Heather Mills

Image of Heather Mills
Anytime I was challenged and told I couldn't do something, I would absolutely have to prove the opposite. And I did.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Recovery
Image of Heather Mills
When you find your soulmate, you could sleep under their armpits.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Soulmate
Image of Heather Mills
Go on... make a difference.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Differences
Image of Heather Mills
I am moving towards being vegan. When I crack an egg now, I look and think could that have become a baby
- Heather Mills
Collection: Baby
Image of Heather Mills
What Ive been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Vegan Food
Image of Heather Mills
I'm dreading being on a ski cross with other skiers who don't know what they're doing.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Crosses
Image of Heather Mills
People are becoming more environmentally aware and caring more for animals and really wanting to improve their health.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Caring
Image of Heather Mills
I loved the adrenalin rush of the skeleton, and would love to do it as a Paralympic sport if they ever bring it into the Games.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Sports
Image of Heather Mills
Cousins are more then cousins, there best friends that are their through it all.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Cousin
Image of Heather Mills
The sun is shining and the bird are singing what more could you ask for in a day!
- Heather Mills
Collection: Love
Image of Heather Mills
Every day women and children are killed and maimed by landmines long after wars are over.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Children
Image of Heather Mills
I'm quite happy to be thrown around and hopefully my leg will stay on.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Legs
Image of Heather Mills
I was competing in an IPC World Cup race, but the finish area was short and I came across the line with my head down and went straight through the fence. It was only because the Italian team doctor leapt out to grab me that I didn't smash through the café window.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Team
Image of Heather Mills
A mine-free world does not need to be a dream - together, we can make it a reality.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Dream
Image of Heather Mills
My body shape was made to get into the perfect aerodynamic position.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Perfect
Image of Heather Mills
I'm really happy to have set the world record for the fastest disabled woman, but I think I can go much faster.
- Heather Mills
Collection: Thinking