Jon Taffer

Image of Jon Taffer
Honestly, if I could be anything, I'd love to be a small-business authority type of person.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
Sometimes people go into my business because they like to drink, which - that's insane.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
I really was going to run for Congress.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
I can't believe the sense of community here, the amount of pride the people who run this city have in Las Vegas. They are wonderful.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
I have a playroom with my drum set, a guitar, and amplifier at home.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
What I love about Vegas is that we have the mountains and the Strip. There is always something to do.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
My company was based in Palm Beach, Florida, but when 'Bar Rescue' took off, I knew I had to move west. It was a choice between L.A. and Vegas. I have a lot of friends in Vegas, and it became my choice. I'm so glad because I love it here. There's a real sense of community. It's a big town that feels like a small town. Everybody knows everybody.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
Don't open a bar if you think all you need to be is social and greet the customers. You have to run a business.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
There has been a black hole in the bar business in Las Vegas, particularly on the Strip in tourist areas.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
In the bar and restaurant industry, you're always one idea away from your next quarter-million.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a liquor company. Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a bar.
- Jon Taffer
Image of Jon Taffer
I don’t embrace excuses. I embrace solutions.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Excuse
Image of Jon Taffer
If you're not passionate, you achieve mediocrity
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Mediocrity
Image of Jon Taffer
Can I be cocky for a second? If I hit a home run 80 percent of the times, and you want to talk about the 20 times I miss swinging the bat, I’m okay with that.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Running
Image of Jon Taffer
Your ‘brand’ is what your customers think of you, not what you think of you.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jon Taffer
If you had a dime for every excuse you made, I wouldn't have to be here right now.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Excuse You
Image of Jon Taffer
When I get angry, it's with purpose. My purpose is to solve a problem. And I never lose sight of that.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Sight
Image of Jon Taffer
When I talk to idiots, I get loud!
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Idiot
Image of Jon Taffer
Fixing bars is easy. Fixing people is tough.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: People
Image of Jon Taffer
The fact of the matter is: when you're doing a project, you try to make it better every moment. And a lot of people get frustrated. But I surrounded myself with a good team of people and I'm really proud of the work we've all done. All I can say is - I've learned this in my business - don't let the process frustrate you; focus on the end. Because the end is pretty wonderful. Just fight it out.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Team
Image of Jon Taffer
I don't accept excuses, only solutions.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Excuse
Image of Jon Taffer
No matter how far society “progresses,” our thirst for community and connection will never diminish. Bars satisfy this need.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Community
Image of Jon Taffer
What is the one thing that 43% of men prefer over sex? Bacon!
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Sex
Image of Jon Taffer
I'm very involved in all of my social media activities. I'm not an actor. I play myself, and I take that very seriously.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Media
Image of Jon Taffer
I never thought I'd ever do a pirate bar, to be honest with you.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Pirate
Image of Jon Taffer
Challenges met are the scariest but are sometimes the most worthwhile.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Challenges
Image of Jon Taffer
Clean your freakin' fryer. Be responsible for Christ's sake!
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Sake
Image of Jon Taffer
The biggest lesson I learned in the bar business is to focus on revenues. Dollars, not dimes.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Focus
Image of Jon Taffer
See every crack, every detail. I learned to really see and not just look at my business.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Details
Image of Jon Taffer
There is not one obstacle standing in the way of your success anymore.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Way
Image of Jon Taffer
If it isn't spotless, it isn't clean!
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Clean
Image of Jon Taffer
You better do your job and not lean on me to do it for you.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Taffer
I came up with this idea to create an app. And the premise of the app is this: every problem in the bar business goes away when there's sales. You increase revenue and you solve every problem. It's when the revenues are low that [the business] doesn't work. So I wanted to put together an app that focused on top-line revenue, guest experience, and business management in a more organized way.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Ideas
Image of Jon Taffer
A consultant is only as good as their last project.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Lasts
Image of Jon Taffer
In the thirty years of my career I learned everything about success, but I did not learn, really, about failure. In Bar Rescue I got exposed to failure at a very deep level.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Years
Image of Jon Taffer
The best rescues of all leave a family in a better place.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Rescue
Image of Jon Taffer
I've had a best-practices reputation in this industry for a long time. I don't know anything about those other apps, because in the bar space, there really are none.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Best Practices