James Earl Jones

Image of James Earl Jones
I'd like to film a British commercial; they're better than American ones.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
I love doing commercials! Usually, they have enough money that they can take time and photograph it well.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
There haven't been enough profound things written about what being black means and what a black character is. Nobody knows.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
You cannot be an actor like I am and not have been in some of the worst movies like I have. But I stand before you deeply honored, mighty grateful and just plain gobsmacked.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
I love to see actors' work. I love to surf channels late at night and accidentally run into movies I hadn't seen before. It makes me very proud of the profession.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
Writing can give full meaning to characters and avoid pure stereotype.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
Actors never discuss future plans.
- James Earl Jones
Image of James Earl Jones
If you expect someone else to guide you, you'll be lost.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Guides
Image of James Earl Jones
If you live in an oppressive society, you've got to be resilient. You can't let each little thing crush you. You have take every encounter and make yourself larger, rather than allow yourself to be diminished by it.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Crush
Image of James Earl Jones
The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise, they will win and the decent people will lose.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Gun
Image of James Earl Jones
The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and what could be again.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Motivational
Image of James Earl Jones
I agree with my father, Albert Einstein, don't believe every quote you read on the internet.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Father
Image of James Earl Jones
Don't you try and go through life worried if someone had liked you or not. You best make sure that they are doing right by you.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Trying
Image of James Earl Jones
There is a very fine line between love and nausea.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Greed
Image of James Earl Jones
In our resolve to build a better world... we seek to summon what Abraham Lincoln called the better angels of our nature.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Angel
Image of James Earl Jones
Love was just a word to me. Until you came along and gave it meaning.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Valentine's Day
Image of James Earl Jones
I found my voice in books.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Book
Image of James Earl Jones
Trying to make someone fall in love with you is about as pointless as trying to control who you fall in love with.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of James Earl Jones
You weren't going to the theatre to change the world, but you had a chance to affect the world, the thinking and the feelings of the world.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Earl Jones
Just so you know, there's a space that only you can fill. Just so you know, I loved you then, I guess I always will.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Space
Image of James Earl Jones
The last thing I want to be is a rich black superstar. I just want to act.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Black
Image of James Earl Jones
Love is just love, it can never be explained.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Love
Image of James Earl Jones
I do not know if it is true that all actors want to direct and all directors want to act, but in 1972 I tried directing and decided I had better stick to acting.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Acting
Image of James Earl Jones
We used to be "shiftless and lazy," now we're "fearsome and awesome." I think the black man should take pride in that.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Pride
Image of James Earl Jones
A man's got to take care of his family. You live in my house, you sleep your behind on my bedclothes, you put my food in your belly because you are my son; you are my flesh and blood, not because I like you. It is my duty to take care of you. I owe a responsibility to you.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: I Like You
Image of James Earl Jones
The one constant in life is baseball
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Baseball
Image of James Earl Jones
The inclusiveness of the Drama League luncheon is one of the most exciting things about it. I get to see old friends and meet new friends. Of course I can't tell who anybody is if they're under the age of 75. So my old friends become my new friends.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Drama
Image of James Earl Jones
I was an adopted child of my grandparents, and I don’t know how I can ever express my gratitude for that because my parents would have been a mess.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Gratitude
Image of James Earl Jones
It has to be real, and I think a lot of the problems we have as a society is because we don’t acknowledge that family is important and it has to be people who are present, you know and mothers and fathers, both are not present enough with children.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Inspiring
Image of James Earl Jones
Ray, people will come Ray. They'll come to Iowa for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. Of course, we won't mind if you look around, you'll say. It's only $20 per person. They'll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Money
Image of James Earl Jones
My voice is for hire. My endorsement is not for hire. I will do a voice-over, but I cannot endorse without making a different kind of commitment. My politics are very personal and subjective.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Commitment
Image of James Earl Jones
One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can’t utter.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Heart