Greg Giraldo

Image of Greg Giraldo
A good joke provides tension, and then, release of that tension. You build the tension by saying things that are controversial. The release is the laugh. The bigger the surprise or insight in your joke, the bigger the laugh.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Laughing
Image of Greg Giraldo
It's something like 70% of American adults are obese, and the rest of them are women on Ally McBeal.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Allies
Image of Greg Giraldo
We need more money for schools. We need more money for the kids. Ever think maybe the damn kids aren't worth it?
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: School
Image of Greg Giraldo
There hasn't been a more effeminate Jew in the closet since Anne Frank.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Closets
Image of Greg Giraldo
Some people say Larry the Cable Guy's only successful because he's pandering to the lowest common denominator, blatantly and not ironically exploiting people's racist and homophobic tendencies. Don't listen to these people, Larry. They're just bitter and jealous and right.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Funny
Image of Greg Giraldo
A dangerous fire retardant chemical is being found in women's breast milk. My wife's breastfeeding, but you know, you gotta be an optimist. I'm like, well, maybe it's making my child fireproof.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Children
Image of Greg Giraldo
Edible underwear?... even during sex, we can't stop eating.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Sex
Image of Greg Giraldo
You got a cop under five feet tall, what if he's gotta plant evidence on a high shelf? What then? What if he's gotta chase a suspect onto a ride at Disneyland?
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Feet
Image of Greg Giraldo
Jesse has opened for me extensively on the road so I’ve seen him do hundreds of sets. He is always super funny, has tons of material and the crowds love him. Bottom line, Jesse Joyce is a great comedian.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Comedian
Image of Greg Giraldo
There are more whipped guys on television than there were on the Amistad.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Guy
Image of Greg Giraldo
Joke stealing is a big deal to me, but I mean, I'm not going to investigate it if it doesn't effect me directly.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Mean
Image of Greg Giraldo
How many of you text message? It's a great way of not communicating.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Way
Image of Greg Giraldo
When I heard you could get a disease from playing with your prairie dog, I thought, 'Wow, what a euphemism.' I thought playing with my prairie dog was the best way to avoid diseases.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Dog