Gale Anne Hurd

Image of Gale Anne Hurd
We tend to be more environmental at home than at work, regardless of the industry we're in.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Environmental
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I'm just attracted to the action element of science fiction. It's great to sit in the editing room with the director and sound engineers and to create the feeling where your heart is racing and you're sitting at the edge of your seat and you find yourself holding your breath.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
A lot of my films have dealt with the dark side of technology and stress that you have to examine the ramifications of progress.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
Filmmaking is a business and at the bottom line people who don't make fiscally responsible decisions end up going into another line of work.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
A lot of producers now are people who stay in their office and never go to the set. I don't know how you can be the advocate of the movie if you're not there in it every day.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I'm a huge historical fiction and non-fiction fan.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I've always loved comic books, which is why I've done films like 'Hulk' and 'The Punishers.'
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I just like the comic book sensibility. If I can turn them into films and TV series, that's just icing on the cake.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I also love the zombie genre, my zombie fandom going way back to 'Night of the Living Dead.' And 'The Walking Dead' is truly the ultimate representation of that sensibility in the comic book genre.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
What's so wonderful about 'The Walking Dead' is that we're able to explore human nature in its most depraved as well as its most humanitarian in each episode.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I've always been a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. I like working with larger-than-life characters in fascinating worlds - places where the rules are different.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
It's more important to get the right writer and the right take than it is to do something in a particular timeframe.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Important
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
Generally I try to be on set as much as possible, especially during the early part of a season. I read all of the outlines and scripts and look at the auditions and the cuts for my other shows and give notes on all of that. There's a lot to do, but I enjoy nothing more than being on set because that's where the magic happens.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Cutting
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
A key ingredient to success, I learned, is relying on not only the kindness of strangers, but the kindness of colleagues.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Kindness
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
The great thing about television is that you get to tell, like with "The Walking Dead", 16 hours worth of character-driven storytelling in less time than it takes to make a feature film. So, it really is a medium at least for storytellers who are passionate about not only the genre but also the character-driven genre stories. It's probably a better medium.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Walking Dead
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
If I'm going to fail, let me fail with something that I care deeply about.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Care
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
You don't want people to look at something and think that was a fantastic special effect.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
We need to empower ourselves and believe in ourselves, and not allow the world to take that away from us. No matter how dark we may think our world is, it's been much darker in the past, and we will make it through this.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Believe
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I think in television you have an ever-closer bond to the audience because they're inviting you into your living rooms and their bedrooms 16 hours a year. And they have that relationship with the characters and with the creators. And now, because of social media that's even a more significant connection.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Character
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I think there is nothing that can replace your emotional response. The biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life are when people told me, "You really should produce this. It's a guaranteed hit." I would read the material and I would go, "I don't get it, but okay, I'll produce it." You're giving up that much of your life, your time with family and friends, to something that you're not really committed to - and they did not pan out the way everyone said they would, even though I worked just as hard.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I think that we can learn so much if we pay attention to our dreams, whether when we are asleep or in waking dreams. There are connections that are absolutely incredible.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Dream
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
Film-making is a business and at the bottom line people who don't make fiscally responsible decisions end up going into another line of work.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: People
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
The truth is there's so many great TV shows out there now that none of us take absence of awards personally. The most important feedback is the feedback we get from the fans.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Important
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
The people green-lighting films or TV series often want household names, but the smart ones realize that there are lightning rods who can make things happen, and they aren't necessarily the ones who are celebrated.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Smart
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I'm gut all the way, which is why I think I'm so connected to shows like Falling Water and even The Walking Dead, which is all about the mortal consequences of our actions. Generally, we act first and realize the consequences later.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Fall
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
When you realize there are geniuses out there and you'd be a journeyman... that's not good enough. I'd rather be the person helping those who are one in a billion get their vision out.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Not Good Enough
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
If you don't know what you're being asked to do, make sure you clarify. I think people in every business are afraid to ask questions.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I think that comic followers are always waiting for key iconic moments.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gale Anne Hurd
I've always loved comic books, which is why I've done films like Hulk and The Punishers.
- Gale Anne Hurd
Collection: Book