Gustav Mahler

Image of Gustav Mahler
Tradition is tending the flame, not worshiping the ashes.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Flames
Image of Gustav Mahler
We all return. It is this certainty that gives meaning to life and it does not make the slightest difference whether or not in a later incarnation we remember the former life. What counts is not the individual and his comfort, but the great aspiration to the perfect and the pure which goes on in each incarnation.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Differences
Image of Gustav Mahler
But it's peculiar, as soon as I am in the midst of nature and by myself, everything that is base and trivial vanishes without trace. On such days nothing scares me; and this helps me again and again.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Scare
Image of Gustav Mahler
It should be one’s sole endeavor to see everything afresh and create it anew.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Should
Image of Gustav Mahler
In Bach, the vital cells of music are united as the world is in God.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Cells
Image of Gustav Mahler
Tradition is the spreading of fire and not the veneration of ashes.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Fire
Image of Gustav Mahler
Don't bother to look, I've composed all this already.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Musical
Image of Gustav Mahler
Tradition is laziness.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Laziness
Image of Gustav Mahler
A full cup of wine at the right time is worth more than all the kingdoms of this earth!
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Wine
Image of Gustav Mahler
I don't let myself get carried away by my own ideas; I abandon 19 out of 20 of them every day.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Ideas
Image of Gustav Mahler
Only when I experience do I compose - only when I compose do I experience.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Experience
Image of Gustav Mahler
For the last month I have been a strict vegetarian. The moral effects of this regime are immense, owing to the voluntary subjugation of the flesh and the resulting absence of desires. You will appreciate how full I am of this idea when I tell you that I expect it to work the regeneration of mankind. I advise you to change over to a natural way of life, with proper nourishment (wholemeal bread), and you will soon feel the benefit.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Ideas
Image of Gustav Mahler
Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Nature
Image of Gustav Mahler
A true personality . . . is like a robust organism that, with unconscious sureness, seeks out and digests the nourishment appropriate to it and vigorously rejects that which is unsuitable.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Personality
Image of Gustav Mahler
It is always the same with me; only when I experience something do I compose, and only when composing do I experience! After all, a musician's nature can hardly be expressed in words.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Musician
Image of Gustav Mahler
Life's been nothing but paperwork.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Paperwork