Kate McKinnon

Image of Kate McKinnon
I pride myself on being tragically uncool.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
'SNL' can be a stressful environment, and I am panicking constantly, but I guess I keep it pretty internal.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
Even when Facebook came out, and I was in college, I found myself never putting anything on it.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
Progress, real progress, makes me cry harder than anything. When the world itself grows.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I hope to be on 'SNL' as long as they'll let me.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
The first impression that I liked doing was an impression of Cheri Oteri's Barbara Walters impression on 'SNL.' I found that I could mimic that pretty well, and people got a kick out of that.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
That's the one criteria I have - I can't do an impression of someone I don't like.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
It's hard to write a comedy sketch.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I love the produce section at the grocery store.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I really like collections of things. I love antique botanical prints with a bunch of different weeds and seeds.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
Some people look at movies and think, 'Oh my gosh, that's so amazing.' But to me, I look at a politician or a scientist and think, 'They're creating the content of humanity.'
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
Comedy has become, I think, a very important branch of public intellectualism. But it still ain't Washington.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I don't sleep enough, and it does... what is the opposite of wonders... horrors. It does horrors for my skin.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I lost $6 in Atlantic City once and said, 'Never again.'
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
My cat does this thing where he's so happy to see me that he repeatedly smashes his face into my face and purrs like a literal pig.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
It's such an insult that foul gas comes out of a hole in our butt with a sound to announce itself. It's the ultimate bad thing about being a person.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I work with some of the funniest writers in the country.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I've been told I'm a little bit eccentric.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I love doing impressions of politicians because the task is always to imagine the private lives of these people whose job it is to project an image of staunch, unflinching leadership and grace, and that's just not how human beings, in their heart of hearts, work.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
When I heard that Paul Feig was directing an all-female 'Ghostbusters,' I was prepared to do anything to be a part of this, to be a part of what sounded like an incredible project.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
If I had my druthers, I would be a brain in a jar, with a burlap skirt around the cart I'm on - I don't attend to my physical being much.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I like to connect with people and suss them out. There's no better way than seeing how they react if you just bear into them.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I can relate to pushing yourself because you want to help and move culture toward justice.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I feel like science and art are cousins.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I think that any sort of fantasy or sci fi that is grounded in something that could ostensibly be real - 'Jurassic Park' being my favorite example - is that much more prescient because it means that much more. Maybe one day, what if?
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
For 'Ghostbusters,' the thing that makes it such an amazing franchise and an amazing idea is that it is adds the element of physics and technology. It's not just about ghosts. Who the heck came up with that? It is such a good idea, such a unique combination of stuff from different genres. Ghosts and sci fi.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
I'm a physical comedian first - and I'm a woman before that.
- Kate McKinnon
Image of Kate McKinnon
When I'm away from a red carpet, I'm a big introvert, I'm very quiet, and I like to sit in silence at home with my cat, Nino, who is my whole world, or most of it.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Cat
Image of Kate McKinnon
There are a lot of places in the world I'd like to visit, like Laos, but I don't know whether I'll ever make it there. I'd love to go to Laos and Kazakhstan and some other places I wouldn't feel comfortable traveling to alone. But I haven't found anyone to go with me yet.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: World
Image of Kate McKinnon
My one goal when I started was not to actually vomit on TV or run away.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Kate McKinnon
I love to just get in the booth. Put some tracks down. I’m basically Rihanna.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Track
Image of Kate McKinnon
The after-party is always at a restaurant, and for me, the fun starts when I get a cheese platter. That's as f-ed up as I get.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate McKinnon
Citizens, you will elect me - I will be your leader.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Leader