Elsa Barker

Image of Elsa Barker
Watch for the high tides of yourself and flow up with them; when the inevitable low tides come, either rest or meditate. You cannot escape rhythm. You transcend it by working with it.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Watches
Image of Elsa Barker
I, Woman, am that wonder-breathing rose That blossoms in the garden of the King.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Kings
Image of Elsa Barker
Eternity is a circle, a serpent that swallows its own tail.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Circles
Image of Elsa Barker
Our minds are the most mysterious things about us.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Mysterious Things
Image of Elsa Barker
Only in the stillness of detachment can the soul yield up her secrets.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Yield
Image of Elsa Barker
There is no death where the inner light shines, irradiating the fields of the within -- the beyond -- the unattainable attainment. You know where to find me.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Light
Image of Elsa Barker
The solving of almost every crime mystery depends on something which seems, at first glance, to bear no relation whatever to the original crime.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Firsts
Image of Elsa Barker
The art of detection is finding a common denominator for the fractions of a case.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Art
Image of Elsa Barker
There is almost no limit to the possibilities of the imagination, but to get the full power of it, one must trust one's imagination. If you say to yourself constantly, as the mother says to the child, 'But this is only play; this is not real,' you never can make real the things you have created in thought.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Mother
Image of Elsa Barker
I wish you could arrange your life so as to have a little more leisure. I do not want you to be lazy, but the passive conditions of the mind are quite as valuable as the active conditions.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Lazy
Image of Elsa Barker
When I put out to sea, I do not offer advice to the skipper about the management of the ship.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Sea
Image of Elsa Barker
He who knows Love becomes Love, and he knows All beings are himself, twin-born of Love.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Love