Justin Cronin

Image of Justin Cronin
I'm an ecumenical reader, grew up with all sorts of fiction, teach writing, went to the Iowa Writers' Workshop, so my tastes and interests are broad.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Writing
Image of Justin Cronin
That literary-popular distinction is, in my view, vastly overstated. At the far poles there are clearly books that are purely commercial and purely literary, written for audiences that want to see the same thing enacted over and over and over again. But the middle is where most people read and most people write.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Book
Image of Justin Cronin
Here she was, a women who could bolt-load a crossbow in under a second, put half a dozen long arrows in the air in fewer than five, blade a target dead through the sweet spot at six meters, on the run, on an off day; and yet knitting a pair of baby booties seemed completely beyond her power.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Running
Image of Justin Cronin
My inventing time is all done under the influence of aerobic exercise. Basically, I do all my thinking while I run.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Running
Image of Justin Cronin
The military was all about hierarchies, who urinated highest on the hydrant
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Military
Image of Justin Cronin
The fact is, there's a great deal of hair-splitting fussiness when it comes to fly-fishing, most of it as silly as a top hat.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Silly
Image of Justin Cronin
So, whenever I'm writing, I'm writing in the presence of all the other books I've read and I think we all are.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Book
Image of Justin Cronin
Don't we all deserve forgiveness? I hope we do; I believe we do. Forgiveness says as much about the character of the person bestowing it as the person receiving it. Learning to forgive may be the most difficult of human acts,and the closest thing to divinity, whatever you decide that is.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Believe
Image of Justin Cronin
The world was a world of dreaming souls who could not die.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Dream
Image of Justin Cronin
I'm a workmanlike writer. I show up every day and treat it like a job. The old rule that writing is like any other job, the first rule is that you must show up. I'm at the keyboard from 9 to 4 every day.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justin Cronin
I tend to start at 9 o'clock in the morning and write until 3. Those are my best hours. They fit the other rhythms of the world. So I write for six hours, pretty much without any breaks.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Morning
Image of Justin Cronin
I came to Houston for a job, the reason most people move halfway across the country with a first grader and a five-week-old. I came here to teach at Rice.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Country
Image of Justin Cronin
One thing that worried me was how writers get categorized and so they end up having to write the same kind of book again and again. That is fine if it is what you want to do, but I would rather be locked in the trunk of my car with a weasel than write the same book every three years until I die.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Book
Image of Justin Cronin
You learn to write by reading, and my experiences and tastes as a reader are pretty wide.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Book