Julie Dillon

Image of Julie Dillon
Our universe grants every soul a twin- a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit - And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Soulmate
Image of Julie Dillon
I think digital media is a valid tool, one that has it's own strengths and weaknesses. So often I see people dismissing digital art as somehow cheating or not as valid or important as traditional art, but the computer is just another tool.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Cheating
Image of Julie Dillon
The main difference between commissioned work and work I do for myself is that if I'm doing for myself, I don't have to worry about sticking to an art description or working for a specific audience or project.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Art
Image of Julie Dillon
The recognition definitely helps and goes a long way for helping me to reaffirm my decision to purse art fulltime. Getting awards and nominations encourages me to keep trying even harder.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Art
Image of Julie Dillon
I was always interested in drawing and creating, but it never really occurred to me that I could pursue art as my profession until my mid twenties. From all I had heard from other people, art was just something you do as a hobby in between your real work and real jobs.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Art
Image of Julie Dillon
I spent much of my college life prepping for other careers, but I was always drawing and painting whenever I had free time. Eventually, thanks to the internet, I started noticing that there were such things as art schools, and professional artists, and people making a living doing a variety of types of art.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Art
Image of Julie Dillon
I think traditional media is vitally important, I think there are a lot of benefits to working in traditional media, and I enjoy doing working with real paint when I get the chance.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Real
Image of Julie Dillon
I personally prefer working digitally because it allows me to work quickly and cleanly. I don't have to buy paint or brushes or canvases, I don't have to wait for paintings to dry before sending them to clients, I don't have to photograph or scan my final work, and I can make edits immediately and easily.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Waiting
Image of Julie Dillon
I just really enjoying creating in general; I used to also write stories and play music and do different crafts, but illustration ended up being the creative outlet that I focused on for my career. I feel like illustration gives me the flexibility to tackle more abstract or loose ideas, as well as just enjoy the process of putting time into developing a skill.
- Julie Dillon
Collection: Writing