Javier Bardem

Image of Javier Bardem
I used to be a good party boy. I'm old. I'm an old man. You pay the consequences. I'm just fine with a couple of drinks, no more than that.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
I was emotionally and physically punched in the stomach. This is not a place where you go and deliver the lines and then you come back. It's kind of a life-changing experience. But it can't get better than this for any actor - this is like an opera.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
Really, I don't see this heart-throb thing at all.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
When I see myself at 14 years old I can put my hands on my head and think: 'How could I have done that?' but at that time it had sense for me. You do the same when you're 20. And now, when you look at people who are 20 years old you ask yourself: 'Was I like that? Was I really like that?'
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
And the whole Oscar thing, that is just surreal: you spend months and months doing promotion, and then come back to reality with this golden thing in your hands. You put it in the office and then you just have to look at it sitting on the shelf. And, after about two weeks, you go: 'What is that doing there?'
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
My truth - what I believe - is that there are no answers here and, if you are looking for answers, you'd better choose the question carefully.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
You want to do your job well so that people in the future say, 'OK, he's not bad, let's hire him.'
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
I'm happily married.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
I have a man and a woman in the same body; I have the male and female values in the same body.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
The fact that I like to make characters doesn't mean that I like to watch my characters being made, my performance.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
I truly thank whoever's up there for giving me the opportunity to be loved.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
Bond is the longest-running franchise ever and there's a reason for that: they are action movies but they are also touched by current events without being political or too serious.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
There is no good side to celebrity.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
I do a job and am lucky enough to do a job that I love, but it is a hard one. I'm not saying it is as hard as working in a coal mine, but it is still difficult in a different way. Sometimes you have to go through very strong emotional journeys and then come back to yourself. And that can be difficult to control.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
When you put gas in your car you are making a political statement, because you are supporting the empires that control and continue the destruction of some countries.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
People have been born in refugee camps and they are getting tired of that.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
I believe in people.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
The bad news is that only the bad people reach the news because they are noisier.
- Javier Bardem
Image of Javier Bardem
You shall love. Whether you like it or not.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Wonder Love
Image of Javier Bardem
Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Reality
Image of Javier Bardem
A part of being an actor is I people watch. I like to observe their behaviour, watch their reactions on the street and see how they talk to each other, and that's impossible when they are looking back at you. I used to enjoy taking the train and watching people in their own minds, struggling with themselves.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Struggle
Image of Javier Bardem
You don't need a man, you need a champion.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Men
Image of Javier Bardem
Only unfulfilled love can be romantic
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Barcelona
Image of Javier Bardem
I look in the mirror and I don't see a sex symbol. I just see a guy who looks like he's been beaten with a baseball bat. I mean, is this the face of a sex symbol? They say that because I work in the movies.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Baseball
Image of Javier Bardem
I hate violence. When I hold a gun, I feel death in my hands, but it's fun to pretend in the movies.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun
Image of Javier Bardem
My first part was in a film where I played a sadomasochist who killed people and created fun orgies. I'm a method actor. I went to every orgy in the world.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun
Image of Javier Bardem
I'm a huge fan of the director, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and his work, and I knew he was going to be an amazing actor's director, based on the performances that I saw in his movies.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Directors
Image of Javier Bardem
I've played people that are on the line of evil and good, but that's life. We are always playing with the good and the bad. I see them as people. I don't see them as caricatures. I try to not make them caricatures. Maybe I fail, but I try to see what' behind them. Would I play the hero? A superhero? I don't think so. But, I play good guys. There are some there, but you have to look.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Hero
Image of Javier Bardem
As an actor, you can't judge. A great actress from Spain said, "We, the actors, are lawyers of the characters we play. We have to defend them, no matter what."
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Character
Image of Javier Bardem
Many people out there don't have a choice, in choosing their friends and the people they're being manipulated by.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: People
Image of Javier Bardem
The earliest memories I have from my childhood are of my mum getting ready to go on stage. I must have been about five and I would watch her vomiting backstage on opening night, and then the next minute she became Isabella, the Queen of Spain. At the time I remember thinking, 'What kind of schizophrenic job is this?' Now it all makes sense.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Jobs
Image of Javier Bardem
I wanted to become a painter for a while. I think it was because I was lazy.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Thinking
Image of Javier Bardem
In 22 years of acting, I've only done two movies where I, personally, kill people. The Coens called me the Spanish Ballerina on (the No Country For Old Men) set, because every time I had the gun, when they called cut, I'd give it back and say, 'Take this s**t out of my hands!' There were laughing, like they couldn't believe I was supposed to be the villain.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Country
Image of Javier Bardem
I don't know how to drive a car. The only thing I can do is act, but it's not something I even feel comfortable doing.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Car
Image of Javier Bardem
This great imperialistic world called the United States has made us believe that an Oscar is the most important thing in the world for an actor. But if you think about it for five minutes you realise it cant be.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Believe
Image of Javier Bardem
When you're working with the best, it helps you to be good because then you are focusing on what you have to do.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Helping
Image of Javier Bardem
I think the most difficult love begins with one's self. How you treat yourself is something you bring to your relationships.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Love Is
Image of Javier Bardem
[That night] I was sitting by Jack Nicholson with my long list of thanks, and I said, `I'm so nervous. I don't know what to say if I go up there.' He said, `Don't get emotional, drop the names, and dedicate it to your mother.'
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Mom
Image of Javier Bardem
All of the good movies are based on how that story was told. And you cannot do it with a bad script, that's for sure, no matter who.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Good Movie
Image of Javier Bardem
I'm not the kind of actor that gets crazy with [directors'] names, what draws me toward a project is the material itself.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Crazy
Image of Javier Bardem
I don't think an actor needs to necessarily go through his things to do his job. I think it's way more important to imagine. And then, when you're imagining, your experiences, your images and your own personal things will show up, but you keep imagining. You don't get stuck in your own personal things, otherwise you are telling your story in every character, and that's not interesting for anybody.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Character
Image of Javier Bardem
I'm getting so old - it's more uncomfortable to do those scenes now than when I was 20. I mean, I don't have a big problem with nudity on screen. But usually the days when you do those naked love scenes are the weirdest ones on set. Everyone is uncomfortable. You're like, 'Hi. How are you?' Then the next minute you're with an actress who you don't know and you're pretending to make love to her in front of all the crew. The acting challenge is pretending things are OK.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Mean
Image of Javier Bardem
My first part was in a film where I played a sadomasochist who killed people and created fun orgies. I’m a method actor. I went to every orgy in the world.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun
Image of Javier Bardem
I hate violence. When I hold a gun, I feel death in my hands, but it’s fun to pretend in the movies.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun