Jenny Slate

Image of Jenny Slate
Infidelity is not freedom. It's a momentary respite from stressors that are going to come back.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Infidelity
Image of Jenny Slate
I think the main thing that affected my comedy was that my dad slept in a nightgown for most of my childhood. And it was just very funny every single night and made me realize that laughter is fun and nightgowns are cool.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Laughter
Image of Jenny Slate
I don't try to do anything. I think the moment that I'm like, "Oh, I have to be this way or that way" is the moment that I become sad, or maybe an asshole. So I just try to be myself and put out what is most natural. But I think I am - I mean, I've seen a lot, been through a lot. But something remains sort of naïve within me. And I just try to nurture that.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Mean
Image of Jenny Slate
Don't be snarky, but don't be saccharine. Don't pander, but don't shut people out. Go straight down the line with the performance.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: People
Image of Jenny Slate
I just want to work hard. I love that feeling.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Jenny Slate
Being on "SNL" was a goal that I had when I was younger. When I got fired, I just felt really mad and I felt really grossed out by the system and grossed out by myself and it just sort of knocked me on my ass.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Mad
Image of Jenny Slate
There was a while when I got really bad stage fright and I basically felt...I was incredibly angry. I felt like everything had been taken away from me and it was at that point that I realized how much doing stand up reminds me of my self love and curiosity about myself and love of other people because I don't go on stage to dominate.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Taken
Image of Jenny Slate
I'm competitive and I have a messy purse, but otherwise, I like people to think I'm a winner.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny Slate
I always just wanted to be a movie actress, like Lily Tomlin or Ruth Gordon. I just imagined myself being in a movie, wearing stylish women's clothing the way I saw Amy Irving wearing it.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Amy
Image of Jenny Slate
I learned that I was able to focus. I've always thought of myself as somebody who is like either it's there or it isn't there. I really worked at this, and I focused, and I was able to replace self-doubt with focus. That was something new for me to say self-doubt is there, but it does not need to be in the front row. You can ask it to take a back seat and replace that front row seat with focus.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Self
Image of Jenny Slate
I don’t think men have time to be funny because they have to make all of our rules about what we can do with our vaginas.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Men
Image of Jenny Slate
Sometimes you watch comedians and feel like they're jerking off in front of you, but they want you to see how big it is.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Comedian
Image of Jenny Slate
The thing that bubbles up the most when I'm around other people is that I feel a joy of being alive. But I also am a very sensitive person and have many heavier feelings. It can be tiresome after a while to only do comedy, especially after you grow as a person. It starts to feel like you're playing an older version of yourself.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Sensitive Person
Image of Jenny Slate
I just want to be able to do something that's interesting to me.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jenny Slate
I've never thought of myself as the person that would happen to. There are a few blogs that I read, but I stay off of the Internet for the most part. I really like to just stay in the normal world, the real world.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Real
Image of Jenny Slate
I'd like to be in a female version of The Fugitive. Something where I don't have to be ripped up like an action star, but be a normal, healthy lady who is framed and on the run. I'd have to run from explosions and punch people in the face but not rappel down a building.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Running
Image of Jenny Slate
If you're in a good marriage, you have the sense that it won't be forever.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Forever
Image of Jenny Slate
I play a lot of characters where I don't even speak in my own voice. I learned about focus and I learned to trust that things can work when they're not heightened and that it's interesting when things are pared down.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Character
Image of Jenny Slate
I just left wishing that it was longer because I enjoyed it so thoroughly.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Wish
Image of Jenny Slate
I think the reason I like making movies sometimes more than doing TV is that you have one task, you only have a certain amount of time to do it, and then it is done. And I really like focusing in that way.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny Slate
I don't like feeling hemmed in and I don't like feeling that I'm repeating myself.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Feelings
Image of Jenny Slate
If you make a careless choice, you can really ruin things and it can take awhile for them to repair.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Choices
Image of Jenny Slate
There are so many things I'd like to do. I'd really like to be in a period piece that takes place in old New York or old Hollywood and wear those costumes and that makeup.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: New York
Image of Jenny Slate
Although I do stand-up - doing actual stage work is terrifying for me.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Stage
Image of Jenny Slate
I've only been acting since 2009 and I learn more and more with each job. I think I prepare and I'm very focused and I have a good work ethic that I learned in school.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jenny Slate
When I'm on stage, and when I'm comfortable or uncomfortable, I have sort of a knee-jerk reaction to try to make people laugh. It's my version of a handshake to show that I want to make a connection and to show what I'm truly like. It's kind of my statement like, "This is what I'm really like. I'd like you to love me."
- Jenny Slate
Collection: People
Image of Jenny Slate
I'd like to be in a tiny indie where I'm lost at sea.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Sea
Image of Jenny Slate
I know that I don't like being teased.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Knows
Image of Jenny Slate
If you don't respect each other and let it lie, it can be embarrassing or really frustrating.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Lying
Image of Jenny Slate
There's a part of me that would love to be in an action movie where I get to run around and punch people in the face and, whatever, be a murderer, I don't care!
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Running
Image of Jenny Slate
A lot of times what's satisfying to me in comedy is when a woman successfully does self-care.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Self
Image of Jenny Slate
I want to make every kind of movie that I can make. I don't really care if they're big or small.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Care
Image of Jenny Slate
When I go and make smaller films, I actually never think about them being made for a smaller audience.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny Slate
You have to be really careful to watch out for the difference between banding together, and being grouped together by people who don't understand you.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Differences
Image of Jenny Slate
I feel a lot of life in me and a lot of creative energy and I think it's better suited somewhere it can run free.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Running
Image of Jenny Slate
I'm not one to wallow, but I am one to feel the sting of a slap for a while, I think.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny Slate
When I would go on stage I would start to feel that the eyes that watching me weren't kind. And it took me a while to realize that those eyes were my own eyes.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Eye
Image of Jenny Slate
I have no regrets. The best thing to happen to me was for Lorne Michaels to hire me and fire me.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Regret
Image of Jenny Slate
I am a comedian and I started in stand-up when I was 22.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Comedian
Image of Jenny Slate
I really like working. I can't think of a job I didn't like.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jenny Slate
Nowadays, performers who want to create their own material put it on the Internet. I never knew whether or not it would make an impression - and frankly, I didn't care that much about how it would be received.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Care
Image of Jenny Slate
Not often is there as much of a vulnerable side as there is a funny side.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Often Is
Image of Jenny Slate
I'd like to do a little bit of everything. I think the only thing I can't do is a British accent, so that's out. No Shakespeare for me. Unless it's like one of those modern-day remakes.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny Slate
I want to keep growing and I want to be an actress for as long as I can.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Long
Image of Jenny Slate
TV can be fairly rigid. I've done enough Network TV to know that it's fun but if I have to go somewhere every day maybe it's not the most satisfying [job].
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jenny Slate
At the beginning of my career, fresh out of college, I did everything that I could do. And now I'm a little bit more selective. I think that's sort of a natural process.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jenny Slate
I don't want to grow a thick skin. Some people say, "Oh, you're an actress, you have to get used to criticism." But I don't accept that. I'll never get used to criticism, and I'll always care about whether or not people like my performances - because I'm an entertainer, and I want to please.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: People
Image of Jenny Slate
I feel like when I go on stage I feel so excited at the prospect that there will be a true connection.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Connections
Image of Jenny Slate
I'm sure that if I had a partner and that partner cheated on me, that I would be devastated if we were in a committed, monogamous relationship. So of course, it's a devastating thing.
- Jenny Slate
Collection: Cheated