Judith Butler

Image of Judith Butler
Some Israeli politicians have proposed the transfer of Palestinians out of what is currently called Israel, either into the occupied territories, into Jordan or out into other Arab lands, with the idea that there would be no intermixing of Palestinian and Jewish Israelis or Palestinian and Jewish communities. But the idea of an absolute segregation is one that I find lamentable.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Israel
Image of Judith Butler
What is most important is to cease legislating for all lives what is liveable only for some, and similarly, to refrain from proscribing for all lives what is unlivable for some.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Important
Image of Judith Butler
It is true that non-governmental organisations working within strong human rights frameworks are now confounded by securitarian forms of logic and power that extend the paternalistic bias of their work in new ways.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Strong
Image of Judith Butler
I do think we need to allow for there to be room for subversive and ironic speech. We need to be able to put out plays in which we make fun of ourselves or in which we interrogate the words that injure us. And maybe give them another meaning.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Fun
Image of Judith Butler
What would it mean if we lived in a world in which no one held out for the possibility of substantial political equality, or for a full cessation of colonial practices - if no one held out for those things because they were impossible?
- Judith Butler
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith Butler
We need a legal and political understanding of the right of the refugee, whereby no solution for one group produces a new class of refugees - you can't solve a refugee problem by producing a new, potentially greater refugee problem.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Class
Image of Judith Butler
I was off to Yale to be a lesbian
- Judith Butler
Collection: Yale
Image of Judith Butler
I do know that some people believe that I see gender as a "choice" rather than as an essential and firmly fixed sense of self. My view is actually not that. No matter whether one feels one's gendered and sexed reality to be firmly fixed or less so, every person should have the right to determine the legal and linguistic terms of their embodied lives.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Believe
Image of Judith Butler
The life doesn't simply get erased. It gets imprinted and remembered.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Remembered
Image of Judith Butler
I'm no great fan of the phallus, and have made my own views known on this subject before, so I do not propose a return to a notion of the phallus as the third term in any and all relations of desire.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Views
Image of Judith Butler
The real question is how do you survive at the same time you pose those risks? Because you need to survive. And it seems to me that you survive in community or in solidarity, with others who are taking the risk with you.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Real
Image of Judith Butler
My sense is that we may not need the language of innateness or genetics to understand that we are all ethically bound to recognize another person's declared or enacted sense of sex and/or gender. We do not have to agree upon the "origins" of that sense of self to agree that it is ethically obligatory to support and recognize sexed and gendered modes of being that are crucial to a person's well-being.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Sex
Image of Judith Butler
I think it's important to live with a certain danger and a certain risk.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Judith Butler
A different kind of pleasure surfaced in the aftermath, the pleasure of seeing the towers fall time and again, the experience of being entranced by the visual spectacle, and then also the very graphic forms of public mourning for exemplary citizens (taking place at the same time as the refusal to mourn the undocumented, the foreign, gay and lesbian lives lost there, for example). I am not sure that the guilt over the pleasure re-installed the good citizen.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Fall
Image of Judith Butler
It is clear that whatever language of democracy [Barack] Obama and his administration use is very tactically deployed, and has as its main aim the extension of US power and interests.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Democracy
Image of Judith Butler
If you have a conversation "Why is it you think masculinity is linked with heterosexuality? Or why is it you think masculinity is linked with sexual dominance or the sexually active position in the sex act?" If you start to ask people those questions, then they realize "Maybe gender is not one thing. Maybe I have collected a number of things under one category and I've made a mistake".
- Judith Butler
Collection: Sex
Image of Judith Butler
I want my arguments to be good arguments on the basis of what I actually have to say.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Want
Image of Judith Butler
One struggles always with these norms. So one doesn't construct oneself freely without respect to norm but one works with one's historical situation and sees where there might be some play. Where there might be some freedom to move.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Struggle
Image of Judith Butler
It seems to me that "Gender trouble" will always be important to try and open up our ideas of what gender is. So, I don't know if it's revolutionary, but maybe it still has something to say to those issues.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Ideas
Image of Judith Butler
I did not mean to argue that gender is fluid and changeable (mine certainly is not). I only meant to say that we should all have greater freedoms to define and pursue our lives without pathologization, de-realization, harassment, threats of violence, violence, and criminalization. I join in the struggle to realize such a world.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Struggle
Image of Judith Butler
I don't think there's any way that war can have a place in peace. I think that peace is the active and difficult resistance to the temptation of war; it is the prerogative and the obligation of the injured. Peace is something that has to be vigilantly maintained; it is a vigilance, and it involves temptation, and it does not mean we as human beings are not aggressive. This is a mistaken way of understanding non-violence.
