Eric Andre

Image of Eric Andre
I've never seen 'The Goonies.' I've never seen 'Indiana Jones.' I watched 'UHF' over and over again when I was little, and that was it. I had no time for any other movies. I watched 'Naked Gun,' 'UHF,' and 'Airplane!' over and over.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Movies
Image of Eric Andre
'Wonder Showzen' is one of my favorite shows of all time. When I first saw it, I thought it was so funny and new and original and edgy and insane and subversive. I didn't know comedy could do that. It redefined what I thought you could do with a TV show.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Funny
Image of Eric Andre
I loved 'Space Ghost' when I was in college.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I used to be a Geico Caveman for live events. I was a corporate mascot. It was the silliest job. It was actually awesome and fun, but it was retarded.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I want to be remembered for my poop jokes. Those are the most important kind.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I grew up in Boca Raton, Florida - the worst place on earth.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I have a karaoke punk band called The Ungrateful Dead, but we don't exist yet.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I was eating beans by candle light for a decade.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I've always been obsessed with bad, awkward television and bad public access. Before YouTube, it was a treat coming across that stuff. When I moved to New York, I used to love watching public access late at night.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
You know something is a hit comedically if you can just call up one of your friends and belt out a line from the show and you both start laughing.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
Dan Curry is the funniest guy in the world. I can sit in a room with him for hours, and he's just cracking me up constantly. And Kitao is the next Terry Gilliam. A lot of comedy directors are just comedic writers, but they don't have any sense of aesthetic or visual vocabulary.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
People forget at the time that 'The Simpsons' started out, it was controversial - the fact that they said 'hell' and 'damn' in a cartoon was a lot. America was in an uproar.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I don't really know how music and comedy are similar. I try never to dissect it theoretically or academically.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I like Velvet Underground, but I was never really hardcore into them. I like them, and I like Nico, but I won't front like I'm super knowledgeable. I just never got around to it.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
ABC is owned by Disney, so it's a little more conservative than Adult Swim. Polar opposites.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I was a class clown since second grade.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
From 'Chappelle's Show' to 'Tosh.0,' there's so much race comedy. It's overdone.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
Hannibal Burress is my polar opposite in energy. I can be crazy, and he grounds the 'Eric Andre Show.'
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
'The Simpsons' is like Charlie Parker or Marlon Brando or Richard Pryor: Comedy couldn't go back to the way it was after 'The Simpsons' came out.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
Half the shows on Comedy Central are just multi-cam blue sets, and they kind of look like game shows from the '90s. It's like, 'Why do such a bland corporate aesthetic when the sky's the limit with what you can do?'
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
When you ask people who their favorite comedian is or favorite African-American comedian, people generally say Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy, or Richard Pryor. Redd Foxx gets left out a lot.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I don't think I would do a straight late-night talk show, like a 'Tonight Show' kind of thing. But I'm open to whatever is done well. I don't have any agenda. I'm not like Fugazi - I'm not trying to be just so punk rock until I die. Whatever is funny is good.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
It's funny - almost every comedian that I started out with moved to L.A., except for my two friends Hannibal Buress and Amy Schumer. And my two friends that are doing the best in comedy, the most successful friends I have, are Hannibal Buress and Amy Schumer.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
First paying gig, I got 20 bucks. I played at some really weird venue. I don't remember the venue; I just remember it was the last stop on the A train. It was, like, the Far Rockaways, Queens, and it was an audience of, like, three people.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I think journaling is a key to success. You can set clear goals for yourself. You can start noticing repetitive behavior patterns and see the type of things that keep bothering you, and then you can have a bird's eye view of it.
- Eric Andre
Image of Eric Andre
I'm insecure, and I need the validation of strangers to feel whole. So, I need every single racist 12-year-old on the Internet to like me, or I don't feel complete.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Insecure
Image of Eric Andre
I'm an elderly Jewish lesbian trapped in a 33 year old nerd's body.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Years
Image of Eric Andre
I'm a lurker and a creep. Women don't like me because I sleep standing up, like a horse.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Horse
Image of Eric Andre
A hole is a hole has always been my motto.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Motto
Image of Eric Andre
I will smoke crack before I die. I want to see what all the hubbub is about.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Cracks
Image of Eric Andre
I can't tell if the world is worse now or if we just have more cameras. There are cameras everywhere, so now the world knows how bad the world is.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Cameras
Image of Eric Andre
I think everyone is bi, right? There's no such thing as sexual orientation, or race, or gender. Those are all obsolete man-made concepts.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Men
Image of Eric Andre
I think we give human beings too much credit. We're primates, you know.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Andre
I'm an Aries. I need everybody to like me.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Needs
Image of Eric Andre
Do you think we're going to hit a tipping point and the world's going to end?
- Eric Andre
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Andre
I care a lot; I'm very sensitive.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Care
Image of Eric Andre
Before The Simpsons, I was 4 years old, so I don't know exactly what I was thinking before that.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Andre
The president is the country's scapegoat more than the country's leader; the president has as much power as we think the president has. Whoever has the most money is the puppet master.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Country
Image of Eric Andre
Like I said, a sketch is one joke. They shouldn't really be more than a minute, two minutes. There are some shows where the sketch goes on for five minutes. It's like, "I get it! I'm already bored. I did like the joke, but I don't anymore, because you went on too long."
- Eric Andre
Collection: Two
Image of Eric Andre
I'm not a very good actor, so I break character all the time.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Character
Image of Eric Andre
All motivation is defined by intention. If the intention is to hurt, divide, or belittle, it's wrong; if it's an attempt to cope with or make sense of tragedy, it's something different. If it's commenting on society's flaws, versus adding to society's flaws, I think the audience can tell.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Hurt
Image of Eric Andre
Let's hit the joke once and move on to the next joke and just keep it where we have as many jokes per square inch as possible.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Moving
Image of Eric Andre
When I'm watching South Park I don't think it's written by neo-Nazis. They know exactly what they're doing.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Andre
Wonder Showzen is one of my favorite shows of all time. When I first saw it, I thought it was so funny and new and original and edgy and insane and subversive. I didn't know comedy could do that.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Insane
Image of Eric Andre
I feel like we put all the weight on the president, rather than distributing the weight to all of the elected officials.
- Eric Andre
Collection: President
Image of Eric Andre
You can make fun of your own a lot easier than someone else's.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Andre
You can't really feel the direct change from one president to another versus people closer to you in local elections.
- Eric Andre
Collection: People
Image of Eric Andre
I feel the acting conservatory taught me how to be a working actor in the 1700s. We learned stuff like 'to the back of the auditorium, to the back of the auditorium' and the liquid "u." 'The payment is duuue on Tuuuesday.' I also learned how to fence. If anything, when I moved to Los Angeles, I didn't fit in, in any way. I had to do comedy, because I was talking so pretentiously.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Acting
Image of Eric Andre
I just grew up with it [The Simpsons]. The first season came on when I was 5, 6 years old, and the show evolved as I was growing up and got funnier and funnier and, by the time I was in 12th grade, they were at their funniest.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Eric Andre
Its consistency of what comedy can do and what comedy can be.Growing up with that show [The Simpsons] shaped my worldview.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Growing Up