Fernando Pessoa

Image of Fernando Pessoa
We are two abysses - a well staring at the sky.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Sky
Image of Fernando Pessoa
And I, who timidly hate life, fear death with fascination. I fear this nothingness that could be something else, and I fear it as nothing and as something else simultaneously, as if gross horror and non-existence could coincide there, as if my coffin could entrap the eternal breathing of a bodily soul, as if immortality could be tormented by confinement. The idea of hell, which only a satanic soul could have invented seems to me to have derived from this sort of confusion - a mixture of two different fears that contradict and contaminate each other.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Hate
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I am the outskirts of some non-existent town, the long-winded prologue to an unwritten book. I'm nobody, nobody. I don't know how to feel or think or love. I'm a character in a novel as yet unwritten, hovering in the air and undone before I've even existed, amongst the dreams of someone who never quite managed to breath life into me.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Direct experience is the evasion, or hiding place of those devoid of imagination.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Imagination
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Life is a thread that someone entangled.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Life Is
Image of Fernando Pessoa
My dreams are a stupid refuge, like an umbrella against a thunderbolt.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Let us sculpt in hopeless silence all our dreams of speaking.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
If we knew the truth, we'd see it; all else is system and outskirts.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Ifs
Image of Fernando Pessoa
To be great, be whole; Exclude nothing, exaggerate nothing that is not you. Be whole in everything. Put all you are Into the smallest thing you do. So, in each lake, the moon shines with splendor Because it blooms up above.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Contradiction is the essence of the universe.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Essence
Image of Fernando Pessoa
The end of lower art is to please, the end of average art is to raise the top, the end of superior art is to free.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Art
Image of Fernando Pessoa
The superiority of the dreamer is that dreaming is much more practical than living, and that the dreamer extracts from life a much vaster and varied pleasure than the action man. In better and more direct words, the dreamer is the real action man.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Inch by inch I conquered the inner terrain I was born with. Bit by bit I reclaimed the swamp in which I'd languished. I gave birth to my infinite being, but I had to wrench myself out of me with forceps.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Swamps
Image of Fernando Pessoa
To love is to tire of being alone; it is therefore a cowardice, a betrayal of ourselves. (It is exceedingly important that we not love.)
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Fernando Pessoa
But do we really live? To live without knowing what life is - is that living?
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Knowing
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I want to be a work of art, at least in my soul, since I can’t be one in my body.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Art
Image of Fernando Pessoa
The beauty of a naked body is felt only by the dressed races.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Race
Image of Fernando Pessoa
There's a tiredness of abstract inteligence, and it's the most horrible of tirednesses. It doesn't weight on you like the tiredness of the body, nor does it worry you like the tiredness of knowledge and emotion. It's a weightiness of the conscience of the world, an inability of the soul to breathe.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Worry
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I know nothing and my heart aches
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Heart
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I've never done anything but dream. This, and this alone, has been the meaning of my life. My only real concern has been my inner life.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I belong to a generation - assuming that this generation includes others besides me - that lost its faith in the gods of the old religions as well as in the gods of modern nonreligions. I reject Jehova as I reject humanity.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Humanity
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Whether or not they exist we are slaves to our gods.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Slave
Image of Fernando Pessoa
A great emotion is too selfish ; it takes into itself all the blood of the spirit, and the congestion leaves the hands too cold to write. Three sorts of emotion produce great poetry - strong but quick emotions, seized upon for art as soon as they have passed, but not before they have passed ; strong and deep emotions in their remembrance along time after ; and false emotions, that is to say, emotions felt in the intellect. Not insincerity, but a translated sincerity, is the basis of all art.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Strong
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Once we're able to see this world as an illusion and a phantasm, then we can see everything that happens to us as a dream, as something that pretended to exist while we were sleeping. And we will become subtly and profoundly indifferent towards all of life's setbacks and calamities. Those who die turned a corner, which is why we've stopped seeing them; those who suffer pass before us like a nightmare, if we feel, or like an unpleasant daydream, if we think. And even our own suffering won't be more than this nothingness.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
