Kerry Ellis

Image of Kerry Ellis
The exciting thing about seeing a new show is that you are taken on a journey of surprises, if you know what's coming it takes away the fun.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Fun
Image of Kerry Ellis
My family would soon tell me if I was getting above my station. I love what I do, I love my job, but I also like to go home and lead a normal life. ... I like to go to the gym, go shopping and do normal things, and it's totally unnecessary to not value people working around you. It's down to good manners, really.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kerry Ellis
I love Lady Gaga! I think she's incredible. I think she's so clever - you know, about what she wears and when she does it. Plus, her music is just incredible. You can really compare her to Madonna now - she's really amazing.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Clever
Image of Kerry Ellis
Adele is so great! I love "Someone Like You"! Everyone is just raving about it. What's so nice about it - and a lot of her songs - is it just takes it back to basics.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Song
Image of Kerry Ellis
What's amazing about Sarah [Brightman] is that she's sustained such a career. She just keeps going - she's like a machine. She tours and records and loves what she does. I think she's a really good example to anybody in the industry that there is life beyond the shows.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kerry Ellis
The thing about Stephen Schwartz is that, while it may be difficult to learn - it's a little bit like[Stephen] Sondheim; Sondheim is quite difficult to learn - but, once you have it in you: it never leaves you. It becomes some of your favorite music; it really does.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Doe
Image of Kerry Ellis
Everyone with the new generation is about the social network and YouTube, so if you put a proper version of what it should ideally be, I think it's great. All the stuff on YouTube is there as a back-up! I think that's the way it should be.
- Kerry Ellis
Collection: Thinking