Eric Bana

Image of Eric Bana
Without a doubt, rowing is the hardest thing you can attempt to learn in a short period of time.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Doubt
Image of Eric Bana
There's a plethora of wonderful documentaries. I made a point of not looking at anyone else's portrayal of Henry because I think it would have been too confusing - so I've got a lot of films to look forward to.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Bana
We live our lives by the water and if you don't know how to swim in Australia, it's like not knowing how to cross a road. It's an incredible survival thing that you really must learn when you're a child.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Children
Image of Eric Bana
The notion of people commenting on you, the notion of people saying things about you, people liking or disliking you and getting into your business, has become more of a reality for the general public over the last years, as people have dipped further into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and social media.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Reality
Image of Eric Bana
Film sets are great fun. Film people are great people to hang around with. I don't want to run off and be distracted by other things.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Running
Image of Eric Bana
I think you need to be able to see a lot of negative in things in order to extract material, so there's probably something to that. A lot of the people I used to work with were very, very, very unfunny offstage, so that's a pretty common thing.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Bana
At the beggining of my career, for me the comedy circuit was a combination of desperation and the fact that it was something I could do. I sort of meandered and really had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I had a go at stand-up, and I was sort of okay at it. I'd say I'm the opposite of someone that has the urge to stand in front of strangers and make them laugh, but the idea of getting up and telling a story and people finding it amusing always appealed to me. So I'd say it was probably more about that than anything.
- Eric Bana
Collection: People
Image of Eric Bana
I don't like working in a studio, at all. I just prefer to be on location, rather than hearing the bells of the studio going off. It's like being in Las Vegas, where no one knows the time and there are no windows.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Vegas
Image of Eric Bana
I tend not to read the size of the production into a script when I'm reading it. It's just something you respond to or not and I do think it's very dangerous to say it's time now to do this or it's time now to do that.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Reading
Image of Eric Bana
In America now every romantic comedy is interpreted politically. I can remember when I was promoting Black Hawk Down we were all being asked what it said about September 11th. Well, it was shot before that happened, so, nothing.
- Eric Bana
Collection: America
Image of Eric Bana
If I read something and I love it, I'll do it and I don't even ask what the budget is.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Asks
Image of Eric Bana
I never really think much about the size of a production because I think as an actor, once you're in it, it's all the same. I never ever pick projects based on their size.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Bana
Throw your children in the surf and let them get used to it. They have to learn all about rips and tides and swimming between the flags and all that sort of stuff. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's true.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Children
Image of Eric Bana
I guess on a base level that's one of the first parental instincts that you have with children in Australia is learn to swim. Not only learn to swim but learn to swim strong.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Strong
Image of Eric Bana
A girl’s got to be fun. It’s the one bit of advice I always give to friends of mine who are thinking of getting married.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Bana
I guess on a base level that’s one of the first parental instincts that you have with children in Australia is learn to swim. Not only learn to swim but learn to swim strong.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Strong
Image of Eric Bana
The most serious film can be the most fun. The one that’s supposed to be fun can be the most serious.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Bana
By the time I finished comedy, I was really burnt out of it. I had had enough. I don’t really have a strong desire to prove myself in that area, or to go back to it in any great way.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Strong
Image of Eric Bana
I tend not to read the size of the production into a script when I’m reading it. It’s just something you respond to or not and I do think it’s very dangerous to say it’s time now to do this or it’s time now to do that.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Reading
Image of Eric Bana
Film sets are great fun. Film people are great people to hang around with. I don’t want to run off and be distracted by other things.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Bana
I’m always reading and looking around for the next thing.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Reading