Jamie Lee Curtis

Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
My mom said I was a handful. Now I'm helpful.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Mom
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
Children are paparazzi. They take your picture with their minds when you don't want them to see you at your worst. Trust me, they SEE and HEAR everything.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Children
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
Nowadays, when you make movies, you don’t need any lights at all. You have to remember, back in the day, the film stocks that they had were very, very insensitive and they would have these humongous lights and lighting was everything, so everyone looked good. Nowadays with digital film where you don’t need any light at all, you could shoot in the [bleep] dark. It makes people not look so good and it makes aging on film much, much harder.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Dark
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
To make new friends you have be willing to put in the time.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: New Friends
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I have to be careful to get out before I become the grotesque caricature of a hatchet-faced woman with big knockers.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Age
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I'm a disciplinarian. I'm the tough love pet owner. I believe in very well-behaved animals.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Believe
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
It's not that I'm retired, I just no longer accept acting work.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Acting
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I do as much charity work as I can and that my family life will allow. I do believe charity begins at home and the more we focus on our families, the better they will be.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Believe
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
~As a mom, you have to look at how much time you're spending with your kids. There is nothing you will regret more in your life - nothing - than not being present for your children.~
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Mom
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
People get real comfortable with their features. Nobody gets comfortable with their hair. Hair trauma. It's the universal thing.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Real
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
The media nowadays has given the message to adults. Don't try new things, don't look foolish because we will catch you and then broadcast it to the world. I think children don't have that.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Children
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
It's very hard, when you're a famous person, to "de-famous" your home, but tokens of my fame just felt like a burden for my children. And for me.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Children
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
My kids are not interested in anything I do. And I mean that not in any dis to my children or dis to me. My kids have their own life, they could give a sh*t what I do.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Children
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I tried to find a rhythm, and I stopped comparing myself to anybody else. One of the great phrases for me is "Compare and despair." If I compare myself to Kate Middleton or Dame Judi Dench, I'm going to come out at the bottom and be sad.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Despair
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
The dog actors and the relationship they have with their trainers is one of the most beautiful things I've ever watched happen in front of me.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
The truth is James Cameron can do every other job. I'm talking about every single department, from art direction to props to wardrobe to cameras, he knows more than everyone doing the job. But he can't act. And therefore he is in thrall of actors.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Art
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I'm age-appropriate. I dress age-appropriately, I choose mates age-appropriately. I'm a big believer in people should act their age...
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: People
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
By the way, food and rent aren't the only things around here that cost money. You sleep on the couch.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Money
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I feel very positive where I never did before, and I think that's all a direct result of getting sober.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
You'll never see me in the front row of a fashion show. I'm uninterested in it; I find it trivial and banal and boring.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Fashion
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
My favorite time of the holidays is when the children have torn open their loot and delivered their verdicts and are looking to you for something else ... memories that have nothing to do with things bought.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Children
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
I too was a little embarrassed by my recent topless 'scandal' and the subsequent parodies.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Littles
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
My husband and I are very different. Our company is called Syzygy Industries, which can mean a pair of opposites. And that’s exactly what we are. Yet there is obviously a very strong pull toward each other.
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Strong
Image of Jamie Lee Curtis
For years I stopped reading beauty magazines because I couldn’t look at one without wanting to blow my brains out. How can those women look so good?
- Jamie Lee Curtis
Collection: Reading