John C. Maxwell

Image of John C. Maxwell
Now what I do is I manage that decision. And I teach them in the book how - know what decision to make and then how to manage those decisions. It's a very - it's a personal growth book [Today Matters]; that's what it is.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Book
Image of John C. Maxwell
By far the hardest decision I've had to manage [was about my health]. Because I had 51 years of doing it wrong.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Years
Image of John C. Maxwell
I had a horrible life habit that I had to change. And I think it's very true, the later we make decisions in life that are important, the harder it is to manage those decisions.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
What I find them struggling most isn't with one of the twelve [things from daily list]; I find them struggling with what decisions to make.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Struggle
Image of John C. Maxwell
Failing forward is the ability to get back up after you've been knocked down, learn from your mistake, and move forward in a better direction.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who want to get things done, and those who don't want to make mistakes.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Mistake
Image of John C. Maxwell
The first person you lead is you.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Firsts
Image of John C. Maxwell
If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Change
Image of John C. Maxwell
Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge. Not pursuing what you want is a problem of motivation. Not achieving what you want is a problem of persistence.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Odds
Image of John C. Maxwell
Nothing separates successful people from unsuccessful people more than how they use their time!
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Successful
Image of John C. Maxwell
When we trust God, He can make the ordinary extraordinary!
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Wrestling
Image of John C. Maxwell
To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others, use your heart. Always touch a person's heart before you ask him for a hand.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Heart
Image of John C. Maxwell
Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Leading well is not about enriching yourself - it's about empowering others
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Empowering
Image of John C. Maxwell
People can open doors for you, but you ... must walk through.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Doors
Image of John C. Maxwell
The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
Question for God every morning: What is the main event today? What do you want me to focus on today?
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Discipline - Success doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Discipline
Image of John C. Maxwell
Negative thinking limits God and our potential.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
Attitude is the first quality that marks the successful man. If he has a positive attitude and is a positive thinker, who likes challenges and difficult situations, then he has half his success achieved.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Attitude
Image of John C. Maxwell
True success is obeying God.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows how may always have a job, but the person who knows why will always be his boss.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Every time I have had a breakthrough in my life, it has been because of Prayer
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Prayer
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you start today to do the right thing, you are already a success even if it doesn’t show yet.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Diligent follow-up and follow-through will set you apart from the crowd and communicate excellence.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. How do you gain influence from people? You invest in them. How do you invest in them? It starts with giving them time.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Giving is the highest level of living.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Giving
Image of John C. Maxwell
No matter if you're just starting out or if you are at the peak of your career, the more you work in your strength zone, the more successful you will be.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Profile of a winning team - They play to win. They have a winning attitude. They keep improving. They make their teammates more successful.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Attitude
Image of John C. Maxwell
If we treat people as who they can become, they will be inspired to rise to the level of our expectations.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: People
Image of John C. Maxwell
While personal maturity may mean being able to see beyond yourself, leadership maturity means considering others before yourself.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Mean
Image of John C. Maxwell
Success is not a destination thing, it’s a daily thing.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Destination
Image of John C. Maxwell
The more credible you are, the more confidence people place in you, thereby allowing you the privilege of influencing their lives.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
Effective leaders don't gather things just for themselves; they do it in order to give to others.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Order
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you can become the leader you ought to be on the inside, you will be able to become the person you want on the outside. People will want to follow you. And when that happens, you'll be able to tackle anything in this world.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: People
Image of John C. Maxwell
Be willing to absorb some risk and failures to allow people freedom to express themselves.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: People
Image of John C. Maxwell
People naturally tend toward inertia. That's why self improvement is such a struggle. But that's also why adversity lies at the heart of every success. The process of achievement comes through repeated failures and the constant struggle to climb to a higher level.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Lying
Image of John C. Maxwell
Successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
You must find a way to get your vision seen, implemented, and contributed to by others.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leader
Image of John C. Maxwell
Without love, there can be no connection, no future, and no success together.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Together
Image of John C. Maxwell
To help people believe they can achieve victory, put them in a position to experience small successes.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Believe
Image of John C. Maxwell
A dream worth pursuing is a picture and blueprint of a person's purpose and potential
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Dream
Image of John C. Maxwell
Few things build a person up like affirmation. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition (Simon and Schuster, 1991), the word affirm comes from ad firmare, which means “to make firm.” So when you affirm people, you make firm within them the things you see about them. Do that often enough, and the belief that solidifies within them will become stronger than the doubts they have about themselves.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Mean
Image of John C. Maxwell
Success each day should be judged by the seeds sown, not the harvest reaped.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Leaders don't rise to the pinnacle of success without developing the right set of attitudes and habits; they make every day a masterpiece.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Reaching the top is a monumental achievement, but remaining there may be the most spectacular feat of all.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
As you interact with others, remember this: anytime a person's response is larger than the issue at hand, the response is almost always about something else.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Hands