Jared Harris

Image of Jared Harris
Marriages had different meanings back then than they do now, they were used to cement agreements between families, business deals and things like that. The idea of marriages being arranged for love is some sort of modern idea, really.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jared Harris
In the old patrician world there was a custom once a week you had to eat a meal with your slaves and get to know them as people.
- Jared Harris
Collection: People
Image of Jared Harris
I keep mementos from everything I've done.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Done
Image of Jared Harris
Normally death scenes are good, if you have a significant death scene and it means something it's like the audience has an attachment to you being killed that's a good thing.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Mean
Image of Jared Harris
I like challenges. If you're involved, as one is, in filmmaking, you want to challenge yourself. You don't want to repeat what you're done before.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Challenges
Image of Jared Harris
I like the adrenaline of live performance, whatever that is, appearing in front of an audience of any kind, whether it's one or a hundred or a thousand. It gives you a buzz of adrenaline, its exciting. The thing about that is that you want to make those nerves work for you in terms of an energy that's appropriate for the part and the performance, and not to distract the people who are watching so that they become nervous for you.
- Jared Harris
Collection: People
Image of Jared Harris
I audition for stuff all the time, and what's weird about it is that one's success rate at auditioning doesn't really change. It's sort of at the same ratio of stuff you audition for to things you land.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Land
Image of Jared Harris
If you want to do your version, go off and write it. You bring your knowledge to it, and you can use that to shape it and color it, but it's someone else's version of that character. You're not actually playing the real person.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Real
Image of Jared Harris
Often in films there's more of allowing the actors to make the dialogue fit better in their own. Also, you get to a location and the geography is different, so the lines don't line up the right way, so you do have to change stuff.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Different
Image of Jared Harris
One of the things that I was interested in about Moriarty was - he's so manipulative that he doesn't need to commit violence himself or kill people - he can get everyone to do what he needs to do. And sometimes they don't even know that they are being manipulated by him.
- Jared Harris
Collection: People
Image of Jared Harris
People are fascinated by evil because it's mysterious and it doesn't seem to have a rational behind it.
- Jared Harris
Collection: People
Image of Jared Harris
When you see natural disasters caught on film you realize how well they had been imagined by Hollywood for such a long time. It's all good fun. You never know who's gonna survive and who doesn't.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Fun