Erik Estrada

Image of Erik Estrada
I really love the karate thing I did on CHIPs. I studied with a trainer because I knew we'd do episodes that had karate.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I'm a deputy sheriff.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
As a Latino growing up in Spanish harlem, it's not easy trying not to be hot-headed.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
An hour of my time is a tiny price to pay for all the support I've gotten from my fans.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I do get a lot of mail. I get a lot of foreign mail because my mail gets mixed with Emilio Estevez.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I like working with an actor who doesn't do the oneupmanship. One who has no trick and gives a true, honest performance.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
It was a hard job, but it was a lot of fun and I'll always be grateful to Ponch. He was a part of me.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
My grandfather taught me generosity. He sold snow cones in Harlem. I went with him at 5 and he let me hand out the change and snow cones. I learned a lot in the couple of years that we did that.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
They do the soaps differently in Mexico. You just have to know the storyline and not memorize the lines. There would be someone feeding you lines while you were performing.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
Sergio Leone's 'Once Upon a Time in America' is a brilliant movie. It's about four hours long, but it's so well done.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
This happens to a lot of kids from different backgrounds - they lose a lot of their parents' and grandparents' teachings, language and culture because they have to deal with another language and culture 24/7. By the time I was 44, I was terrible at Spanish. I was always intimidated whenever I had to speak it.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I grew up in New York in an English-speaking environment.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
'Top Model' is pretty good, because it gives these girls an opportunity to chase their passion and possibly get a contract.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I like to watch the Fox News Network. I like 'Nightline.' I like to watch 'The Sopranos,' of course. That is one of my favorite shows. 'Entourage' is another one. I like 'The Shield.'
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
Oh my God... I worked with George C. Scott, way before 'Chips,' in 'The New Centurion.' I co-star in that movie. It was great working with him. I worked with Charlton Heston, Glenn Ford, Robert Mitchum. Stacy Each. The old Hollywood. I met John Wayne, and that was a thrill. I was working next door to him.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I wanted to be a New York City cop before I became an actor.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
Playing a positive role on a network television show, it was great. I took it as a responsibility. Poncherello was supposed to be Poncherelli, and then when I got this part I said, 'You know what, this guy isn't going to be Italian-American, he's gonna be Hispanic American.' And they went with it.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
I never rode a motorcycle before 'CHiPs.'
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
National Geographic has awesome stuff. I like Court TV. Sometimes I'll watch Reality Mix because they have some interesting stuff on that.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
Long time ago, I was going to be a New York cop, then got involved with this girl who was into acting, then got bit by the acting bug myself.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
Listen, the Latin people, I love the Latin people. They are so loyal to you. Even if you haven't been on TV for thirty years, they still love you. And they cherish you and give you respect. You're not fast food in the Latin market.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
My new passion is to get Internet education mandated in all schools. We've got to start teaching our kids how to be safe in the 40,000 plus chat rooms that are out there. Because they're being had. These sexual predators groom the kids. I know, I've arrested enough of them.
- Erik Estrada
Image of Erik Estrada
Respect other people regardless of the level they are at... or the level you are at. When you hand out respect, you get it back.
- Erik Estrada
Collection: Hands
Image of Erik Estrada
I always loved Ponch, man. It was so much fun to be him, to put on my duds and get on that bike and bust the bad guys and help out the kids. And get the babes.
- Erik Estrada
Collection: Fun
Image of Erik Estrada
I had a major motorcycle accident on CHIPs that gave me a 50-50 chance to live. I broke a lot of bones and fractured ribs and broken wrists.
- Erik Estrada
Collection: Broken
Image of Erik Estrada
I never rode a motorcycle before CHiPs.
- Erik Estrada
Collection: Motorcycle
Image of Erik Estrada
Sergio Leone’s “Once Upon a Time in America” is a brilliant movie. It’s about four hours long, but it’s so well done.
- Erik Estrada
Collection: America
Image of Erik Estrada
Top Model' is pretty good, because it gives these girls an opportunity to chase their passion and possibly get a contract.
- Erik Estrada
Collection: Girl