Jonah Hill

Image of Jonah Hill
21 Jump Street is great. I just made that, and produced it and was a writer on it. It's starring myself and Channing Tatum, and maybe some surprise guests.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Guests
Image of Jonah Hill
I mostly like documentaries, so I always think things that happened in real life are so astounding that why would you make a movie about something fake.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Real
Image of Jonah Hill
I don't watch like Sci-fi or things like that, I'm always more like real life is so endlessly fascinating to me.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Real
Image of Jonah Hill
Maybe if you play somebody in a certain world people sometimes misinterpret that it's a support of that world or that occupation or something.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Play
Image of Jonah Hill
People are so funny. There's no winning with commenters or anonymous people. They'd be rude that I was overweight, and now they're rude that I'm healthy.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Winning
Image of Jonah Hill
I'm very, very attracted to morally ambiguous characters, not just pure bad guys or pure good guys.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Character
Image of Jonah Hill
I realized I never played a character that was skilled at anything, or skilled at anything that I couldn't become skilled at.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Character
Image of Jonah Hill
I have other tastes besides comedy. I love comedy. I adore it, but I love dramatic movies just as much.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Taste
Image of Jonah Hill
I'm sure a bunch of 15-year-old kids would way rather I do 'Superbad 2 than 'Moneyball.' But I would love to do movies like 'Superbad' and movies like 'Moneyball.'
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Kids
Image of Jonah Hill
Luckily with animation, they give you a lot more leeway than a live-action show.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Giving
Image of Jonah Hill
As a writer, I haven't delved into dramatic writing. As an actor, I could always, even more so than comedy, do drama.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Drama
Image of Jonah Hill
In the comedies I've been lucky enough to be a part of a world like Judd Apatow's, where I believe comedy comes from real people.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Real
Image of Jonah Hill
I've never been into just really silly stuff.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Silly
Image of Jonah Hill
When you do your comedy and your drama, your acting style doesn't change. If it's a comedy, the situations and the characters might be a little funnier, but you're just trying to be honest.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Drama
Image of Jonah Hill
You have more of a responsibility to make the audience laugh. In comedy, we do have to say, "All right, it's been two minutes in the film. We need another laugh here." With drama, there's no pressure in that regard. It's a different kind of pressure, but it's not like we need to make someone laugh.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Drama
Image of Jonah Hill
I love my parents. But I’m almost 28 and it’s not fun to be asked, ‘What are you doing today? What do you want for dinner? When are you going to be home?’ It just makes you feel like a kid. It’s this juxtaposition of feeling annoyed and really lucky to have people who love you so much.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonah Hill
You just have to be strong and don’t be stupid; freedom of choice is a big responsibility.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Strong
Image of Jonah Hill
I really care about this stuff, I care about movies, and you just have to be strong and don’t be stupid; freedom of choice is a big responsibility, and I’m lucky enough not to have to just take any movie to pay the rent, so there’s no need to be greedy.
- Jonah Hill
Collection: Strong