For a long time now I haven't existed. I'm utterly calm. No one distinguishes me from who I am. I just felt myself breath as if I'd done something new, or done it late. I'm beginning to be conscious of being conscious. Perhaps tomorrow I will wake up to myself and resume the course of my existence. I don't know if that will make more happy or less. I don't know anything.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Who am I to myself? Just a feeling of mine.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Ego
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I don't believe in the landscape.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Believe
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Better to dream than to be.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Art gives us the illusion of liberation from the sordid business of being.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Art
Image of Fernando Pessoa
The unnatural and the strange have a perfume of their own
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Strange
Image of Fernando Pessoa
There is no safe standard to tell man from animals.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Animal
Image of Fernando Pessoa
In the ordinary jumble of my literary drawer, I sometimes find texts I wrote ten, fifteen, or even more years ago. And many of them seem to me written by a stranger: I simply do not recognize myself in them. There was a person who wrote them, and it was I. I experienced them, but it was in another life, from which I just woke up, as if from someone else's dream.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
What's most worthless about dreams is that everybody has them.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I walk along a street and see in the faces of the passersby not the expression they really have but the expression they would have for me if they knew about my life and how I am, if I carried, transparent in my gestures and my face, the ridiculous, timid abnormality of my soul.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Expression
Image of Fernando Pessoa
This world is for those who are born to conquer it, Not for those who dream that are able to conquer it, even if they're right.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I carry my awareness of defeat like a banner of victory.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Victory
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I think of life as an inn where I have to stay until the abyss coach arrives. I don't know where it will take me, for I know nothing.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Thinking
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I never meant to be but a dreamer.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dreamer
Image of Fernando Pessoa
What's given, in fact, always depends on the person or thing it's given to. A minor incident in the street brings the cook to the door and entertains him more than I would be entertained by contemplating the most original idea, by reading the greatest book, or by having the most gratifying of useless dreams. If life is basically monotony, he has escaped it more than I. And he escapes it more easily than I. The truth isn't with him or with me, because it isn't with anyone, but happiness does belong to him.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
We almost always live outside ourselves, and life itself is a continual dispersion. But it's towards ourselves that we tend, as towards a centre around which, like planets, we trace absurd and distant ellipses.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Chaos
Image of Fernando Pessoa
It's not demons (who at least have a human face) but Hell itself that seems to be laughing inside me, it's the croaking madness of the dead universe, the spinning cadaver of physical space, the end of all worlds blowing blackly in the wind, formless and timeless, without a God who created it, without even its own self, impossibly whirling in the absolute darkness as the one and only reality, everything.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Reality
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Each of us is several, is many,is a profusion of selves. So that the self who disdains his surroundings is not the same as the self who suffers or takes joy in them. In the vast colony of our being there are many species of people who think and feel in different ways. Livro Do Desassossego
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Thinking
Image of Fernando Pessoa
I'm something that I used to be. I'm never where I feel I am, and if I seek myself, I don't know who's seeking me. My boredom with everything has numbed me. I feel banished from my soul.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Numbness
Image of Fernando Pessoa
When all by myself, I can think of all kinds of clever remarks, quick comebacks to what no one said, and flashes of witty sociability with nobody. But all of this vanishes when I face someone in the flesh: I lose my intelligence, I can no longer speak, and after half an hour I just feel tired. Talking to people makes me feel like sleeping. Only my ghostly and imaginary friends, only the conversations I have in my dreams, are genuinely real and substantial.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Ah, it's my longing for whom I might have been that distracts and torments me!
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Might
Image of Fernando Pessoa
The startling reality of things is my discovery every single day.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Reality
Image of Fernando Pessoa
Strength without agility is a mere mass.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Agility
Image of Fernando Pessoa
My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me. I attend to everything, dreaming all the while.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Dream
Image of Fernando Pessoa
It's been months since I last wrote. I've lived in a state of mental slumber, leading the life of someone else. I've felt, very often, a vicarious happiness. I haven't existed. I've been someone else. I've lived without thinking.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Thinking