Edith Piaf

Image of Edith Piaf
I think you have to pay for love with bitter tears.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Moving
Image of Edith Piaf
If God has allowed me to earn so much money, it is because He knows I give it all away.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Money
Image of Edith Piaf
Death is the beginning of something.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Death
Image of Edith Piaf
Death does not exist.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Death
Image of Edith Piaf
I've been thinking about Jesus. Don't you find it a bit strange that, since He was living with His family and all, He up and left them just when they needed him most?
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Family
Image of Edith Piaf
Singing is a way of escaping. It's another world. I'm no longer on earth.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
People say that I could sing the phone book and make it sound good.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
I've always wanted to sing, just as I've always known that one day I would have my own niche in the annals of song. It was a feeling I had.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
Don't care what people say. Don't give a damn about their laws.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
I wouldn't mind at all coming back to earth after my death.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
To sing is to bring to life; impossible if the words are mediocre, however good the music.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
Tell me what you'd like to hear me sing. I'll sing whatever you like, after which I'll take up a collection, if you don't mind.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
As far as I'm concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
I'd like to see one person - just one - who would own up to having been a coward.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
I want to make people cry even when they don't understand my words.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
I don't want to die an old lady.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
All I've done all my life is disobey.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
Money? How did I lose it? I never did lose it. I just never knew where it went.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
To be successful in my native France, where people speak the same language and understand me, is nothing.
- Edith Piaf
Image of Edith Piaf
When you reach the top, you should remember to send the elevator back down for the others.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Remember
Image of Edith Piaf
Use your faults, use your defects; then you're going to be a star.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Stars
Image of Edith Piaf
I was hungry. I was cold. But I was also free. Free not to get up in the morning, not to go to bed at night, free to get drunk if I liked, to dream... to hope.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Dream
Image of Edith Piaf
Every damn fool thing you do in this life you pay for.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Pay
Image of Edith Piaf
My conservatory is in the streets. My intelligence is instinct.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Instinct
Image of Edith Piaf
When he takes me in his arms, and speaks to me softly, I see the world through rose-colored glasses.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Love
Image of Edith Piaf
I always thought my days spent in darkness [as a child she had cataracts and was unable to see for nearly four years] gave me a very special sensitivity. Much later, when I really wanted to hear, really 'see' a song, I'd close my eyes, and when I wanted to bring it out of the very depths of myself, out of my guts, out of my belly, when the song had to come from far away, I'd close my eyes.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Song
Image of Edith Piaf
I can die now. I've lived twice.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Last Words
Image of Edith Piaf
Performers and their public should never meet. Once the curtain comes down, the performer should fly away like a magician's dove.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Fly Away
Image of Edith Piaf
I don't lie; I improve on my life.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Lying
Image of Edith Piaf
I want to die young. I think it's awful to get old, and sickness is ugly.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Thinking
Image of Edith Piaf
For me, sleeping is a waste of time. I'm afraid to sleep. It's a form of death.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Sleep
Image of Edith Piaf
Americans want beauties, not me. I’m not the Parisian bombshell they expected. Can you see me as a chorus girl? Where’s my feather up the ass? They think I’m sad, they’re dumb. I don’t connect to them
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Girl
Image of Edith Piaf
Drugs are a carnival in hell.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Addiction
Image of Edith Piaf
Never acknowledge the limitations of man. Smash all boundaries! Deny whatever your eyes see. Die every moment, but say: "Death does not exist."
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Doe
Image of Edith Piaf
I'm the only one who still believes in Santa Claus!
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Believe