Jon Jones

Image of Jon Jones
Just when I thought life was over you came into my life.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jon Jones
It's hard to live a full life without love.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
I've dominated a majority of my opponents. Very few people I only win against. Most of the time it's pretty one-sided. That's success to me.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Winning
Image of Jon Jones
Technology is the gene uncorked.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Technology
Image of Jon Jones
Why do I have to pay a reconnect fee when you all made the mistake?
- Jon Jones
Collection: Mistake
Image of Jon Jones
Do not be mad because someone is more successful than you are. What have you done lately to (en.hance), enhance your own success?
- Jon Jones
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jon Jones
Nothing can take the place of true love.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jon Jones
Like a raisin in the sun; that will swivel up and fade away. Your success dreams will swivel up and fade away, if you are not motivated enough to work for them.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jon Jones
When you are down and out, find something or someone to love.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
Opportunity seldom come along and knock you on the Head.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Wise
Image of Jon Jones
True love can't be bought.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
Don't be (dis.grun.tled), disgruntled that someone else is more successful than you are. Let their success motivate you to become successful.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jon Jones
Talk is cheep. Love is priceless.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
As a customer service representative; it is hard to deal with people who has an attitude when I pick up the phone.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Attitude
Image of Jon Jones
The worst injury I've ever seen in a fight was with Anderson Silva when his leg snapped in half.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Jones
Successful people are people of (, motivation, and action.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jon Jones
How the hell can I owe that much? That's not right.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Hell
Image of Jon Jones
I don't have a list, really. I just want to fight guys that are highly respected by the fans, and I want to fight guys who make me nervous. With high risk comes great reward. I want to be a champion that can honestly look people in the eye and say, "I've fought the best guys in the world."
- Jon Jones
Collection: Eye
Image of Jon Jones
Trust may be in short supply after years of disappointments. However, improvement could come in a bat of an eye!
- Jon Jones
Collection: Trust
Image of Jon Jones
Love can climb the highest mountain or sink to the lowest depth
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
When it comes to love, too many people are out to lunch.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
When there is, love life gets better.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
Lying is a false significance of speech, with a will to deceive, which cannot be cured but by shame and reason; it is a monstrous and wicked evil, that filthily depraved and defileth the tongue of man.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Lying
Image of Jon Jones
I really feel like a walking testimony of like if you set your mind to things, how things can come true for you. I feel like I'm like, like the law of attraction. I feel like I'm living that life wholeheartedly. Everything that I've looked for out of life, it's come to be so far... I'm working hard, I'm not getting lucky, I'm earning things... I feel like a living testament to how you can just put your mind to anything and make it happen.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Law Of Attraction
Image of Jon Jones
As lonely and sad as I am today, your return will cause a new birth in me.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
I take it so seriously as far as meditation, notes, visualization, preparation, everything. I take it a lot more serious than a lot of people that play this sport. I'm obsessed with the game that I play.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Sports
Image of Jon Jones
Though I lost you years ago, I dreamed you were here. That dream gave me the inspirational feeling that I could make it one more day.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jon Jones
Look in the mirror. You must first love yourself before you can receive true love from someone else.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
Thus men of more enlighten'd genius and more intrepid spirit must compose themselves to the risque of public censure, and the contempt of their jealous contemporaries, in order to lead ignorant and prejudic'd minds into more happy and successful methods.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jon Jones
Bill collectors and harassing phone calls is enough to motivate some people to become successful. Maybe the pain is not great enough yet for you to act. Are you going to continue to feel sorry for yourself? On the other hand, are you ready to do what you need to do to change your situation?
- Jon Jones
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jon Jones
Sir, if you don't pay this bill by the close of business on Friday; we will be forced to disconnect your service.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Friday
Image of Jon Jones
I think my confidence offends a lot of people, but I think people should learn from it and be inspired by it, instead of finding it offensive.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jon Jones
If you think, you can become successful and you are willing to learn and work at success, one day you will become successful.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jon Jones
If you really want love, ask for it. Those who are willing to ask are often the ones who receive.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
I appear to be a lot bigger than what I am.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Bigger
Image of Jon Jones
True love will never fade like a rainbow.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
To be sure, Darwin's theory of evolution is imperfect. However, the fact that a scientific theory cannot yet render an explanation on every point should not be used as a pretext to thrust an untestable alternative hypothesis grounded in religion into the science classroom or to misrepresent well-established scientific propositions.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Theory Of Evolution
Image of Jon Jones
Successful people are often times highly motivated people.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jon Jones
To live and love is a wonderful thing.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
there's a lot of dangerous sports. You know, my opinion, football is the most dangerous sport there is. After that I'll give it to probably boxing. Then there's some other extreme sports out there, motocross where you're really risking your neck every time you go out there and do it.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Sports
Image of Jon Jones
Love is wonderful to have. True love is hard to find.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
There's no worse feeling than being in front of a guy with six-pack abs, muscles popping out of his shoulders, veins popping out of his arms, and you know he's swinging for the fences, in front of all your friends and family, and you can't breathe. You can't breathe no matter how much moves you know. You start to panic. You start to feel a drowning sensation. It's the worst feeling in the world.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Moving
Image of Jon Jones
My account is paid in full. So, why are you calling me?
- Jon Jones
Collection: Calling
Image of Jon Jones
When the going gets tough that should be your inspirational reason to drive on.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jon Jones
Love has been stronger than the air you breathe.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Love
Image of Jon Jones
The universe is the baby of time.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Baby
Image of Jon Jones
Hell will freeze over before I send you any money for this unwarranted bill.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Bills
Image of Jon Jones
If you fail to pay your bill by 9 AM tomorrow morning your service will be discontinued.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Morning