Janet Jackson

Image of Janet Jackson
I need you like the blues needs the pain.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Pain
Image of Janet Jackson
I do want to get married again, and I want to have kids. And this time, I really want to do it right.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Kids
Image of Janet Jackson
I lose things all the time. I used to lose my license all the time before I put a place in my car for it.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Car
Image of Janet Jackson
When I do get married again, I'm just going to take time off.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Married
Image of Janet Jackson
I wanted to be a jockey. I'm serious. First time I got on a horse, I loved it. That's what I wanted to be, but my dad asked me to start performing with my family.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Horse
Image of Janet Jackson
I still have certain goals that I want. Grammies... Other awards... an Oscar one day.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Awards
Image of Janet Jackson
You've made love to my mind, now you gotta take me from behind.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Sex
Image of Janet Jackson
I can be an emotional eater. Of late, I have been doing that, yes. It started when I was very little. My brothers were gone on tour a lot, and I would miss them so much.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Emotional
Image of Janet Jackson
I like to read. Autobiographies.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Autobiography
Image of Janet Jackson
To cut off the confusion and accept an answer just because it's too scary not to have an answer is a good way to get the wrong answer.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Confused
Image of Janet Jackson
Does what you think of you determine your worth?
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Janet Jackson
I was raised with a ton of brothers and sisters where, obviously, the music running in and out of the house was very eclectic. So, I had a lot under my belt by the time I grew up. It all depends upon the mood that I'm in, the space that I'm in and what I'm feeling at that moment. But definitely!
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Running
Image of Janet Jackson
Add to the world's confusion, we teach our kids rules that we don't adhere to ourselves.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Kids
Image of Janet Jackson
I don't see anything wrong with staying young looking as long as you can.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Long
Image of Janet Jackson
I'm scared to fall in love, afraid to love so fast, cuz everytime I fall in love, it seems to never last.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Janet Jackson
I do not have a child and all allegations saying so are false.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Children
Image of Janet Jackson
I'll meet a guy now, and the next thing I know they'll be sweating and their hands will be shaking. And I feel so bad - I don't even know what to say to them. Then there are other guys who come on too strong, and they're just all over you. The nice ones are the ones who are in-between - the ones who aren't scared and who aren't all over you.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Strong
Image of Janet Jackson
I can't believe people got so upset at the sight of a single breast! America is so parochial, I may just have to move to Europe where people are more mature about things like that!
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Believe
Image of Janet Jackson
I don't find myself sexy.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Sexy
Image of Janet Jackson
I study once in a while. But my parents never pushed us into anything. Until we were 18, my mother would make us go with her to Kingdom Hall, and when we turned of age, she let us choose what we wanted to.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Mother
Image of Janet Jackson
My parents were strict. They weren't as strict on me as they were with the others, but my mother didn't want us to get on anyone's nerves... Go to someone else's house and drive their parents crazy. Another thing was they didn't want us to get into a lot of things that a lot of kids - if they're not careful - can slip into.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Mother