Macy Gray

Image of Macy Gray
Becoming famous and selling a lot of records doesn't change a thing.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Famous
Image of Macy Gray
You don't have to be a rock star - if you don't like the situation you're in, you don't have to settle for it.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
Being God would be the ultimate.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
I've never met anyone that is their image.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
I have a bronze statue of myself, naked. I have these really big curls and water comes out of every curl. It's hot.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
I write in the studio.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
I'd like to be Queen Elizabeth.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
The main part of the house is a deep red and I have butterscotch carpet. And I have a bathroom with leopard skin floor, wallpaper and toilet.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
Whatever your image is, it's probably not you, but it affords you the freedom to live up to it.
- Macy Gray
Image of Macy Gray
When you're little all the things that are quirky and weird about you and that people laugh at, you find out are the things that are going to get you through
- Macy Gray
Collection: People
Image of Macy Gray
I want to be as famous as midnight. As powerful as a gun. As loved as a pizza.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Powerful
Image of Macy Gray
You could either go the traditional way or the other way. I went the other way.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Way
Image of Macy Gray
I'm really demanding. No girl really wants just a guy. You want a prince, you want Jesus. So when he comes around and his name is, like, Steve, what are you supposed to do?
- Macy Gray
Collection: Girl
Image of Macy Gray
My voice is definitely a big present for me from God, because it's not like I can even take credit for it.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Voice
Image of Macy Gray
It's like any other job: there's a method to it and it's really important to get that down. I'm still working on it, I got a lot to learn. It's one thing to make records but it's a whole 'nother capacity to be a star - whatever that is.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Jobs
Image of Macy Gray
I don't know if I'm a feminist, as much as I really love being a woman and I'm proud to be a woman. I love everything about it. That might come closest. I definitely have nothing against men or men having their power. I do think that the whole thing with equal rights and paying women equally, it's disgusting. I think in this day and age, if you still have issues with women, then that's weird. I'm definitely for women winning. We're such a wild species, we have so much to offer. I'm all about that - being for ourselves.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Love Is
Image of Macy Gray
Am I a fruitcake? I don't know. Perception is reality, so if I sit here and say, "I'm not a fruitcake, I'm a lemon cake," it doesn't matter. What you see me as in your world is what I am; it doesn't matter what I am - do you know what I mean? To me, I know what my real problems are - and they're certainly not about cake. And that's just the way it is.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Real
Image of Macy Gray
I think I get misinterpreted and misunderstood a lot.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Thinking
Image of Macy Gray
I just love being on stage and I love making music, and as far as - it's great for narcissism, because you have all those people screaming out your name.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Love Is
Image of Macy Gray
You can connect with anybody nowadays. You can literally go on there and leave a message for Oprah Winfrey. If you want to say something to Hillary Clinton, you can tweet her! That's something I don't think anybody saw coming. It's also a way for people who aren't Oprah or Hillary to make a name for themselves and let people know they're out there. It's not exclusive to people who get lucky in life. It's amazing.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Thinking
Image of Macy Gray
My hobbies are random. One week I want to exercise, one week I just want to eat all day. One week I'm going out every night and the next week I'm totally locked in my house, not going anywhere. I'm a little bit all over the place, socially. I don't have another passion or hobby - it's really music. I'm in the studio constantly.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Passion
Image of Macy Gray
The funny thing about Facebook and Twitter is, you can go on there and see what's going on in the world without watching the news. I get so much news off of social media. I think it's cool. It's changed everything, not just music. It's changed the world. It definitely is a good thing. I don't really know what I think of it yet more than that. I haven't really sorted that out for myself.
- Macy Gray
Collection: Thinking