David Ives

Image of David Ives
Ultimately one has to pity these poor souls who know every secret about writing, directing, designing, producing, and acting but are stuck in those miserable day jobs writing reviews. Will somebody help them, please?
- David Ives
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Ives
Plays are always about intense relationships, whether they're intense love relationships or family relationships or existential relationships.
- David Ives
Collection: Play
Image of David Ives
With my plays, when the lights go down, at least the audience isn't thinking, 'Oh, God, two more hours of this.
- David Ives
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Ives
Writing a play, you start with less, so more is demanded of you. It's as if you have to not only write a symphony, but invent the instruments as well.
- David Ives
Collection: Writing
Image of David Ives
I've taught both screenwriting and playwriting, and playwriting is both much harder and much more rewarding. One can teach people how to tell a story in cinematic ways, but theater is a much more elusive craft.
- David Ives
Collection: People
Image of David Ives
Learning to write for the theatre is learning to be a human being, because the theatre by its very nature makes you deal with other human beings.
- David Ives
Collection: Writing
Image of David Ives
Lists are anti-democratic, discriminatory, elitist, and sometimes the print is too small.
- David Ives
Collection: Lists
Image of David Ives
I think everything should be in verse. 'The New York Times' should be in verse.
- David Ives
Collection: New York
Image of David Ives
I admire pop songs that are perfect at three minutes.
- David Ives
Collection: Song
Image of David Ives
All reviews should carry a Surgeon General's warning. The good ones turn your head, the bad ones break your heart.
- David Ives
Collection: Heart
Image of David Ives
Necessarily, I'm always involved in casting, as any playwright is, because the whole process of putting on a play is a collaborative, organic effort on the part of a bunch of people trying to think alike.
- David Ives
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Ives
I have been approached now and again about sitcoms, but, with very few exceptions, one simply needs to move to L.A. for at least a year or two these days if one wants to develop a series - which is what writing a pilot means. I've also been approached about writing episodes for sitcoms, but in order to do that one actually has to watch sitcoms. . . . Life's too short for television, and I don't what it on my actual gravestone, HE STARED AT A BOX FOR 10,000 HOURS.
- David Ives
Collection: Moving
Image of David Ives
Verse comedy is interesting to me because of the challenge of writing in rhymed couplets, which is not a form that's usually amenable to English, yet to me it gives great possibility for comedy.
- David Ives
Collection: Writing