered, especially as a freelance cartoonist, kept me in a constant state of anxiety as to whether I am going to be able to meet my financial obligations.
- Al Jaffee
Collection: Anxiety
Image of David D. Burns
Practically everybody knows what its like to feel anxious, worried, nervous, afraid, uptight, or panicky. Often, anxiety is just a nuisance, but sometimes it can cripple you and prevent you from doing what you really want with your life. But I have some great news for you: You can change the way you feel.
- David D. Burns
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Ray Dolby
To be an inventor, you have to be willing to live with a sense of uncertainty, to work in this darkness and grope towards an answer, to put up with anxiety about whether there is an answer.
- Ray Dolby
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Walter Brueggemann
Sabbath, in the first instance, is not about worship. It is about work stoppage. It is about withdrawal from the anxiety system of Pharaoh, the refusal to let one’s life be defined by production and consumption and the endless pursuit of private well-being.
- Walter Brueggemann
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Walter Brueggemann
Those who participate in [sabbath] break the anxiety cycle. They are invited to awareness that life does not consist in frantic production and consumption that reduces everyone else to threat and competition.
- Walter Brueggemann
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Robert E. Sherwood
Tenterhooks are the upholstery of the anxious seat.
- Robert E. Sherwood
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Bill Reid
I have a sort of waking nightmare: to get this thing just about completed, and the last day to discover one little part that doesn't quite fit with the adjacent part.
- Bill Reid
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Kenneth E. Hagin
Do not have any anxiety about anything.
- Kenneth E. Hagin
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Robert Biswas-Diener
Instead of antiquated notions of physical daring, courage is much more about making small choices to take initiative even when we are experiencing anxiety and facing risk.
- Robert Biswas-Diener
Collection: Anxiety