Leigh Bardugo

Image of Leigh Bardugo
YA fiction tends to have a finite quality. You're looking toward a goal - prom or graduation or revolution - and we leave these characters after a moment of tremendous transformation.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Graduation
Image of Leigh Bardugo
When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Mean
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Ideas
Image of Leigh Bardugo
The less you say, the more weight your words will carry.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Weight
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Weakness is a guise. Wear it when they need to know you're human, but never when you feel it.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Weakness
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Don't wish for bricks when you can build from stone.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Wish
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Na razrusha'ya. I am not ruined. E'ya razrushost. I am ruination.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Ruined
Image of Leigh Bardugo
What is infinite? The universe and the greed of men.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Men
Image of Leigh Bardugo
The ox feels the yoke, but does the bird feel the weight of its wings?
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Wings
Image of Leigh Bardugo
I like to have powerful enemies. Makes me feel important.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Powerful
Image of Leigh Bardugo
I'm perfectly capable of being stupid on my own.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Stupid
Image of Leigh Bardugo
I think the first trick to writing a feminist work is to write plenty of women. That way you get to write characters, instead of worrying about paradigms.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Writing
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Maybe love was superstition, a prayer we said to keep the truth of loneliness at bay. I tilted my head back. The stars looked like they were close together, when really they were millions of miles apart. In the end, maybe love just meant longing for something impossibly bright and forever out of reach.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Stars
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Yuyeh sesh. Despise your heart. Ni weh sesh. I have no heart.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Heart
Image of Leigh Bardugo
There’s no such thing as too much champagne. Though your head will try to tell you otherwise tomorrow.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Trying
Image of Leigh Bardugo
There was something soothing about the crackle of paper, the smell of ink, and the soft scratching of nibs and brushes.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Smell
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Don't argue. Never deign to deny. Meet insults with laughter.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Laughter
Image of Leigh Bardugo
And there's nothing wrong with being a lizard either. Unless you were born to be a hawk.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Lizards
Image of Leigh Bardugo
I wanted to believe anything so that I wouldn’t have to face the future alone. The problem with wanting is that it makes us weak.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Believe
Image of Leigh Bardugo
My stories usually begin with the characters and some elements of how power (personal, political, magical) functions in the world. The rest develops as I write, and research helps a great deal with that. If you're going to write about an agrarian economy, research agrarian economies. If your main character is starving, then you should know what it means for a malnourished body to break down.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Character
Image of Leigh Bardugo
I had spared the stag's life. The power of that life belonged to me as surely as it belonged to the man who had taken it.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Taken
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Grief had its own life, took its own sustenance.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Grief
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Just because you escape one trap, doesn't mean you will escape the next.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Mean
Image of Leigh Bardugo
You and I are going to change the world.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: World
Image of Leigh Bardugo
People, particularly big men carrying big rifles, don't expect lip from a scrawny thing like me. They always look a bit dazed when they get it.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Men
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Oh, and the easiest way to make someone furious is to tell her to calm down.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Way
Image of Leigh Bardugo
You want a love story too? There's none to be had.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Stories
Image of Leigh Bardugo
But I’ve also been known to answer to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘handsome.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Answers