Josef Albers

Image of Josef Albers
I want color and form to have contradictorily functions.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
A painter paints because he has no time not to paint.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Paint
Image of Josef Albers
I start from experience and read. . .always between polarities - loud and not-loud, young and old, spring and winter. If I can make black and white behave together instead of shooting at each other only, I feel proud.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Spring
Image of Josef Albers
Independent of harmony rules, any color 'goes' or 'works' with any other color, presupposing that their quantities are appropriate.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Independent
Image of Josef Albers
I paint the way I spread butter on pumpernickel.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Way
Image of Josef Albers
What has been said does not simply belong to us.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Doe
Image of Josef Albers
As we do not see squares in nature, I thought that it is man-made. But I have corrected myself. Because squares exist in salt crystals, our daily salt.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Men
Image of Josef Albers
The aim of art is a constant, and a continuous job to reveal visually the attitude of our mentality. And the less we disturb the influence of our mentality the more I believe we come close to the truth.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Art
Image of Josef Albers
Therefore art means: you have to believe, to have faith, that is, cultivate vision.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Art
Image of Josef Albers
Repeated similar experiments with adjacent colors will show that any ground subtracts its own hue from colors which it carries and therefore influences.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
Art is concerned with the HOW and not the WHAT.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Art
Image of Josef Albers
Art problems are problems of human relationship.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Art
Image of Josef Albers
Whether something 'has color' or not is as hard to define verbally as are such questions as, 'What is music?' or 'What is musical?
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
Just as the unmusical ear is not competent to judge music, so it is likewise with pictures, whether they are paintings, drawings or photos. Only a sensitive and trained eye gives us the right to judge.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Eye
Image of Josef Albers
It's the only dish I serve my craziness for color in.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color
Image of Josef Albers
I do not like to be a prophet. I like better to paint than to predict what the next painters will do. Though I have a feeling that consideration of order is very much in the air.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Art
Image of Josef Albers
We never really perceive what color is physically!
- Josef Albers
Collection: Color