Marc Faber

Image of Marc Faber
The monetary policies of the US will destroy the world.
- Marc Faber
Collection: World
Image of Marc Faber
Something will break very bad.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Break
Image of Marc Faber
When I look at asset prices; real estate, bonds, equities, vintage cars… I think that gold is actually one of the few assets that is relatively cheap, relatively inexpensive.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Real
Image of Marc Faber
Our best long-term and intermediate cycles suggest another slowdown and stock crash accelerating between very early 2014 and early 2015, and possibly lasting well into 2015 or even 2016. The worst economic trends due to demographics will hit between 2014 and 2019. The U.S. economy is likely to suffer a minor or major crash by early 2015 and another between late 2017 and late 2019 or early 2020 at the latest.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Long
Image of Marc Faber
Buy a $100 US bond and frame it to teach your children about inflation by watching the US bond value diminish to almost nothing over the next 20 years.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Children
Image of Marc Faber
Given all the money printing that is going on globally - and not just in the US - and given that the total credit as a percent of the advanced economies is now 30% higher than in 2007 before the crisis hit, I think that gold is a good insurance.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marc Faber
It is clear to me that the financial sector, including CNBC, loves central banks
- Marc Faber
Collection: Financial
Image of Marc Faber
You have to say that we are again in a massive financial bubble in bonds, in equities, in [other] asset prices that have gone up dramatically.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Gone
Image of Marc Faber
I think 2015 will see a year where Europe outperforms the U.S. massively.
- Marc Faber
Collection: Thinking