George Hamilton

Image of George Hamilton
That's a yellow card for Cazoria. So the next time he's involved in Europe, he won't be.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
Here's Henry, trying to burst the bubble still further, if indeed it needs more bursting
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
It's my personal opinion and I'm not espousing it to anybody else, I think your immune system and how healthy you are determines how you react to any excess of any kind.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Thinking
Image of George Hamilton
The worst drug of today is not smack or pot - it's refined sugar.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Food
Image of George Hamilton
When I said they'd scored two goals, of course I meant they'd scored one.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
It flew towards the roof of the net like a Wurlitzer
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
Hyypia rises like a giraffe to head the ball clear
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
He caught that with the outside of his instep.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
I look at scripts as good or bad. If it's bad, it better pay a lot of money.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Looks
Image of George Hamilton
John Milius and Francis Ford Coppola and Oliver Stone - those guys are consummate filmmakers. They believe that you don't talk it, you show it. So when I find a role now, I try to find a visual way to tell what the character is about rather than trying to speak about it.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Believe
Image of George Hamilton
Democracy if it meant what our forefathers said, that would be great but unfortunately it's been corrupted by this funding and funding of campaigns. There's a much better way to do it. There could be a small amount of money given by every taxpayer to be dedicated to candidates.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Democracy
Image of George Hamilton
We don't really know what Iran are capable of when the gun is put to their head
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
I thought, better to get out while I'm still alive.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Alive
Image of George Hamilton
I've always had good friends and people know that I've got no ax to grind.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Good Friend
Image of George Hamilton
When people realize you're not the stuffed shirt they think you are it's such a relief and you have people who really like to be around you.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Thinking
Image of George Hamilton
Cary Grant was on the back lot one time doing a movie called "North by Northwest." I would see Cary outside the stage, and he would sit on a set chair and had one of those reflectors. He wanted this tan so he didn't have to use makeup.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Makeup
Image of George Hamilton
I'm not known as a singer, but in life I like to do things that are a bit beyond my reach to keep myself from slipping.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Singers
Image of George Hamilton
I had a good time doing ["The Congressman"], and I hope that Treat [Williams] and I plan to go flying in his [private] jet!
- George Hamilton
Collection: Flying
Image of George Hamilton
I remember a meeting I had at MGM. It was at the end of their reign. They say we have you under contract, and because you’re under contract, we’d like to you to work. I said, well, that seems fair. But if it’s a really good movie, they were going to give it to a particular actor that was not under contract. The bottom line was they were going to pay you more if it was a bad one and pay you less if it was a good one.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Giving
Image of George Hamilton
The first thing my agent told me in 1959 was he said you have to have something recognizable that people will remember. “What are you? Do you have cleft in your chin? You have a Jimmy Stewart kind of talk?” And I thought I don’t know what I can give them that will be different.
- George Hamilton
Collection: People
Image of George Hamilton
You asked me my favorite question: What happened and what did you learn from being under contract to MGM? And the answer is I know how to make movies. I understand how to do that. I've been doing that my whole life. It's just easier to raise the money yourself and then hire yourself. It's possible if you reduce your own budget a little.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Answers
Image of George Hamilton
After I got out of the studio system, I was completely [broke] for the 30th time; they said I’d never work again. So I’m going to go and produce those movies that they wouldn’t let me do.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Broke
Image of George Hamilton
There are a lot of self important people who make you believe they're artistes and high on the intelligence quotient and I've sat down and listened to them and just been bored.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Believe
Image of George Hamilton
I never took the work less than serious, my work ethic is ingrained in me. But I've always had a sense of humor about myself.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Work Ethic
Image of George Hamilton
Democracy has now become corrupted by the nature of the funders.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Democracies Have
Image of George Hamilton
I realized that the studios didn't really understand their own system.
- George Hamilton
Collection: I Realized
Image of George Hamilton
Shay Given almost single-handedly won the match for Newcastle against Everton, although obviously he didn't score the goals
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
The midfield are like a chef, trying to prise open a stubborn oyster to get at the fleshy meat inside.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
The eiderdown of this 2-0 lead is a lot more comfortable than the blanket of 1-0.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
He's pulling him off! The Spanish manager is pulling his captain off
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
Referee Norlinger is outstanding in the sense that he stands out.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
Welcome to the Nou Camp stadium in Barcelona that is packed to capacity... with some patches of seats left empty.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Barcelona
Image of George Hamilton
Their (Liverpool) fans are being man-marked by the Italian police.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Men
Image of George Hamilton
The Baggio brothers, of course, are not related.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Football
Image of George Hamilton
Real Madrid are like a rabbit in the glare of the headlights in the face of Manchester United's attacks. But this rabbit comes with a suit of armour in the shape of two precious away goals.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Real
Image of George Hamilton
Women love romance, but they’re not as romantic as men.
- George Hamilton
Collection: Romance