Kevin Durant

Image of Kevin Durant
If I'm educated and passionate about a topic, I'll answer the question. But I also know when to shut the hell up.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Passionate
Image of Kevin Durant
I feel like I can get a good feel for people.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: People
Image of Kevin Durant
I know what to keep to myself. I know what I want to give up.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Kevin Durant
It's all about knowing the balance, because I like to remain somewhat of a mystery. You need to have that, you know what I mean?
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin Durant
I want to have some stuff that I keep for myself, my friends, my family, my loved ones. That's how I view.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Views
Image of Kevin Durant
I'm not trying to have my whole life out there in the media.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Media
Image of Kevin Durant
This was an extremely difficult decision as I take great pride in representing our country. I know that I owe it to my USA Basketball teammates to be totally invested in the experience. After going through training camp with USAB, I realized I could not fulfill my responsibilities to the team from both a time and energy standpoint. I need to take a step back and take some time away, both mentally and physically in order to prepare for the upcoming NBA season. I will be rooting for USAB and look forward to future opportunities with them.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kevin Durant
I want the younger kids, the basketball players in high school and college to hear from me and let them know that when you come to the league, this is what happens and this is how I feel as an NBA player. And it's not all peachy keen.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kevin Durant
I'm going to let you know the real, and I'm going to let you know the real as I can about me.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Real
Image of Kevin Durant
Twitter is a place where I can let people know what type of person I am, and I got some good feedback from it. More good than bad, so it's a good outlet to let people know who I am.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Kevin Durant
No lie, just had one of the best times of my life at Rucker! I love NYHarlem waddup.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Lying
Image of Kevin Durant
I'm intrigued on how music is made, that's how I started getting into it. Of course I've been in the booth before, just joking around to see how it is, and I'll make a couple of beats here or there and help my artists out. But other that, I'll stick to listening.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Couple
Image of Kevin Durant
We live in a world of what have you done for me lately. We don't remember the day before sometimes. Think back five, six, years ago what he was doing. It's unheard of.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kevin Durant
Jimmer Fredette is the best scorer in the world!!
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kevin Durant
I don't [know] what everybody else's motives are, I don't know what your motives are, but mine is to portray the real life of an NBA player. And it's not all about I just do everything, like I'm the hardest worker, or I love to play basketball every day, I go to the gym at eight and don't leave until five. No, that's not how it is. That's not how I am.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Basketball
Image of Kevin Durant
My mother taught me to always be strong and always work hard. She’s been working hard her whole life for me and my brother. I’m a lot like her in that I work hard for what I want. She taught me that.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Strong
Image of Kevin Durant
I just want to grow spiritually with the Lord. I’m keeping strong at it, just trying to make my walk with faith a little better.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Strong
Image of Kevin Durant
And the game of basketball, I play, I play first off because I love it. I love to have fun. I love to run up and down the court.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Fun
Image of Kevin Durant
It’s fun that I get to live out my dream every single day. It’s a blessing. I can’t lose sight of that and I’ve just got to keep pushing.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Fun