Enrique Iglesias

Image of Enrique Iglesias
I'm a terrible dancer! I dance like a guy who is trying to dance.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Dancer
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I want to clarify it: I'm not against marriage, marriage is great if you want to get married. A lot of my friends are happily married. I don't think walking down the aisle and [having] a legal document can make a difference. That doesn't mean you love someone more or you respect them more - you can be with someone perfectly well without being married.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Mean
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I believe in the institution loyalty and love, to stay with someone in good and hard times. I don't think a piece of paper or anything else can force you to do that. For many people get marry is super important, for me, the important thing is finding someone.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Enrique Iglesias
It's the one thing we can all relate to no matter what religion, what color, what nationality: we can all relate to sex and love.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Family
Image of Enrique Iglesias
It surprises me what the girls are capable of doing for me.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Girl
Image of Enrique Iglesias
My grandfather's 86 and he's having a baby. Man, I hope when I'm 86 I can have babies.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Baby
Image of Enrique Iglesias
My relationships have been well publicised in the past but I am just a normal guy, really.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Past
Image of Enrique Iglesias
You should do whatever language you feel is the perfect language for you to sing in and then try to strive to do the best.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Perfect
Image of Enrique Iglesias
Really, the F word in a song - it should be the least of the worries of parents these days.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Song
Image of Enrique Iglesias
Sex and Love are two words that anyone can relate to, no matter the nationality or age.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Sex
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I don't care what people say. My music's my music.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: People
Image of Enrique Iglesias
Normally I don't listen to my songs. I hear when I'm in the process of creation, of course, but not when I come home, for example, and I listen my album, and this is different.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Song
Image of Enrique Iglesias
The Backstreet Boys....they really do have good music!
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Boys
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I'm not against marriage, but I think it is not as important to me as it is for other people, for example. I think getting married would not change the way I feel about my girlfriend... And I don't know if that would make me happier.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I want to thank my fans for their support and love all these years, thank you Miami. Thank you Latin America. Thank you Mexico. Thank you world !
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Love
Image of Enrique Iglesias
Oh, you know record companies. . . at the end of the day, it's business. If you analyse it, you're just a piece of meat. The minute you go bad, it's: 'Next!'.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: The End Of The Day
Image of Enrique Iglesias
[Doing a bilingual album] helped artistically because whenever I got bored of writing in English, I would write in Spanish. It's always cool when you have the choice.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Writing
Image of Enrique Iglesias
First of all, I'm not a heartthrob. If you saw me in high school, you wouldn't say I'm a heartthrob. Having a hit song, the minute you're famous, you're a heartthrob. I know you don't believe me, but I honestly don't consider myself a heartthrob.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Song
Image of Enrique Iglesias
When theres love theres good sex.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Sex
Image of Enrique Iglesias
In school, kids never really looked at me a different way because I think it was a different generation; they didnt really know who my father was.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Father
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I had a normal childhood. There were women, but it wasn't like Hefner's Playboy Mansion. If it was, I'd still be living at home!
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Home
Image of Enrique Iglesias
I mean, I do consider that my music is pop because Ive been influenced by pop music my whole life; I grew up in the States and 80s pop music was my biggest influence.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Mean
Image of Enrique Iglesias
The power of music in Spanish is so strong, that I couldn’t stay away from it any longer.
- Enrique Iglesias
Collection: Strong