- Judith Butler
Collection: War
Image of Judith Butler
You could protect a religious minority against gays and lesbians. Or you could protect gays and lesbians against a religious minority. And then, it seems to me something political is happening. Because we're not really looking at the kind of speech that is injurious.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Religious
Image of Judith Butler
I reject totally the characterization of a transwoman as a mutilated man. First, that formulation presumes that men born into that sex assignment are not mutilated. Second, it once again sets up the feminist as the prosecutor of trans people. If there is any mutilation going on in this scene, it is being done by the feminist police force who rejects the lived embodiment of transwomen. That very accusation is a form of "mutilation" as is all transphobic discourse such as these.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Sex
Image of Judith Butler
We should all have greater freedoms to define and pursue our lives without pathologization, de-realization, harassment, threats of violence, violence, and criminalization. I join in the struggle to realize such a world.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Struggle
Image of Judith Butler
I was born a Zionist, because I didn't have a choice about that. It was the ether of my family life, but I certainly broke with it as I asked more questions about it. And that doesn't mean I want to see the destruction of a people, it means I want to see a state structure that might embody more substantially the basic principles of democracy.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith Butler
People need to know who I am and where I'm coming from.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Judith Butler
There are doubtless all kinds of ways of explaining why people want security, but I do not think we can start with the psychological explanations. Even psychological states like fear or desire for safety are conditioned by social and political forms of intimidation and scare-mongering that intensify those emotions, and even work to persuade people that nothing less than their survival is at stake.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Judith Butler
I wonder about economic sanctions, though, since that is a way that states engage in boycotts against one another.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Economic Sanctions
Image of Judith Butler
Because Al-Qaeda has been a non-state centered organisation, many of these scenarios do not exactly apply. These are not wars between states. And yet, it seems to me that we make a mistake if we accept the view that states are fighting terrorism, since we have abundant evidence for accepting the idea of state terrorism, and what is most urgent is to track and expose how state terrorism operates under the rubric of "democracy."
- Judith Butler
Collection: Mistake
Image of Judith Butler
I do situate myself in this problem of being a Jew who doesn't want to be represented by the state of Israel, a state that claims to represent all Jewish people and make me into a potential citizen.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Israel
Image of Judith Butler
Sometimes there are ways to minimize the importance of gender in life, or to confuse gender categories so that they no longer have descriptive power. But other times gender can be very important to us, and some people really love the gender that they have claimed for themselves.
- Judith Butler
Collection: People
Image of Judith Butler
Neoliberalism has taken new forms since the demise of the Fordist concept of labor and with the emergence of what is understood as flexible labor. This has really come to be the dominant form for about the last 20 years.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Taken
Image of Judith Butler
No matter whether one feels one's gendered and sexed reality to be firmly fixed or less so, every person should have the right to determine the legal and linguistic terms of their embodied lives. So whether one wants to be free to live out a "hard-wired" sense of sex or a more fluid sense of gender, is less important than the right to be free to live it out, without discrimination, harassment, injury, pathologization or criminalization - and with full institutional and community support.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Reality
Image of Judith Butler
When I was young there were lesbians who said "Oh, I will free myself of all norms of masculinity, all norms of heterosexuality ". And then, they ended up in very complex relationships that were maybe full of heterosexual power dynamics or full of lesbian forms of masculinity and they became very confused.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Confused
Image of Judith Butler
I have simply taken some of the same questions and reposed them in new ways. But, you see, I must live. Right? I mean I can't stay the same for everyone to be consumed as the author of "Gender trouble". I have to continue to live and that means I have to "reposer les questions".
- Judith Butler
Collection: Taken
Image of Judith Butler
I want to say that the way in which we understand gender actually changes the way we live gender.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Want
Image of Judith Butler
If we think about sexual life for a gender life, it seems to me that we have to allow for certain kinds of changes or certain kinds of ways of reconceptualizing ourselves.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Judith Butler
A certain kind of permission is given to live differently, to conceptualize and to act according to a new conceptualization.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Kind
Image of Judith Butler
It's important that if one opposes discriminatory speech, one opposes all kinds. That is that one decides on a principle that it will include all minorities. But if the protection of one minority against another minority is what is happening, then I worry about that.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Worry
Image of Judith Butler
We're trying to divide groups or decide that some of them are truly victims and some of them are truly aggressors.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Trying
Image of Judith Butler
So for instance in rap music, you very often hear words that would seem very racist, or very misogynous or very homophobic but in some of those instances, the words are being taken back or redefined so that they lose their injurious quality.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Rap
Image of Judith Butler
It wasn't possible just to rid oneself, simply, of the norms through which one is constituted.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Norm
Image of Judith Butler
It's not my concern. It's your concern. I just keep working. I keep posing certain questions and I think there are times when people think "What happened to the Judith Butler I used to know?" or "She's not doing gender trouble. Does that mean she refuses it or she's disavowed it?" And I would say no. I have not refused or disavowed anything.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith Butler
The violence of language consists in its effort to capture the ineffable and, hence, to destroy it, to seize hold of that which must remain elusive for language to operate as a living thing.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Effort
Image of Judith Butler
Every taxi driver I have ever spoken to has a theory of gender.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Gender
Image of Judith Butler
I know that some subjective experiences of sex are very firm and fundamental, even unchangeable. They can be so firm and unchanging that we call them "innate". But given that we report on such a sense of self within a social world, a world in which we are trying to use language to express what we feel, it is unclear what language does that most effectively. I understand that "innate" is a word that conveys the sense of something hired-wired and constitutive. I suppose I would be inclined to wonder whether other vocabularies might do the job equally well.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Judith Butler
If you are asking whether states and state actors can only respond through revenge, then you are suggesting that diplomatic solutions are hopeless.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Revenge
Image of Judith Butler
The question is whether NGOs that bring protection or aid or reparation therapies are furthering the possibility of self-determination or extending a form of managerial power and paternalism.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Determination
Image of Judith Butler
There are surely many ways that [media select and contextualise events determine the boundaries of public thinking] happens, but we can note at the most obvious level the way in which forms of resistance or violence get cast as "conflicts" that assume two sides that are fighting only against one another.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Fighting