George Horace Lorimer

Image of George Horace Lorimer
As the Christian's sorrows multiply, his patience grows, until, with sweet, unruffled quiet, he can confront the ills of life, and, though inwardly wincing, can calmly pursue his way to the restful grave, while his old, harsh voice is softly cadenced into sweetest melody, like the faint notes of an angel's whispered song. As patience deepens, charity and sympathy increase.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Christian
Image of George Horace Lorimer
Having money and buying things with money is a good thing. But also do not forget to check occasionally to lose if you do not buy anything with money or not
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Buying Things
Image of George Horace Lorimer
When a fellow's got what he set out for in this world, he should go off into the woods for a few weeks now and then to make sure that he's still a man, and not a plug-hat and a frock-coat and a wad of bills.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Men
Image of George Horace Lorimer
When an office begins to look like a family tree, you'll find worms tucked away snug and cheerful in most of the apples.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Apples
Image of George Horace Lorimer
Books are all right, but dead men's brains are no good unless you mix a live one's with them.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Book
Image of George Horace Lorimer
A fellow and his business should be bosom friends in the office and sworn enemies out of it.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Office
Image of George Horace Lorimer
Let patriotism have its high days and freedom its monuments, and let the triumphs of navigators and generals be annually observed; but surely, beyond all these, a season that stands for as much to the race as Easter does may well be remembered each year with songs and flowers and with every mark of gratitude and of loftiest jubilation.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Song
Image of George Horace Lorimer
The more I deal in it, the surer I am that human nature is all of the same critter, but that there's a heap of choice in the cuts.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Cutting
Image of George Horace Lorimer
If God allows us to remain Methodist, Baptist, or Episcopalian, it may be on account of the unconverted, that they may be without excuse; that every type of man may be confronted with a corresponding type of doctrine and of method. Surely there are means adapted to your state, and ministries fitted to your peculiar temperament.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Mean
Image of George Horace Lorimer
Clothes don't make the man, but they make all of him except his hands and face during business hours, and that's a pretty considerable area of the human animal.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Animal
Image of George Horace Lorimer
Appearances are deceitful, I know, but so long as they are, there's nothing like having them deceive for us instead of against us.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Long
Image of George Horace Lorimer
Culture is not a matter of a change of climate.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Climate
Image of George Horace Lorimer
True love is not only blind, but too gallant to ask a lady's age.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Love Is
Image of George Horace Lorimer
It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Smart