Ed Robertson

Image of Ed Robertson
I like sporks. They're like spoons, but you can poke people with them.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: People
Image of Ed Robertson
Whoever thought the future would feel so much like the present?
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Feels
Image of Ed Robertson
I have a personal ritual. Just like 10 minutes before a show, I'll open a beer, just so it feels like I've just arrived at a party. I have a few sips, then we go on stage.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Party
Image of Ed Robertson
Ultimately, we as a band just write what we write. Some of it's very serious, and even in the serious songs, there's sometimes an angle of levity. I think that's just how we communicate naturally and to shy away from that would be, first of all, boring for me, but also it wouldn't ring true to who I am or the way I relate to people or the way we relate to people as a band or the way we relate to the audience. Humor is a big part of it, but we also take our craft very seriously.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Song
Image of Ed Robertson
Only your customers can define quality, because it's meeting your customers' expectations the first time every time. Simply put, it's performance to the standards of the customer.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Expectations
Image of Ed Robertson
I am the pinball geek of the band, probably of the nation of Canada. I've been a pinball fan my whole life. I started collecting machines in the late '90s.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Band
Image of Ed Robertson
I think we should start a movement, and everyone should just start wearing metal pants to the airport.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ed Robertson
I'm having a mid-life crisis, so I thought instead of having sex with a stranger, I'd just get a new haircut. It's good clean fun without all the messy emotional baggage. It's just a haircut folks! It's not like I had an eye removed, or a leg added on! Live a little... it'll grow back!
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Sex
Image of Ed Robertson
'One Week' changed my life because I used to be the Million Dollars Guy, and now I'm the Chickity China Guy.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Guy
Image of Ed Robertson
I realized that the people I want to impress most are already in my band. If I just do my best and try to write great songs and then collaborate with these guys and try to make a great record, that's my best path to success.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Song
Image of Ed Robertson
If I'm looking really intense, it's not because I'm trying to be mystical. It's because I'm thinking '[Dagnabit], that was supposed to be a 7th chord'.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ed Robertson
I'm always nervous about singing...always. It may be one of the only things I sweat about.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Sweat
Image of Ed Robertson
People have been introduced to our band in so many ways. Whether we were playing at their college or we were the record that entertained their kids with.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Kids
Image of Ed Robertson
We have multi-generations coming to our show.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Generations
Image of Ed Robertson
You end up throwing a ton of energy into one or two tracks, and the song that we thought was gonna be the single isn't the single.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Song
Image of Ed Robertson
As much as being in a rock band can be really glamorous and exciting - and it can be a lot of things that people imagine it to be - if you just live that lifestyle, you're gonna burn out really quickly.
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Rocks