Lauren Bacall

Image of Lauren Bacall
The early romance was the most romantic experience I have ever had in my life - far surpassing anything I might've dreamed of or imagined, it was quite amazing. When you are young and it's your first love and you are just carried away by it and that's all you can think about.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: First Love
Image of Lauren Bacall
All actors are terrified - they just learn how to control it.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Actors
Image of Lauren Bacall
Actors today go into TV, which I don't consider has a lot to do with acting. They only think of stardom. If you photograph well, that's enough. I have a terrible time distinguishing one from another. Girls wear their hair the same, and are much too anorexic-looking.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Girl
Image of Lauren Bacall
Actors today go into TV, which I don't consider has a lot to do with acting. They only think of stardom
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Acting
Image of Lauren Bacall
I had a lot of frustrations about my career. A lot of, you know, times where I felt I should've been considered for a part that I wasn't considered for.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Frustration
Image of Lauren Bacall
I never believed marriage was a lasting institution . . . I thought that to be married for five years was to be married forever.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Years
Image of Lauren Bacall
After the age of 30 in the movie profession, you're pretty well over as far as the casting people are concerned.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
I'll miss Hollywood. Of the twenty friends I thought I had, I'll miss the six I really had.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Missing
Image of Lauren Bacall
The first time anything happens to you - your first love, your first success - the second one is never the same.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Love You
Image of Lauren Bacall
His (Frank Sinatra) attention span was not long, shall we say.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Long
Image of Lauren Bacall
I was this flat-chested, big-footed, lanky thing.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Bigs
Image of Lauren Bacall
When you are playing a part like that where you have traveled - you begin to think, God what a great life. Independent, living alone and how dramatic.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Independent
Image of Lauren Bacall
I've still not gotten my choice of the best roles in the world.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Choices
Image of Lauren Bacall
Hollywood is the only place in the world where an amicable divorce means each one gets fifty percent of the publicity.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Mean
Image of Lauren Bacall
the real stakes in the theater are high - they are life stakes. That's what I love about it. You gamble with your life, and that's a gamble worth taking.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Real
Image of Lauren Bacall
I fairly often have thought how lucky I was. I knew everybody because I was married to Bogie, and that 25-year difference was the most fantastic thing for me to have in my life.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
"My obit is going to be full of Bogart, I'm sure," she says, adding, "I'll never know if that's true. If that's the way it is, that's the way it is."
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
The problem in America as far as actors are concerned - and it's probably true in other fields, as well - is that they don't value people who are older or talented. I don't think ability means anything. How much money you have or how much money you can make for them are the only things they seem to care about or understand.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Mean
Image of Lauren Bacall
I find that through the sad times, work is what made my continuing, not breaking down, possible. In work, I was always someone else and I subconsciously reveled in that.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Breaking Down
Image of Lauren Bacall
Losing Bogey was horrible, obviously. Because he was young. And because he gave me my life. I wouldn't have had a - I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't met him. I would have had a completely different kind of life. He changed me, he gave me everything. And he was an extraordinary man.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
He named me. He liked the sound of it. And I said, well, all right. I felt a little odd about it. I don't understand all that name changing business anyway... No, he felt that Lauren Bacall was better sounding than Betty Bacall. He had a vision of his own. He was a svengali. He wanted to mold me. He wanted to control me. And he did until Mr. Bogart got involved.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
Howard Hawks said he'd like to put me in a film with Cary Grant or Humphrey Bogart. I thought, "Cary Grant-terrific! Humphrey Bogart-yucch."
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
I don't think being the only child of a single parent helped. I was always a little unsteady in my self-belief. Then there was the Jewish thing. I love being Jewish, I have no problem with it at all. But it did become like a scar, with all these people saying you don't look it.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Children
Image of Lauren Bacall
I'm total, total, total liberal and proud of it.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Proud
Image of Lauren Bacall
About working with Marilyn Monroe.We got along very well. My only complaint about her was that she was late all the time, but she was late out of fear as much as anything else, but it was hard to sit around and wait. She was usually an hour or two late every morning.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Morning
Image of Lauren Bacall
The madmen seem to live on forever, don't they?
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Forever
Image of Lauren Bacall
Always I'm feeling, 'You're never going to work again.' That's going to happen one day, but I hope I'm not alive.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Feelings
Image of Lauren Bacall
I think I'm damn lucky. I'm lucky that my kids are all straight, that they haven't ended up in jail, that they're all worthwhile human beings, thank God. Their lives are happy; they have happy partners, wives, husbands.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Husband
Image of Lauren Bacall
No, I'm afraid they might slip and hit a nerve and I'd end up with one side of my face hanging down or something. I'll just stick with this one for a while and take my chances. I'll be brave.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
Sophie, my dog, is the high in the highlights of my life. Even through rain, snow, ice, and general laziness, she is the reason I smile when I wake up and a comfort to me continually. I could never have imagined that a now five-pound, six-ounce dog would take over my life. But it has happened, and I am happy to have someone to look after and share my moods with.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Dog
Image of Lauren Bacall
I always brought up my children not to believe in Mothers Day gifts, and now I regret it.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Mothers Day
Image of Lauren Bacall
People should tell your children what life is all about - it's about work.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Children
Image of Lauren Bacall
The purity of Jewish upbringing - the restrictions that one carries through life being a 'nice Jewish girl' - what a burden.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Girl
Image of Lauren Bacall
I am not a wealthy woman. I wish to hell I was, but I never had a wealthy man.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
You had to stay awake married to him [Humphrey Bogart]. Every time I thought I could relax and do everything I wanted, he'd buck. There was no way to predict his reactions, no matter how well I knew him. As he'd said before our wedding, he expected to be happily married and stay that way, but he never expected to settle down. He liked keeping people off balance. He was good for me -- I could never be quite sure what he would do.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: People
Image of Lauren Bacall
Generally women are better than men -- they have more character. I prefer men for some things, obviously, but women have a greater sense of honor and are more willing to take a chance with their lives.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Character
Image of Lauren Bacall
Well, the people I've known I must say are extraordinary. When I think about some of them, I can't believe that I knew them all. And I think the reason I knew most of them at the beginning was because they were of Bogie's generation, 25 years my senior, not mine. But they were the most talented people of all.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Senior
Image of Lauren Bacall
He [Bogie] had tremendous character and a great sense of honor and would not tolerate lies, even if they asked him what he thought of a movie. We were once at a screening at somebody's house, I forget whose, and they ran a movie that he was in, that he never thought much of. Afterward, the producer asked what he thought of it, and Bogie said "I think it's a crock." And this producer was horrified! He was about to release the movie, and he said to Bogie "Why would you say that?!" Bogie shrugged and said "Then don't ask me." He never played the schmoozing game. He was not into that at all.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Lying
Image of Lauren Bacall
God if the press ever quoted anyone correctly it would be brilliant.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
The industry is s**t, it's the medium that's great.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Hollywood
Image of Lauren Bacall
Each time a friend dies, the present becomes the past, in an instant.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Past
Image of Lauren Bacall
No, I don't like legend. I mean, I don't like the category. And to begin with, to me, a legend is something that is not on the Earth, that is dead
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
If there was a pause in a conversation with anyone, you could always light a cigarette, or if a man lit a cigarette for you, you could look up. It's the most dramatic thing in the world because it's intimate, it's suggestive, and that's one of the problems with giving it up, is that it's a very useful tool.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Men
Image of Lauren Bacall
They think actors are freaks - that we're a lot of drunks who party all the time and never work. Well, I for one work my tail off.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Party
Image of Lauren Bacall
I'm crazy enough to believe in taking chances in every way, in making choices and gambling with your life. That's the kind of gambling I believe in.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lauren Bacall
[Katharine Hepburn] was much stronger, much more opinionated than I am or ever was, and it was considered attractive on her. But not on me. I don't know. Maybe her Bryn Mawr accent was more appealing than mine.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Stronger
Image of Lauren Bacall
I always thought I had crooked eyebrows and crooked teeth. That's why I never understood why people called me a beauty.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Lauren Bacall
My son tells me, 'Do you realize you are the last one? The last person who was an eyewitness to the golden age?' Young people, even in Hollywood, ask me, 'Were you really married to Humphrey Bogart?' 'Well, yes, I think I was,' I reply. You realize yourself when you start reflecting - because I don't live in the past, although your past is so much a part of what you are - that you can't ignore it. But I don't look at scrapbooks. I could show you some, but I'd have to climb ladders, and I can't climb
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Memorable
Image of Lauren Bacall
How long an actress lives professionally depends on her stamina, the extent of her masochism, her imagination, and her yearning for recognition or approval.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Long